Seabiscuit Quiz
Correct the following statements- These are the correct statements.
- Seabiscuit was sold for 2000 dollars.
- Seabiscuit does need to learn how to be a horse again.
- Look! Comparing these two horses is ridiculous. War Admiral is a real race-horse, he won every prestigious race in America.
- Red lost the race because he was Blind in one eye.
- Seabiscuit is the best horse in the West, War Admiral is the best horse in the East.
- Everybody thinks we found this broken down horse and fixed him. We didn’t. This broken down horse fixed us.
Short Answer
- What did the horseshoes represent?___good luck_____
- What was the name of the horse who was Seabiscuit’s real competitior?__War Admiral
- What is the main idea of the film?_Letting people help you, friendships change you and make you a better person
- What is the name of the man who invented the first car? __Henry Ford
- What is the name of the time period when Americans went through an economic crisis- 1930-1940? ____The Great Depression
- In the story of David and Goliath, the story I told you in class, how did David kill Goliath?__5 small stones
Match the definition with the correct vocabulary word
- difficult and impossible to manage, not able to be trained or changed
- one at a disadvantage and expected to lose
- end an animal’s life because of an illness or injury
- stubborn
- an act that violates the rules of a sport
- to be grateful for, recognize with gratitude
- a person who races horses professionally
- any situation in which a person rises from poverty to wealth, or sometimes from obscurity to fame
- ruined or disrupted; "our shattered dreams of peace and prosperity
13.__a_ Incourageable
14.__f_To appreciate something
15.__d_ Obstinate
16.__b_ Underdog
17.__c_ to put an animal “down”
18.__h_ Rags to riches
18.__e_ to “foul” someone
20.__i_ shattered
Finish the phrase:
keep fightingsecond chance
banged up a little
finish line
great big things
22. Everybody loses a couple but he can choose either to go home or __keep fighting______.
23. “Future is a _finish line__”.
- Men who were broken only a year before suddenly felt _restored__.
- Sometimes when the little guy, when he doesn’t know he’s a little guy, he can do __big things__.
- Sometimes all somebody needs is a _second chance___.
- You don’t throw a whole life away just because it’s been __banged up a little.
A. Johnny “Red” Pollard (Jockey) / B. “Tom Smith” (Trainer) / C. “Charles Howard” (Businessman) / D. “Seabiscuit” (Horse)
C. Talks about the future / B. “A crackpot” / A. Special Gift: riding horses / A. Angry because his family left him.
D. Must compete to win / C. Son died, wife divorced him / B. Picked Seabiscuit because of his spirit / D. Injured his leg
D. Kicked a goat over a fence / C. Rich and sophisticated / A. Injured his leg / B. Special Gift: horse training
C. Met his wife in Mexico / C. Enjoys carving wood / B. Enjoys being away from the city / B. Was going to quit working with Seabiscuit
A. Blind in one eye / D. Beat up when he was young / C. Plays with a small toy with balls / C. Special Gift: Selling
C. Forgiving / D. Too small / C. Too dumb to know the difference / A. Too big
A. Made a mistake that made him lose a race / D. Was trained to lose / B. Too old / A. A boxer
B. Knows how to heal horses / D. A favorite with the common people / A. Enjoys reading / D. Special Gift: Eating