11 Counting the pennies
13 Take the test
16 Saba scores
The Newham Mag
Issue 363//7 – 20 April 2017 // Every fortnight
Honouring Dame Vera
Still the Forces Sweetheart at 100 (p8)
Page 2 –Contents
Look out for the next issue from 21 April 2017.
On the cover
11 MAKING SENSE OF MONEY – taking a fresh look at cash
13 SCREENING YOU – test could save your life
16 THIS GIRL CAN – showing others how to play
03 NEWS – three pages of news from across the borough
06 MAYOR’S VIEW – news from Sir Robin Wales
22 OUR NEWHAM – community news
24 KIDS’ CORNER – jokes, pictures and puzzles for our younger readers
26 WHAT’S ON – five pages of activities and events for you to try – most of them free
In this issue
08 MANY HAPPY RETURNS – we celebrate Dame Vera’s big day
15 NO MORE STICKERS – help us catch fly-posters
18 BRICK BY BRICK – helping residents into homes
21 BRIDGING THE DIVIDE – young and old, together
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Pages 3-5 – Newham News
Star athletes put pupils on right track
Residents race to snap up discount tickets
Paralympic silver medallist Toby Goldand three-time Olympic medallistKriss Akabusi helped Mayor Sir RobinWales and pupils from CarpentersSchool unveil a unique Newhamresident ticket offer for the WorldPara Athletics ChampionshipsLondon 2017.
Residents are being given an opportunityto snap up discount price tickets for somesessions at the championships in July atthe London Stadium in Queen ElizabethOlympic Park, Stratford.
Gold, who came second in the T33 100metres at the Rio 2016 Paralympic Gamesand Akabusi, a multiple Olympic, worldand European medallist in the 4×400metres relay and 400m hurdles, launchedthe offer by putting the schoolchildrenthrough their paces at a mini-sports dayon the London Marathon CommunityTrack next to the stadium.
The offer enables Newham residentsto buy adult tickets for as little as £8 andtickets for under-16s for £3.
Toby said: “I am extremely excitedat the prospect of being out there onthe track at the World Para AthleticsChampionships. It is fantastic that theorganisers and Newham Council havecome together to offer something specialfor residents. I hope as many as possibleare coming to watch.”
Kriss said: “London 2017 is shapingup to be the biggest sporting event in theworld this year and Newham residentshave been given an incredible opportunityto cheer on our athletes as they competeto win medals for the country.”
The discount initiative came on theback of free tickets being offered to everyschool in Newham for the championships.
Sir Robin Wales helped secure thedeal for the borough. He said: “Weinvested in the former Olympic Stadiumso that we could secure a legacy fromthe 2012 Games, make it a multi-usevenue for sporting events like the WorldPara Athletics Championships andprovide benefits and opportunities for ourresidents through cheap ticket offers.”
Picture caption: The launch at the community track
Visit and enter in codeNEWHAM2017 Closing date:Sunday 9 April at 20.17pm
Pupils not stumpedby success
Pupils prove cricket aces at Lord’s
Newham councillors Forhad Hussain and Mukesh Patelcheered on pupils from Elmhurst Primary School in ForestGate as they reached the finals of the British Land CapitalKids Cricket League at Lord’s Cricket Ground.
The competition, run by Capital Kids Cricket, is the biggestof its kind in the country and brings together 2,700 pupilsfrom more than 170 primary schools across 14 Londonboroughs to play competitive indoor cricket over a six-monthperiod.
The finals involving eight teams took place at theprestigious MCC Academy at Lord’s. Though they wonthe competition last year, Elmhurst were among the gallantrunners-up this year.
The pupils were treated to a tour of Lord’s as part oftheir big day. Councillor Hussain, Cabinet member forsport and leisure, and crime and anti-social behaviour,said: “The achievement of the Elmhurst pupils cannot beunder-estimated. They played great cricket and were fineambassadors for Newham.”
Picture caption: Cllrs Hussain and Patel with the Elmhurst pupils
Support offer is just the job
Newham councillors Canon Ann Easter and Clive Furnesshelped residents discover some of the opportunitiesavailable to support residents with learning difficulties andtheir families and carers.
The event at The Hub community centre in CanningTown was organised by Newham Council’s adult social careteam and the Canning Town community neighbourhoodteam.
Among information available was from the council’sWorkplace Supported Employment team, which offersspecialist advice to help people with disabilities find jobs.There was also health checks and fun activities.
Councillor Clive Furness, mayoral adviser for adultsand health, said: “Events like the one at the Hub play animportant role in helping people with learning disabilities,their families and carers find out more about the wide rangeof opportunities and support from the council and otherorganisations to help enhance their quality of life.”
Picture caption: Cllrs Furness and Easter at the event with residents
Newham homes are streets ahead
Hospital site welcomes 168 new homes
Newham councillor Terry Paul helped cut the ribbon to officially open a new street in Plaistow named after American philanthropist and social housing pioneer George
More than 150 residents attended a fun event to officially open George Peabody Street, which is part of a 168-home development on the site of the former Plaistow Hospital. It also marked the 155th anniversary of the Peabody Trust, which offers a range of affordable homes and community programmes across London.
The new flats and houses were developed following a design competition held in 2012 to celebrate Peabody’s 150th anniversary. The development includes five of the original Victorian hospital buildings. Peabody gifted eight homes at the site to Newham Council.
Councillor Paul, mayoral adviser for housing, cut the ribbon with Peabody chief executive Stephen Howlett. Councillor Paul said: “It is important that we have high quality affordable housing like this development.”
Picture caption: Cllr Paul, right, and Mr Howlett cut the ribbon
Support helps young victims of abuse
Newham Council has received £2.6 million from the Department for Educationto develop new approaches to children’s social care.
The funding will go to projects that improve looked-after children’s transitioninto adulthood as well as supporting children affected by domestic abuse toachieve their learning potential. Therapists and specialists trained in domesticabuse cases will also be recruited.
Councillor Quintin Peppiatt, Cabinet member for children and young people,said: “It is great the Government has recognised what we are doing to supportfamilies affected by domestic abuse. This funding will enable us to furthertransform their life chances.”
...in brief
Tennis boost is smashing
From 10 April Newham Council is starting a£370,000 upgrade over four months to 12 tenniscourts in Lyle Park, Canning Town; GooseleyPlaying Fields, East Ham; Central Park, East Ham;and Stratford Park.
Once work is over the courts will be available forhire through a new Tennis Membership scheme foran annual fee of £30 or residents can book a courton a pay as you play hire. Anyone wanting moreinformation should email
Fun with Shakespeare
Residents have an opportunity to celebrate thelife and works of William Shakespeare at NorthWoolwich Library, Pier Parade, on 22 April from2pm to 4pm by creating Shakespearian pictures foran exhibition.
There is also a quiz for young readers on 25April from 4pm to 5pm and Shakespeare on Filmon 27 April from 1.30 to 3.30pm for adults andfrom 4pm to 6pm for families. On 29 April from2-4pm you can enjoy art.
Station given a facelift
Network Rail is carrying out essential workto improve Forest Gate Station as part of theCrossrail programme.
The work takes place until December andincludes new lift pits and shafts, new lift cars,new stairs to platforms and repairs to the existingfootbridge. Residents can expect increased noiseand closures of Forest Lane.
Pages 6–7 – Mayor’s View
Poorest shouldn’t pay price for reform
We should all be rightly proud of ourschools and the hard work of ourteachers, parents and pupils.
Our education results have improvedyear on year in every key stage from EarlyYears Foundation Stage, right throughto A-Levels. Ten schools this weekreceived congratulatory letters from theDepartment for Education because theyare in the top ten per cent of schoolsnationally for progress in all of reading,writing and mathematics.
We have demonstrated in Newhamthat educational standards can improvedramatically through a combination ofadequate funding and hard work by thelocal authority and teaching staff.
The fact that the Government is nowlooking to review the national schoolsfunding formula is a recognition thatthe educational outcomes for childrenare directly affected by school fundinglevels. If the Government accepts that achild’s life chances are directly affectedby school funding, how can it possiblyjustify dramatic cuts to school budgets,especially in areas where school fundinghas worked?
The Government should look to levelup funding in other areas which arepoorly funded rather than punishingour schools’ success by slashingtheir budgets. Any education policypremised on disregarding hard work andsuccess seems completely immoral andcounterintuitive.
High quality education is one ofthe biggest determinants of a child’slife chances and in Newham we arepassionate about giving all young peoplethe same opportunities as those inother parts of London. However, theGovernment’s proposals to change theschool funding formula will see £8 milliontaken from our schools, despite thefact that Newham still has high levels ofdeprivation and our children and youngpeople still face huge disadvantagescompared to other parts of England.
The Government’s own Indices ofMultiple Deprivation show that the neteffect of the formula is to snatch fundingfrom our poorest communities and hand itover it to more affluent areas. Under theseproposals a shocking £32 million will betaken from the 25 most deprived localauthority areas, including Newham, andthe 25 least deprived will gain £115 million.
It is unacceptable and indeed immoralthat the poorest children in Newham andacross England should be forced to paythe price.
Picture caption: Our schools should not suffer
We stand together against terror
The recent events in Westminster left usall shocked and deeply saddened. Thethoughts of everyone associated withNewham Council continue to be with thefamilies and friends of those killed andinjured.
The tragedy of the situation hit us atthe council in particular when we learnedthat Pc Keith Palmer, the brave officerwho was stabbed to death outside thePalace of Westminster, was the husbandof a member of our staff.
We have extended our deepestsympathy and condolence to Keith’s widow Michelle and her family and herfriends and we have offered our fullsupport to her and her work colleaguesas they deal with the situation in theweeks ahead.
What happened at Westminster wasan attack on innocent people, on ourCapital city and on democracy itself.Our message – and our response –remains a simple yet powerful oneof resilience, solidarity and defiance.Terrorists must never – and will never –be allowed to win.
We all need to continue to send aloud and clear message that Newhamand the whole of London remains open.It is paramount that as a community wemust all stand together to condemn theappalling actions of the individual whoclaimed the lives of innocent people ofdifferent nationalities and faiths.
This borough is a place of manybeliefs and cultures and we mustcontinue to celebrate our togetherness.
We welcome diversity. We are proudof our tradition of welcoming those whocome here and are prepared to workfor a better life for themselves and theirfamily. You don’t have to have been bornhere to belong here, to feel at home hereand to be part of the community.
We stand united and will not allowthe actions of terror to divide us. We willnot tolerate attacks on any individuals,institutions or communities. We must
continue to build and sustain ourstrength and unity. We Stand Together!
Picture caption: Our message at the London Stadium, jointly owned by Newham Council
Pages 8–9 – Happy 100thbirthday Dame Vera
To be called a national treasure is an honour not given lightly, but it appliesto Forces’ Sweetheart Dame Vera Lynn. As she celebrated her 100thbirthday on 20 March, Newham Council and pupils from her former primaryschool in East Ham, joined the nation in paying tribute to the singer whoinspired the brave servicemen and women who kept us safe.
She was born Vera Margaret Welch atThackeray Road, East Ham, to AnnieWelch, a dressmaker, and BertramSamuel Welch, an assistant coppersmith.Encouraged by her parents, Dame Veraloved singing as a child and took hermaternal grandmother’s maiden nameLynn for the stage. From 1921 to 1938she lived in Ladysmith Avenue, East Ham.
Dame Vera began singing at familyevents. She made her public debut agedseven at working men’s clubs. Two yearslater she joined a juvenile troupe andfrom 1935 was singing on radio with theJoe Loss band. In 1937 she appearedwith the Ambrose Orchestra in West Endnightclubs, remaining with them until1940 when she went solo.
She was 22 at the outbreak of war andalready appeared on early, experimentaltelevision and was doing regular radiobroadcasts.
It was her 1939 recording of We’ll MeetAgain that thrust her into the hearts ofthe nation because of the nostalgic lyricsthat were popular with troops abroad andfamilies at home. That same year shewas awarded the title Forces’ Sweetheartfollowing a Daily Express poll among itsreaders to name their favourite singer. Shealso starred in a radio show, SincerelyYours, popular with soldiers on the front line.She also visited Egypt, Burma and India.
For her support of the services DameVera received the British War Medal(1939-1945) and the Burma Star. Shereceived an OBE in 1969 and became aDame (DBE) in 1975. In 2016 she wasappointed a Member of the Order of theCompanions of Honour (CH).
To mark the milestone of her 100thbirthday Newham Council erected newsigns in streets with a connection toDame Vera. They were put up as partof the council’s heritage programmecommemorating people and places withhistoric links to the borough.
Members of G Company 7 Rifles,based in West Ham, helped CouncillorsKen Clark, Forhad Hussain, Rachel Trippand Bryan Collier, unveil the signs in VeraLynn Close, Forest Gate.
Councillor Clark, deputy mayor(statutory) and Cabinet member forcommunity neighbourhoods, regenerationand planning, and public affairs, headsthe heritage project. He said: “Dame Verawas the girl next door from East Ham whoboosted the morale of the nation whowaited at home and those who foughtduring the darkest days of the SecondWorld War. It is right that we recognisedand honoured that and celebrated one ofour most loved former residents on her100th birthday.”
Captain Lee Flitcroft, from G Company7 Rifles, said: “When serving overseas, it isalways important that we have somethingthat connects us with home. That waswhat Dame Vera Lynn did during WorldWar Two when she lifted the spirit ofmillions. We were delighted to be able towish her a very happy 100th birthday.”
A choir of 20 Year 5 pupils at BramptonPrimary School, which Dame Veraattended, sang four songs for her on alive link over Skype, including her muchlovedsongs We’ll Meet Again and TheWhite Cliffs of Dover. Dame Vera toldthem: “I have very happy memories of mydays at Brampton Road school and I dohope that you are happy there now.”
Dame Vera also said in a statement: “Iam truly overwhelmed by the wonderfulmessages, gifts and gestures thatpeople have made to mark this milestoneoccasion with me. I feel blessed to havereached 100 and I am humbled by
everyone’s kindness.”
For more information aboutheritage in Newham visit
Picture captions: Councillors joined by G Company 7 Rifles
Brampton Primary School pupils sang to Dame Vera
Visiting BramptonPrimary School in 1996
Page 10 – Advertisement
Keep Newham Clean
You can recycle allthese items in Newham
Page 10 – Advertisement
Fraud PreventionWorkshop
East Ham Town Hall, 328 Barking Rd, E6 2RP
Friday 28 April, 11am-1pm
Newham Council’s Community Neighbourhood LinkWorkers have teamed up with Barclays Bank to host afraud prevention seminar for older residents. Comealong for tips on:
• staying safe online
• recognising different fraud scenarios
• protecting your personal and security information
• what to do if you are a victim of fraud.
Places are limited. To book your place or for moreinformation, email or call 020 3373 8323 / 07812 675 213
Page 11 – Give your finances a Spring cleanand make your money work
It’s Spring and the beginning of a new tax year, so what better timeto review your financial situation to get a clear picture about what’shappening to your money. MoneyWorks will help you Spring clean yourfinances, so you don’t have to rely on payday loans with extortionate fees.
We could all use some help to manage ourmoney, but it can be hard to know whatadvice to trust, or when we are being soldsomething we don’t really need. However,MoneyWorks, funded by Newham Council,provides an ethical and affordable alternativeto high cost credit providers. Newhamresidents no longer have to rely on paydayloans that result in long term financial difficulty.
Whether you’re in need of emergency cashor help with everyday purchases, we have arange of fair financial products to help you.Our products have affordable repaymentterms and can help with everyday purchasesas well as those important expensive one-offitems. In addition to affordable loans,MoneyWorks provides smart spending tips tohelp reduce your debts or grow your savingsto make your money go further.
Call: 020 8430 2041