The first PEP meeting is initiated by the social worker. After this all PEP meeting dates should be arranged within the PEP meeting and agreed by the social worker, Designated Teacher, carer and any others deemed necessary to attend. The Designated Teacher MUST ensure that the date is stated on the PEP and sent back to the Virtual School administrator ASAP.
If the child has SEN or an EHC Plan it is helpful to schedule the PEP meetings to coincide with the annual review of the child’s statement.
Three weeks before the meeting date the PEP administrator sends out (by email wherever possible):
· Letter confirming the time/date of the meeting
· Blank copy of the PEP form and Guidance.
· Copy of the carer section from the PEP sent to the carer (to be filled in and brought to the next PEP meeting)
The Designated Teacher needs to collect the following information and pre-populate the PEP before the meeting.
· gather child’s views (using pages from PEP or own method)
· review of previous set SMART targets and record on the PEP
· get most recent student report
· gather attendance report
· obtain academic tracking data
· (if appropriate) copy or bring the behaviour log, rewards report and any data (such as Boxall Profile etc.) to help give a clear picture of social and emotional development
· (if appropriate) include a current IEP
· (if appropriate) bring for reference the most recent statement/annual review
· Pupil Premium Provision Map
If there are any issues which need to be resolved between the adults before the meeting these should be addressed either by phone/email or by a professionals pre-meeting (i.e. the adults will usually meet and discuss the information and advice available before the child joins the meeting).
The Designated Teacher chairs the meeting.
The Designated Teacher keeps a record of decisions and finishes the PEP form.
The outcome of the meeting should be:
· A celebration of the child’s achievements
· A shared understanding of the child’s progress, strengths, needs and interest
· Targets and actions for the child
· An effective individual plan expressed around SMART targets to address the key issues for the child and to promote their progress.
· Clarity about the resources, use of Pupil Premium Plus and strategies which will be used (probably not with the child in attendance)
· An agreed date for the next PEP meeting
The Designated Teacher sends the completed PEP paperwork and all the attachments to the PEP administrator who circulates to relevant personnel:
PEPS should be returned by: (Derbyshire schools only)
· The schools secure schools site clearly labelled as per the guidance
· DFE No – 830 identified Derbyshire then the school four digits.
· Service Code – VS for Virtual School
· Description – meaningful description ie, PEP
· Date – date of PEP, year first, then month, then day
By post to: PEP Administrator, Virtual School Team, Block B, Chatsworth Hall, Matlock
Derbyshire, DE4 3FW.
Email: Using Office 365 Encrypted Email
All PEP’s are quality assured by the Virtual School.
Doing a Personal Education Plan
The social worker
phones the designated teacher
at the child’s education placement
They jointly agree who needs to
be invited to the Personal Education Plan
Meeting and meeting time, venue
and date.
The social worker contacts the Personal Education Plan
with the list of people to be invited and the
details for the meeting.
The meetings are normally held in school.
The Administrator sends invitation
letters to everyone invited to the meeting,
including the Virtual School Worker and paperwork
to the social worker and designated teacher.
The designated teacher chairs the meeting.
The designated teacher writes the PEP.
The action plan outlines any support the child needs both in
and out of school. The date of the next Personal Education
Plan Meeting is agreed and written on the PEP.
The designated teacher sends the completed
Personal Education
Plan to the PEP Administrator
who records key information onto the relevant database,
including the date of the next meeting.
The Administrator scans the PEP
on to Social Services database and send copies to
relevant personnel.
The Personal Education Plan Administrator
checks the database monthly, and if any
Personal Education Plan Meetings are overdue,
will alert the social worker,
so that the process will begin again.