Clover Hill Elementary School PTA
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
January 20, 2016
Clover Hill Elementary School Library
Midlothian, Virginia
President, Wendy Learn, called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm. In attendance were:
Officers: Wendy Learn, President; Karin Wallace, Treasurer; Angelina DeSimone, 2nd Vice President; Annmarie Horne, Secretary; Catherine Hines, Principal
Committee Chairs & Guests: Sara Gilliam, Bylaws; Elisabeth Pierpont, Resource Teacher; Michael Karabinos, Watch DOGS; Diana Karabinos, Watch DOGS; Meagan Fiore, Kindergarten Teacher; Carrie Webster, Green Committee; Crystal Chandler, Teacher; Tiffany Wilson, Parent
All other officers and committee chairs were absent.
Quorum Certification
A Quorum was established.
Approval of Minutes
Wendy Learn asked for motion to approve minutes as they stand- Mike Karabinos motioned, Karin Wallace seconded; motion approved for meetings to stand as they are. The minutes from the December 8, 2015 PTA Board Meeting were approved. They will be available on the CHES PTA Website.
Officer Reports
President’s Report: Wendy Learn
-Thank you to everyone for reaffirming commitment to PTA.
-Reflections Program- reminder for Chesterfield- February 6 at Tech. Center
-Nominating Committee starting in February- 5 people needed to look for potential candidates for May election of officers
-REB Award nominations due 2/22
-April 1- nominations due for Awards for Excellence in Science and Math
-Sweethearts Dance- Friday, February 12, 6-8pm; volunteers needed for set-up, tables, and clean-up
-Jog/Walk Fitness looking for a Woodlake parent who can coordinate Wednesday and Friday morning activities starting on 4/20
-Newsletter- Wendy Learn asked for thoughts of those present at meeting; some shared that this newsletter may help families without access to technology; suggestion made to eliminate meeting minutes from newsletter (and just have them posted in the foyer)
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Clover Hill Elementary School PTA
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
January 20, 2016
Clover Hill Elementary School Library
Midlothian, Virginia
-Chick-Fil-A Family Night Out scheduled for Tuesday, 2/23; 4th and 5th grade teachers will be at the spinning wheel
-Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, 2/16- prior to the meeting, at 6 pm in the gym, there will be a presentation of new CPR methods with hands-on demonstrations provided by the American Heart Association
Treasurer’s Report: Karin Wallace
- Fundraising- Square 1 Art- check received for over $2,000
- Purchased tiles for Kindergarten Wall
- Paid invoice for Spirit Wear
- $3, 123 for BoxTops, which was more than ½ the budget for the year- great job!
- Billed for holiday custodial services- check scheduled to go out 1/21
- All reimbursements in for Holiday House and Silent Auction
- Closing Holiday House with $2,815 more than budgeted
- Business donations- $802 income; Kids Fit & Fun- $200
- Curriculum enrichment- 3rd grade field trip paid for in part- parent pay $5
- Movie Night- lost $22; net budget loss $100
- Comrades/Wish List- paid for ODD conference for Mrs. Shoop and Mrs. Dewey
- Teachers- please keep sending in vouchers
- Treasurer’s Report is available on; directions available from Karin Wallace if needed
-Attachments include:
16-01 treasurers report
Clover Hill Elementary School Representative Reports
Principal’s Report: Mrs. Catherine Hines
-A big “thank you” to everyone who helped during Movie Night
-Paws to Read- Thursday 1/21
-2nd quarter ending- report cards go out 2/12; some concerns about new report card addressed at county level
-Dr. Blunt- 2/2 at CHES- meeting with Ms. Stuller and Ms. Dinelli, who are on interview panel for selection of new principal
-Parents are invited to communicate concerns, etc. regarding selection of new principal to Wendy Learn
-We should know who is selected as the new principal in late February/early March
-Service Learning Cabinet- still doing Town Hall Meeting
-No School March 1
Approved by the Executive Board. Page 2 of 3
Clover Hill Elementary School PTA
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
January 20, 2016
Clover Hill Elementary School Library
Midlothian, Virginia
Committee Reports:
-Comrades- Wendy Learn for Jill Hellman- Yard Sale scheduled for 3/19
-Lucky Clover 5K- Sara Gilliam for Blaire Loman- Patient First has become a platinum sponsor; we have several gold sponsors
-Copy Cats- Angelina DeSimone- created to help teachers by making copies; Angelina outlined procedures for PTA members; teachers need to put due date on anything that needs to be copied; Copy Cat representatives are usually there on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
-Advocacy- Sara Gilliam- Bylaws have been approved; look for hard copy in a few weeks; School Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday 1/26; PTA Day at General Assembly- February1- Eleven different appointments set up for that morning; February 8- County meeting; “Moving through Grades” workshops were held on January 11. Here is the link:!archive-meeting-resources/c1b8
-Green Committee- Carrie Webster- Allie Purdy has volunteered for TerraCycle; put up signage and will collect materials; discussed idea of promoting/going “strawless,” perhaps as endeavor of environmental cabinet
- Movie Night- Karin Wallace- event was a huge success- approximately 250 people attended- upcoming events were advertised
-Watch DOGS- Mike Karabinos- flyers for Donuts for Dads distributed; event scheduled for Tuesday 1/26 at 7:30 am; discussed other opportunities for WatchDOG volunteers, such as Field Day, Hallway Heroes (during SOLs), Sweetheart Dance, Jog/Walk Fitness, Lucky Clover 5K, Comrades, Kinderarten registration, book fair; suggestion for next year- reach out to resource teachers
-Yearbook- Wendy Learn for Aimee Ziegler- look for blast request for snow day pictures; focused flyer distribution- Kindergarten and 5th grade first, then 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades
-Boxtops- check received for $3,100; April 1 is next deadline; we will probably receive next check in June
-Sweetheart Dance- need someone to put up bulletin board for event; lights also needed
New Business
- Mrs. Pierpont- Book fair will be held March 14-18; 12 volunteers needed each day; extra hands appreciated for set-up on 3/11 (around 3:30) and breakdown on 3/18 (3:15-3:30)
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:48 pm. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, February 16, at 6:30 pm in the CHES library.
Authentication of the Minutes
Respectfully submitted to the President for Executive Board approval this January 30, 2016 by Annmarie Horne
Approved by the Executive Board. Page 3 of 3
Clover Hill Elementary School PTA
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
January 20, 2016
Clover Hill Elementary School Library
Midlothian, Virginia