CASNR Student Council Full Council Minutes
November 11, 2015
President, Dillon Johnson, called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm and then introduced Dr. Coon, one of the guest speakers for the evening.
Dr. Coon had a great message to share with the group and asked that we remind him to bring peppermint flavor shots for the hot chocolate next year. He spoke about how this is a challenging time in a lot of ways, and is thinking about colleagues at University of Missouri this week, as there has been a lot of concern about the way students are treated at the school, African American students in particular. Missou students felt that nothing was being done about this and took action and steps to deal with this. In doing so, the President and Chancellor of the University of Missouri resigned due to this conflict, and Dr. Coon doesn’t want this to happen at OSU with a similar breakdown in communication. Dr. Coon appreciates CASNR students that are stepping up to take responsibility for their position in the college- a lot of group representatives and leaders in the college that are in CASNR Student Council. Dr. Coon shared that it is important that CASNR and OSU staff provide a healthy and respectful environment for students. The bottom line to remember, is don’t stop communicating with each other and don’t be afraid to speak up. If there are ever any issues in CASNR or OSU, speak up, and tell Dr. Coon or other faculty. Student are why the college exists and why many faculty are so engaged and involved, as they feel it is great to see the potential of bright students coming through the college. Faculty are here for you, to listen, to act.
The second guest speaker of the evening was Tina Baker from the Oklahoma Blood Institute. OBI is the state blood bank supplying blood to over 160 facilities throughout the state. Ms. Baker really wants OSU to regain the title of Bedlam Blood Drive Champion. This is the 6th year of the event and OSU has won 4 out of the last 5 years, but OSU lost by 7 blood donations last year. Ms. Baker brought fliers with her that have a number to text on it if you would like to set up an appointment to donate blood. They are also giving away a Yeti cooler and if you text that number, you are automatically entered into the drawing; they will also text you with the “score” of the Blood Drive throughout the week if you text that number. There are two ways for you to make an appointment to donate- text the number on the flier or go to Each blood donation saves 3 Oklahoman lives, and OBI needs 1,000 units donated every day to meet their current needs. The Championship trophy will be presented at the Bedlam game, and we want to get it back this year. You can donate at 3 locations on campus- the Cowboy Underground from 10-4, Kerr Drummond from 12-6 each day and the Commons from 12-6. They also need more volunteers for the event, if you are interested, fill out the sign-up sheet. The theme for the blood drive this year is Bleed Orange? Prove It, so share on social media.
Secretary, Lauren Clark then took roll. A motion was then made to approve the minutes from the October 28th Full Council meeting minutes; the motion was seconded and passed.
Officer Reports: Reporter, Morgan Vance, asked everyone to fill out a Homecoming survey and turn it back in before the end of the meeting. The survey will help us get some feedback from Homecoming this year and give the Reporter next year some information to go on to plan for Homecoming next fall. Allison Christian, Ag Student Spokesperson then talked about the CASNR t-shirt issues. Most of the shirts are scheduled to printed tomorrow (11/14) in Oklahoma City and will be available to be picked up next week. However, there is a back order of 60-90 days for the short and long-sleeved green shirts and the long sleeved berry shirts, and we have a few options. 1) Wait it out 2) Switch brands or colors 3) Refund those who ordered the back ordered shirts and open up another order next semester. Comfort Colors was recently bought out and have no central warehouse, so finding shirts is difficult right now. The council was then asked for their thoughts. It was asked how much other shirt brands would cost, we are not sure at this time what prices of other companies will charge. Regardless, those colors will not be available until next semester and it is easy to re-open the shirt order next semester. The consensus of the group will be to refund those who ordered the green and berry shirts and open up another order next semester.
There was no Old Business.
New Business: Co-Sponsorships: There are 6 clubs who have requested co-sponsorships from CASNR Student Council: Cowboy Motorsports for their annual project; Career Liaisons for the AFA Conference; ASABE for a trip to Enid; the Swine Club is hosting a jackpot show; ASLA will be attending their National Expo in Chicago; and Horsemen’s Association is hosting the National Collegiate Horsemen’s Association Convention here this year. Garret made a motion to approve all co-sponsorships in the amount of $250 and the motion was seconded. It was asked when the Swine Club and Horsemen’s events would take place;the Swine Club Jackpot Show will be January 2nd, and the Horsemen’s Association National Convention will be the first weekend of spring break. There were no objections so the motion carries. Angel Tree Philanthropy: This project will be through theSalvation Army, and involves paper angels with list of gifts desired by a needy family, that will be hung from a tree in the Ag Hall lobby. Students are able totake an angel, buy the listed gifts and return them to the Student Success Center. More information will be sent out next week.Christmas Tree Decorations: Small Christmas trees will be purchased by the Student Council that each club can decorate. They will be collected dead week and will be donated to a retirement home. Please sign up if your club is interested in decorating a tree. You can also email Dillon if you are interested. We will have trees ready to pick up by next week.
There was no Informal Discussion.
Announcements: The Leadership Roundtable will be November 19th, next Thursday at 5:30 pm in the Alumni Center, and will include several successful CASNR Alumni. The event/discussion will be focused around Strengths Quest and how it ties into your future career. Please encourage your club members to participate. Registration for the event is due by noon next Thursday.Tonight is the last Full Council meeting,have a great rest of the semester! Aggie-X is hosting the President of American Farmers and Ranchers on December 1st at 6 pm, an email will be sent out with more information. The Horticulture Club is selling t-shirts for $20 in the AgHall lobby. The MANNRS fundraiser last week was able to sell a lot, thank you to all who came and purchased snacks from them.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting, the motion was seconded and passed and the meeting was adjourned at 6:02 pm.