Minutes of a meeting of Pamber Parish Council

held in St. Stephen’s Hall, Little London on Monday, 11th February 2013

Present: Apologies:

Cllr. C. Goss (Chairman)Cllr. D. Snook

Cllr. P. Kingston (Vice Chairman)Borough Cllr. Mrs. M. Tucker

Cllr. R. GardinerCounty Cllr. Keith Chapman

Cllr. Mrs. M. Hale

Cllr. G. March

Cllr. G. McGarvie

Cllr. F. Mitchell

Cllr. Mrs. J. Tyson

Cllr. T. Young

Mrs. E.A.Knight (Clerk); Mrs. D. Oakley and Mrs. L. Evans (Pamber Heath War Memorial Hall Committee); four members of the public.

21/13 / Declarations of Interest.
Register of Interests: councillors were reminded that any changes must be reported to BDBC.
There were no declarations of interest.
22/13 / Minutes of the last meeting.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed as a true record.
23/13 / Matters arising and not appearing elsewhere on the agenda.
There were no matters arising.
24/13 / Public Participation:
No matters were raised.
25/13 / Planning.
a)Planning Application:
BDB/77557: Demolition of dwelling.
14, Sandy Lane, Pamber Heath.
No objection
b)Planning Decisions:
BDB/76324: Amendment: Erection of detached house and garage following demolition of existing dwelling including alteration to existing access.
14 Sandy Lane, Pamber Heath.
BDB/76407: Amendment: Erection of a detached 4 bedroomed house and garage.
14 Sandy Lane, Pamber Heath.
BDB/76472:Amendment:Erection of detached four bedroom dwelling and garage.
Plot 3, 14, Sandy Lane, Pamber Heath.
BDB/76474: Amendment: Erection of detached four bedroom dwelling and garage.
Plot 4, 14, Sandy Lane, Pamber Heath.
BDB/77245: Erection of rear extension and alterations to first floor to form living accommodation in roof space including 2 no. roof lights and front and rear dormer windows.
Homelea, Green Lane, Pamber Green
BDB/77292: Oak (T1) crown reduction.
Oakwood, 4 Romans Gate, Pamber Heath
BDB/77422: Demolition of dwelling.
14, Sandy Lane, Pamber Heath.
BDB/77316: Change of use of existing stable building and tack room to a residential use incidental/ancillary to the residential use of Holly Lodge.
Holly Lodge, New Road, Pamber Green.
BDB/77312: Erection of single storey rear extension and changes to fenestrations.
Sullom, New Road, Little London.
c)Oaktree Farm.
An outline was given of the current situation and the course of action that the Borough Council proposed to take regarding another property which was owned by the owner of Oaktree Farm.
26/13 / Finance
a)Cheques for signature:
001112:The Benyon Trust (balance of rent)…………………….…..….…40 – 00
001113: Staples (stationery)……………………………………..……..…..70 – 78
001114: BDBC (Grounds maintenance)……………………….……..….971 – 44
00115: R.C.Saunders Ltd ( repairs tennis court and P.Pk barrier)..…..432 – 00
00116: E.A.Knight (Salary & Expenses)……………………………….…887 – 23
£2041 – 45
b)Income received since the last meeting:
Lloyds Bank Interest January………………..1 – 08
Memorial Hall (annual rent)…………………..5 – 00
c)Investments:Details of The Public Sector Deposit Fund had been received but after discussion it was decided not to pursue this form of investment.
d)Newsletter distribution:The editor of The Villager had informed the council that the Newsletter could be delivered with the magazine at a cost of £20 per circulation. It was resolved to accept this proposal and to offer the Memorial Hall Committee the same rate (ie £20 per delivery) for delivery of the Newsletter with the Memorial Hall Magazine.
e)Financial Update:a copy was given to each member.
f)Pensions Panel: it was agreed to set up a panel (The Chairman, Cllr. Gardiner and the Clerk) to establish the council’s obligations regarding pensions.
27/13 / To consider the Revised Budget – 2013-2014
Members resolved to approve the revised budget; the precept wasconfirmed at £25,000.
28/13 / To consider Grant Application.
a)Pamber Heath War Memorial Hall Committee:
It was resolved that, in accordance with the powers conferred by section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972, and being of the opinion that the expenditure satisfied the requirements of that section, the council approved the payment of £250 to the War Memorial Hall Committee towards the cost of enlarging the kitchen hatch for safety purposes.
b)Jubilee Sailing Trust.
After consideration, members resolved not to make a grant on this occasion.
29/13 / To consider arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting 2013.
Members agreed to hold the meeting on 13th May inthe Memorial Hall, Pamber Heath. Cllr. McGarvie suggested that the archivist from AWE be invited as guest speaker.
30/13 / Affordable Housing – to identify potential sites in the North Ward for further consideration.
A request had been received from the Rural Housing Enabler for the council to put forward possible sites in the north ward that could be investigated or the provision of affordable housing.
The sites suggested were: the county council owned land in Pamber Heath Road; the land at Longcroft, Silchester Road; the land at the junction of Sandy Lane and Winston Avenue (south of the existing bungalow).
31/13 / Localisation Of Council Tax Support - Ongoing Lobbying Activity.
Cllr, Gardiner gave a report on the current situation and said that the government was looking at how parish councils were being affected.
32/13 / Neighbourhood Planning.
Cllr. Gardiner reported that four parish councils were going forward with the plan. Funding would be made available at the discretion of the portfolio holder. Only a limited number of parishes would qualify.
33/13 / To consider issues relating to Website
It was reported that the site was ready and that links had been sent some time ago. These had not been received by the parish council.Parishcouncil.net agreed to send them again over the next few days. Members agreed that if no satisfactory progress had been made by the time of the next meeting, serious consideration would be given to seeking an alternative provider.
34/13 / Police Matters
a)Further to item 16/13e (January minutes) – speeding along the A340, the police had informed the parish council that the concerns had been passed to the Roads Safety Unit for further action.
b)Liaison with Neighbourhood Watch: the parish council will be included in the Newsletter circulation in future.
35/13 / Leases.
No report.
36/13 / Parish Emergency Plan.
The Borough Council was in the process of sending comments on the draft plan. .
37/13 / Open Spaces.
a)Inspection of play equipment by BDBC: Regular inspections had been carried out and no faults had been reported.
b)The repairs to the tennis court fence and car park barrier at Pamber Park had been completed.It was noted that the ground at Pamber Park was water logged and the vehicles used to empty the rubbish bins were causing damage to the grass. The contractors would be informed.
c)Ramblers Association: the parish council had been informed that the local Ramblers Group had recently carried our improvements to five stiles, gates and a footbridge in Pamber and Tadley. Members were pleased that the work had been carried out and asked for a message of thanks to be sent.
38/13 / Highway Matters.
a)Footways on A340:The request for upgrading the footways was being considered by Hampshire Highways.
b)Salt Bin – junction New Road/A340: a member of the public was seen to be emptying the bin for use on his own property. Highways were informed and they promptly arranged for the bin to be re-filled. They will write to the offending parishioner.
c)Salt Bin – Heath Road: a parishioner had requested that a bin should be situated in Heath Road. Members supported this request and asked that the Hampshire Highways be asked to provide a bin.
d)Speed Restriction A340: following a request from the parish council that the 50mph restriction just outside Tadley be reviewed, officers had informed the council that the restriction will be revised and a 40mph be introduced. There was no indication of the time that this would take.
e)Overgrown hedge Burney Bit to Rowan Road – Hampshire Highways had this in hand.
f)Footway from Pamber to Tadley: It was confirmed that there were plans to resurface the footway along Silchester Road from the Tadley Common Road junction to the crossing point opposite the football ground. It was pointed out that the request had been for the footway to be resurfaced from Pamber Heath to Tadley. Hampshire Highways would be informed.
39/13 / Borough and County Councillors’ Reports.
Cllr. Gardiner gave an outline of the current situation regarding site selection. There was a residual number of 7,800 dwellings to be found but it was hoped to reduce that number to below 700 per annum. The proposed sites nearest to this parish were in Bramley, but no decision had been made. Until the infrastructure was in place, there could be no development to the south of the railway.
40/13 / Reports from Parish Council Representatives:-
a)Pamber Forest Advisory Committee: no meeting.
b)Basingstoke and District Association of Town and Parish Councils: no meeting.
c)The Memorial Hall, Pamber Heath: no meeting
d)St. Stephens Hall, Little London: no meeting
e)AWE Local Liaison Committee: no meeting
f)Hampshire Association of Local Councils: details of the training available were circulated.
g)BDBC Parish Liaison Meeting: no meeting.
41/13 / Correspondence.
Fields in Trust: Have you started planning for summer?
BDBC: Various Road Closures.
Tadley Police: Newsletter
Fuel Poverty Workshop: Hitting the Cold Spots
Minibus News Update
HALC: Localisation of Council Tax Support.
HALC: February e-update
BDBC: Basingstoke Festival 2013
BDBC: Development Control Agenda 16.1.13 and 13.2.13
42/13 / Date of Next Meeting.
The next meeting will be held at 7.30pm in The Memorial Hall, Pamber Heath on Monday, 11th March 2013.
The meeting closed at 8.48pm