The Data Warehouse is a CUNY tool that provides each user with access to large volumes of confidential/sensitive data that can easily be downloaded either through Crystal Reports/Crystal object or, in some cases, in raw data format. As a result, each user needs to be vigilant regarding the handling of data downloads out of the Data Warehouse.

If information available within the Data Warehouse (“Data Warehouse information”) becomes available to personnel who should not have access to that information, the user responsible for this security lapse shall be held accountable for the actions of such personnel.

Data Warehouse users are hereby notified of the obligation to comply with the following rules in connection with the use and access of Data Warehouse information. A Data Warehouse user:

·  Shall use Data Warehouse information only for purposes authorized by appropriate CUNY management personnel.

·  Shall not open, review or otherwise use any Data Warehouse information in connection with which he or she has no direct work-related responsibilities.

·  Shall not disclose or provide access to any Data Warehouse information except to those having legal or otherwise permissible right thereto.

·  Shall password-protect access to Data Warehouse information at all times and shall not share the password. Users will be required to compose difficult-to-guess passwords and change them regularly.

·  Shall not use or store Data Warehouse information on any type of portable device or on any home computing equipment.

·  Shall maintain his or her computer’s operating and Internet browser software to current maintenance levels.

·  Shall maintain anti-virus, desktop firewall software and anti-spyware programs (as provided by the College and/or CUNY) to current levels of protection.

·  Shall not install any program on his or her computer which is not explicitly approved and authorized by his or her College and/or CUNY and not required to perform his or her assigned job responsibilities.

·  Shall not disable any security program installed on his or her computer for any reason, whether or not the computer is connected to a network.

·  Shall read, understand and comply with CUNY’s Policy on Acceptable Use of Computer Resources (Computer Use Policy) and IT Security Procedures located at under Security Policies and Procedures.

·  Shall immediately report any suspected or actual compromise of Data Warehouse information to the President (or equivalent) of the College and the CUNY CIO (Brian Cohen) and CISO (Carl Cammarata). Immediate steps shall be undertaken by the College to contain the compromise, determine the extent of the compromise, and maintain the environment in an unaltered state for purposes of further investigation.

·  Shall be responsible for any unauthorized access to or from his or her computer account and improper disclosure of Data Warehouse information.

·  Understands that any violation of these rules may subject Data Warehouse users to disciplinary proceedings in accordance with CUNY policies, rules and regulations, and applicable collective bargaining agreements.


I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Data Warehouse Use & Access Rules.

______(printed name)

______(College/business area)



Please keep a copy of the Data Warehouse Use & Access Rules and return your signed form and Access Request form to the help desk () as an e-mail attached PDF document.


One form to be completed for each proposed Data Warehouse User.

Type of Request (circle one): Add/Replace Delete Date of Request: ______

User Information

Name: ______Phone No: ______

College: ______e-Mail ID: ______

Job Title: ______Department: ______

Business Need: ______



Data Warehouse Use Agreement signed & returned (circle one)[i]: Yes No

Consultant: m Yes m No

If yes, please enter the name of your organization. ______

If yes, please enter the length of your engagement. ______

(i.e. – 30 days, 60 days or exact date range)

University Employment Status: m Full Time m Part Time

Campus: ______

Is User a Student anywhere in the CUNY University system (circle one): Yes No

If Yes; 1) what College(s) is Student attending? ______

2) What is Student’s enrollment status (circle one)? Part-time Full-time

If User is College or University Staff, what is their employment status (circle as appropriate)?

Full-time Part-time Temporary Contract

Supervisor Information

Name: ______Phone No: ______

College: ______e-Mail ID: ______

Job Title: ______Department: ______

College Approver Information[ii]

Name: ______Phone No: ______

College: ______e-Mail ID: ______


One form to be completed for each proposed Data Warehouse User.

Job Title: ______Department: ______

Access Request Approved (signed): ______Date: ______

Crystal Reports Developer Access, please complete:

Access to College data[iii]: ______

College(s) Access level (see definitions below)

Access to data fields (circle those requested):

Human Resources[***] / Finance / Student / Payroll / Space Management / Fixed Assets
CAS (Freshman Admission)[1] / AS400 (Freshmen Admissions components and Transfer Student Admissions)[2]

Crystal Reports Enterprise Access, please complete:

Access to College data3: ______

College(s) Access level (see definitions below)

Brief explanation of access levels:

View – Allows viewing of pre-scheduled instances of a report.

Schedule – Allows scheduling an instance of a report.

View on Demand – Allows on-demand, refreshed instance of a report.

Advanced Rights – Allows publishing of reports user owns, but not others.

Full Access – Allows publishing of reports and complete control of a report and folder.

Human Resources Approval

Any request for single campus HR access requires approval by the Campus HR Director. Access to multiple colleges HR requires approval of Ron Knight, Director, Central Office Human Resources, 646-578-7942

Name: ______Phone No: ______

College: ______e-Mail ID: ______

Job Title: ______Department: ______

Access Request Approved (signed): ______Date: ______


One form to be completed for each proposed Data Warehouse User.

CAS (Freshman Admissions) Approver Information (Jim Murphy)

Name: James Murphy______Phone No: 212-290-5708

Job Title: University Associate Dean____ Department: Enrollment____

Access Request Approved (signed): ______Date: ______

AS 400 (Freshmen Admissions components and Transfer Student Admission) Approver Information (James Murphy)

Name: James Murphy______Phone No: 212-290-5708

Job Title: University Associate Dean____ Department: Enrollment____

Access Request Approved (signed): ______Date: ______

Administrative Sign-Off

University Information Security Officer[iv]: ______Date: ______

(Contact information under Contact Us at

Data Warehouse Administration: ______Date: ______

Citrix Administration: ______Date: ______

(For Crystal Reports Developer)

Directory Administration: ______Date: ______

(For Crystal Reports Enterprise)

Additional College Approver Information2

Name: ______Phone No: ______

College: ______e-Mail ID: ______

Job Title: ______Department: ______

Access Request Approved (signed): ______Date: ______

Additional College Approver Information2

Name: ______Phone No: ______

College: ______e-Mail ID: ______

Job Title: ______Department: ______

Access Request Approved (signed): ______Date: ______

Additional College Approver Information2

Name: ______Phone No: ______

College: ______e-Mail ID: ______

Job Title: ______Department: ______

Access Request Approved (signed): ______Date: ______

October 2011, Version 0.2

[***] Requires Human Resource approval. See “Human Resources Approval” above, and note 2 of the endnotes.

[1] See required approval above

[2] See required approval on next page

[i] Each individual will read and sign-off on the Data Warehouse Use and Access Agreement. This document is available at under Information Security Policy. Signed documents are to be returned to the helpdesk () as imaged attachments via e-mail.

[ii] Each College will identify more than one approver for data access requests originating from within their College. The approver must be identified by your College and agreed upon by your President, Provost, and VP of Administration. Your IT Steering Committee representative should also be included if it is someone different. The College must identify multiple approvers - e.g., one approver for each category of information; Human Resources, Student. All HR data must be signed by your College HR director. The list of authorized approvers and the categories of data for which they are authorized to approve will be submitted to the University Information Security Officer. Contact information is available under Contact Us at

[iii] All requests for access will be limited to the College data in which the User is employed. Access to data that crosses College boundaries will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

[iv] In some cases, access requests may be subject to additional reviews.