
Use a web part that displays a custom message to the current logged-in user with their name.


1 / The Hello User web part package CAB file
1 / An existing WSS Site


  1. Log on as an Administrator to the WSS server.
  2. Copy the CAB file to an easy-to-remember location on the server (e.g. c:\
  3. From a command prompt, change to the folder c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\web server extensions\60\bin
  4. From the command prompt, run the STSAdm.exe tool to extract the CAB file and install the web part by typing this command:

    For more information about the STSAdm tool, refer to
  5. From the command prompt, run the IISReset command:
  6. Open the home page of an existing WSS site on the server.
  7. Click the Modify Shared Page link, then choose Add Web Parts, then Browse.
  8. In the tool pane that appears on the right, click Virtual Server Gallery
  9. Find the Hello User Web Part, then click and drag it into a web part zone on the page.
  10. Expand the Miscellaneous section of the web part properties tool pane, and set the custom text of the welcome message.
  11. The welcome message can contain any text that you want. Use these special wildcard values to display special text:

Wildcard / Description / Example
%Name% / The current user’s full name. / John Smith
%LoginName% / The current user’s login name. / MyDomain\jsmith
%Email% / The current user’s email. /
%Notes% / Notes about the current user. / My name is John and I work on Accounting.
%Date% / The current date. / 4/12/2005
%Time% / The current time. / 10:47 PM

Some example Text values:

Welcome %Name%!
Hello %Name%. Welcome to XYZ Site.
Logged in as: %LoginName%. %Date% %Time%
%Date% %Time%

Optional – Create a WSS site template with the web part:

  1. Create a new WSS site
  2. Build out the site with the custom welcome web part to your liking. Add the web part to the home page and any custom web part pages.
  3. Save the site as a template.
  4. From the site’s home page, click Site Settings
  5. Click Go To Site Administration
  6. Click Save Site As Template
  7. Specify a filename, name, and description for the template and click OK.
  8. Create new sites from the template and enjoy the custom welcome message on the new sites.