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1. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General Conditions and Division 1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section.
1. Provide resilient flooring work including:
.1 All vinyl composition sheet flooring and accessories.
.2 Wall base
1. Provide each type of resilient flooring and accessories as produced by a single manufacturer, including recommended primers, adhesives, sealants, and leveling compounds.
.1 Wherever possible, provide all required resilient flooring and accessories produced by a single manufacturer.
.2 Smoke density of 450 or less (ASTM E-662).
.3 Radiant flux of 0.45 or less (ASTM E-648).
1. Submit 2 copies of manufacturer's technical data and installation instructions for each type of resilient flooring and accessory. Provide seaming method specifications and seaming/color layout for approval.
2. Submit, for verification purposes, samples of each type, color and pattern of resilient flooring, including accessories required, indicating full range of color and pattern variation. Provide full-size tile units, 12" x 12" vinyl sheet samples and 2-1/2" long sections of resilient flooring accessories.
1. Provide 1 (one) 6'-0" x 12'-0" piece of each type and color of sheet flooring and base for Owner. Deliver as requested to Owner's storage.
1. Maintain minimum temperature of 650F (180C) in spaces to receive resilient flooring for at least 48 hours prior to installation, during installation, and for not less than 48 hours after installation. Store resilient flooring materials in spaces where they will be installed
for at least 48 hours before beginning installation. Subsequently, maintain minimum temperature of 550F (130C) in areas where work is completed.
2. Install resilient flooring and accessories after other finishing operations, including painting, have been completed. Do not install resilient flooring over concrete slabs until the latter have been cured and are sufficiently dry to achieve bond with adhesive as determined by manufacturer's recommended bond and moisture test.
1. Colors and Patterns: As shown or scheduled, as selected by Architect from manufacturer's standards.
2. Homogenous vinyl composition sheet flooring as manufactured by Mannington, or approved equal.
.1 Color-A: BioSpec – (ASTM F-1303, TP II, GR. 1)
Size 6' – (1.83m)
Wearlayer Thickness .080 (2.03 mm)
Overall Thickness .080 (2.03 mm)
Average Weight 6.5 lbs / yd² * (3.53 Kg / m²)
Roll (Min. – Max.) 30-68 sq. yds. (25.1 – 56.9 Sq. m.)
Static Load Limit 750 psi
ASTM Specification (F-1913) Exceeds
HUD/FHA Requirements Exceeds
Electrical Resistance, EN1815 £ 2 kv
Flooring Radiant Panel Test (ASTM-E-648) ³ .45 watts/cm², (Class I)
N.B.S. Smoke chamber Test (ASTM-E-662) <450 - Passes
Warranty Five Year Warranty
Americans with Disabilities Act Guidelines Meets
CHPS 01350 Indoor Air Quality Meets
.2 Color-B: Life Lines – (ASTM F-1303, TP II, GR. 1)
Size 6' – (1.83m)
Wearlayer Thickness .080 (2.03 mm)
Overall Thickness .080 (2.03 mm)
Average Weight 6.5 lbs / yd² * (3.53 Kg / m²)
Roll (Min. – Max.) 30-68 sq. yds. (25.1 – 56.9 Sq. m.)
Static Load Limit 750 psi
ASTM Specification (F-1913) Exceeds
HUD/FHA Requirements Exceeds
Electrical Resistance, EN1815 £ 2 kv
Flooring Radiant Panel Test (ASTM-E-648) ³ .45 watts/cm², (Class I)
N.B.S. Smoke chamber Test (ASTM-E-662) <450 - Passes
Warranty Five Year Warranty
Americans with Disabilities Act Guidelines Meets
CHPS 01350 Indoor Air Quality Meets
Note: Provide only heat seam method for all seams. Comply with the Manufacturer’s recommendations for tools, material and installation.
3. Wall Base: Provide Vinyl base complying with FS-SS-W-40, Type II, with matching end stops and preformed or molded corner units, and as follows: “Mannington Edge” by Mannington, Johnsonite or approved equal.
.1 Height: 4"
.2 Thickness: 1/8"
.3 Style: Standard top-set cove except at carpet.
.4 Style: Straight base without cove at carpet.
.5 Finish: Matte.
4. Adhesives (Cements): Mannington V-82 Flooring Adhesive for homogenous vinyl composition sheet flooring and Mannington MR-101 Acrylic Wall Base Adhesive for Wall Base; Waterproof, stabilized type as recommended by flooring manufacturer to suit material and substrate conditions.
5. Vinyl Reducer Strip: Mercer Inc..
6. Floor skim coat/flash patching: skim coat entire floor to receive new floor finishes with thin-set mortar (can be mixed with acrylic latex additive) per ANSI A118.1, trowel applied. No gypsum based additives allowed. Allow to thoroughly set and dry before installing floor covering. Barricade area during this time to preclude traffic or other conditions that would compromise a smooth level surface. Hand or machine sand surface to achieve a smooth level surface.
7. Underlayment: All underlayment to be APA “Underlayment”, Exposure 1, minimum full ¼” or more thick, as indicated.
8. No claim by Contractor as to unsuitability or unavailability of any material specified, or his unwillingness to use same, or his inability to produce first class work with same, will be entertained unless such claims are made in writing prior to his Bid.
1. Installation Contractor must examine substrates for moisture content and other conditions under which flooring is to be installed, and notify Owner in writing of conditions detrimental to proper completion of the work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Installation Contractor shall provide moisture testing conducted by an approved independent agency. Tests should be conducted every 1,000 square feet.
2. All sub-floor preparation shall meet conditions as specified in flooring manufacturer's installation handbook instructions.
3. Broom clean or vacuum surfaces to be covered, and inspect subfloor. Start of flooring installation indicates acceptance of subfloor conditions and full responsibility for completed work.
.1 Do all necessary floor preparation and flash patching to achieve a smooth level floor, including filling and flash patching entire existing concrete floor surfaces.
1. Install flooring using method indicated in strict compliance with manufacturer's recommendations. Extend flooring into toe spaces, door reveals, and into closets and similar openings.
2. Tightly cement flooring to sub-base without open cracks, voids, raising and puckering at joints, telegraphing of adhesive spreader marks, or other surface imperfections. Hand roll flooring at perimeter of each covered area to assure adhesion. Install per manufacturer's written instructions.
3. Flooring seam installation layout and color patterns are indicated on plans.
4. Adhere flooring to substrates using full spread of adhesive applied in compliance with flooring manufacturer's directions. Apply heat welded seams in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions.
5. Pre-Heat welding gun to 350-400 Degrees Celsius. Cut the rod to the entire length of the seam plus 6”. Weld the rod into the receiving seam groove in one fluid motion, applying slight pressure to the gun nozzle. Allow the rod to cool prior to finish trimming.
6. Apply wall base to walls, columns, pilasters, casework and other permanent fixtures in rooms or areas where base is required, Install base in lengths as long as practicable, with preformed corner units, or fabricated from base materials with mitered or coped inside corners. Tightly bond base to substrate throughout length of each piece with continuous contact at horizontal and vertical surfaces.
1. Remove any excess adhesive or other surface blemishes, using neutral type cleaners as recommended by flooring manufacturer.
2. Upon completion of installation, the contractor shall prepare and finish all new vinyl composition sheet flooring surfaces in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation for products not required to be sealed and waxed. For all other products, prepare and finish with the following “Corr” products, and also agree to follow all manufacturer directions in preparation and application:
.1 Prepare flooring with “strip & go” floor stripper.
.2 Provide “rinse away neutra cleaner”.
.3 Provide two (2) coats “granite seal finish”.
.4 Provide three (3) coats “century XXI wax.
3. Protect installed flooring with heavy Kraft paper or other covering.
4. After completion of project and just prior to final inspection work, thoroughly clean floors and accessories.
R- /10-11 revised 7-11-11