Department, School, University Name
Course Rubric and Title
Semester and Year
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Course Description
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Prerequisite: undergraduate course in statistics. Applications of analytics and decision support to health services institutions. Applications of operations research and industrial engineering techniques using large institutional data for health care planning, control and decision making including deterministic, and stochastic decision analysis models and their use in health services administration.
Course Learning Objectives/Outcomes
At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to achieve following course learning objectives and outcomes as presented in the table below:
Course Learning Objective/Outcome / How Covered / How Evaluated / Cognitive Domain / Affective Domain / Expected level of Attainment / Program Competency1. Develop analytical skills in decision making and problem solving by using quantitative and non-quantitative analytical tools and rational models. / Lecture,
Readings / Exams, Team Project, Case Sets / Analyzing,
Applying / Responding / Competent / 3, 7, 8, 11, 19, 22, 23, 24
2. Develop proficiency in selecting and applying various quantitative techniques which may be useful in administration of various health care services providers. / Lecture,
Readings, / Exams, Team Project, Case Sets / Understanding,
Applying / Responding / Competent / 3, 7, 8, 11, 19, 22, 23, 24
3. Identify the concept of decision making from operational to strategic levels in various health organizations. / Lecture,
Readings / Exams, Team Project, Case Sets / Understanding / Receiving, Organizing / Novice / 3, 7, 8, 11, 19, 22, 23, 24
4. Review and critique the strengths and weaknesses of the above decision support techniques in relation to their applications in the health industry. / Lecture,
Readings / Exams, Team Project, Case Sets / Evaluating, Creating / Receiving, Internalizing / Novice / 3, 7, 8, 11, 19, 22, 23, 24
Course Competencies
Course Rubric also helps students build competencies that our alumni/ae, residency preceptors, and faculty agree are critical in preparing students for positions in health care organizations. Below is the full set of competencies to reference from the Program Competency column above:
Competencies Index1. Interpersonal Communication (Build collaborative relationships and develop negotiation skills)
2. Writing Skills (Prepare effective business communications)
3. Presentation Skills (Demonstrate effective oral communication and presentation skills)
4. Leading and Managing Others (Hold self and others accountable for organizational goal
5. Change Management (Promote and manage change)
6. Ability for Honest Self-assessment (Demonstrate reflection through self-assessment)
7. Systems Thinking (Be able to assess potential impacts and consequences of decisions in a
wide variety of situations)
8. Problem-solving and Decision-making (Apply evidence-based decision making techniques to
healthcare questions)
9. Personal and Professional Ethics (Adhere to ethical business principles; exhibit ethical
behaviors; fulfill one’s commitments)
10. Professional & Community Contribution (Participate in community service; balance
professional and personal pursuits)
11. Working in Teams (Create, participate on, and lead teams, including inter-professionalism)
12. Healthcare Issues and Trends (Explain and discuss important issues in healthcare, including
circumstances causing major changes and reform in U.S. health care delivery)
13. Healthcare Legal Principles (Discuss and critically analyze health-related legal principles
including standards, regulations, and risk management)
14. Health Policy (Articulate the impact of health policies on the delivery of health services)
15. Population Health and Health Status Assessment (Understand and explain the major factors in
population health status)
16. Financial Management (Demonstrate the ability to compile and analyze financial data)
17. Human Resources (Apply methods and techniques related to the management of health care
organizations, employees and professional staff
18. Organizational Dynamics and Governance (Articulate and explain the roles, responsibilities,
structures and influence governing bodies hold in health care organizations)
19. Strategic Planning(Ability to perform environmental analysis and develop strategic
alternatives; discern competitive strategy; formulate business strategy based on evidence)
20. Marketing (Analyze and assess markets, market segmentation, strategy, change and
21. Information Management / Understanding and Using Technology Skills (Apply techniques and
methods to plan, design, implement and assess information management and communication)
22. Quality Improvement / Performance Improvement (Identify relevant problems and apply
concepts of process improvement and patient safety)
23. Quantitative Skills (Analyze data and interpret quantitative information)
24. Planning and Managing Projects (Design, plan, implement and assess projects and develop
appropriate timelines related to performance, structure and outcomes)
25. Economic Analysis and Application (Analyze and apply economic theory and concepts to
decision making)
Course Requirements and Process
Required Text
Yasar A. Ozcan (2017), Analytics and Decision Support in Health Care Operations Management, 3rd edition, Jossey-Bass/Wiley (will be referred as Ozcan).
Instructional Methodology:
Four modes of instruction will be used:
1. Lectures by instructor to describe and review concepts and techniques and their applications in the health industry.
2. Discussions to critique the concepts and techniques.
3. Practical training in the use of computer software to analyze problems and develop solutions using decision support techniques.
4. Occasional guest lecturers from the field to complement the content of the course.
5. Occasional field trips to observe operations of facilities.
6. Experiential team project work.
This course will be taught from the perspectives of health analytics and decision-support in general and their applications in healthcare provider management in particular. The emphasis of the course will be to learn various concepts and techniques and apply the techniques to diverse decision-support contexts.
Assignments & Evaluations
Rules for Assignments
All assignments (Case Sets, Group Projects, and Exams) should be completed by due date
Experiential Learning Team Project shall be developed through discussions at team forum boards and final project report should be about 15-20 page paper excluding appendices and other data attachments (see document “Experiential Team Projects and Expectations”).
Typical Agenda for Each Class Session:
1. Questions/Answers for previous class session (solutions to assignments, etc.)
2. Lecture on scheduled session.
3. Computational demonstration (via computer) of assigned problems and/or exercises for scheduled topic.
4. Follow-up (questions/answers) at course web site.
Student Evaluation and Course Grading
Class members will be evaluated according to their performance on two examinations, a case study, and two Case sets. Class members are expected to be prepared for each class by reading the assigned material before each session, and by attending each class session. Also, an appropriate quality and quantity of in-class discussions relating to sessions subject area is expected.
The course grade will be aggregated as follows:
Assignments / Percent of GradeCase Set #1 – Due: mm/dd/yyyy / 15%
Mid-Term Examination – mm/dd/yyyy / 20%
Case Set #2 – Due: mm/dd/yyyy / 10%
Case Set #3 – Due: mm/dd/yyyy / 10%
Experiential Learning Team Project – Due:mm/dd/yyyy / 20%
Team Project Presentations – Due: mm/dd/yyyy / 5%
Final Examination- mm/dd/yyyy / 20%
Total / 100%
Grades will be distributed as follows:
A / 90 and aboveB / 80 to 89
C / 70 to 79
D / 60 to 69
F / 59 and below
**** Last day towithdraw from this course with a mark of “W” is mm/dd/yyyy ****
The grade for the assignments will be evaluated based upon the following criteria—
1) Case Sets:
This course will use the Cases to evaluate comprehension and application of materials read from the Ozcan text. This will help to sharpen your skills in understanding health care decision support systems.
2) Examinations
Examinations will cover both concepts and problems. Concepts will be questioned through true/false, multiple choice questions, problems can be questioned through multiple-choice, and free style answers to specific problems that are similar to Case sets and/or examples in Ozcan text.
Two examinations will be given. The mid-term examination will be given during the 8th session, March 6, 2014. The final examination for the course will be administered during the last scheduled session. The exams will test your ability to: define/describe key concepts; formulate/solve; and discuss their implications/applications to the management of health service organizations.
Both exams will be closed book, questions will be prepared in such way that only calculator(s) with four basic operations (+, - , x, /), and a square root function and one 8.5*11.5 sheet (front and back) with formulas or algorithms on how to solve problems should be sufficient to complete the exam. Thus, only calculator(s) and formula page can be brought in for exams. Ozcan text, laptop, notebook, tablet computers, Excel/Excel based templates, use of any other notes or materials and cell phones (you may not use your cell phone’s as calculator) will not be permitted during exams.
3) Experiential Team Project Paper
Please see the Appendix A (at the end of this course syllabus) “Experiential Team Projects and Expectations” which describes the aims and details of the expectations. In addition, the evaluation of this project paper will consider:
· Ability to clearly define topic or issue and scope of paper
· Ability to summarize and synthesize relevant information found in the literature
· Ability to critically evaluate information found in literature
· Resourcefulness in identifying key informant and ability to summarize information attained from interview (report should demonstrate that you asked thought-provoking questions based upon the literature and understood the interviewee’s responses)
· Breadth and scope of resources used (resourcefulness)
· Ability to write in clear, concise manner
· Overall quality of writing and presentation of report (e.g. well organized, professional in appearance, free of spelling and grammatical errors)
· References and citations in correct APA format
“Experiential Learning Group Project” shall be developed through discussions at team forum boards and final project report should be about 15-20 page paper (double spaced, 12 point font) excluding appendices and other data attachments (see document “Experiential Team Projects and Expectations”).
Grade for the experiential team projects will be assigned using input from both team group members’ and instructors’ evaluations. Team members who do not sufficiently participate in team projects will not receive the same grade as other team members for the team project and presentation. Team member evaluation form is attached as Appendix B to this course syllabus. Team membership will be announced and updated on Bb “Course Information” board.
The Experiential Team Project Paper is due by 9:00 a.m. on mm/dd/yyyy.
4) Experiential Team Project Presentation: Presentation should clearly explain the problem of interest and articulate the position that you and your team recommend.
Your grade for this assignment will be evaluated based upon the following criteria—
· Ability to present topic in an effective manner and within allotted time
· Overall quality of presentation – well organized, easy to follow, professional or “polished” in appearance
· Preparedness, resourcefulness, ability to respond appropriately to questions
· Degree to which presentation was informative and engaging (kept audience attention)
· Appeared to work effectively as a team; exhibited professional behavior
Grade for the experiential team project presentations will be assigned according to individual team members’ evaluation by the instructor based on above criteria.
Session / Date01 / mm/dd/yyyy / Course organization; Introduction to Quantitative Decision Making
02 / mm/dd/yyyy / Forecasting-Predictive Analytics
03 / mm/dd/yyyy / Decision Making in Healthcare Facilities
04 / mm/dd/yyyy / Facility Location & Layout
05 / mm/dd/yyyy / Reengineering-Lean Management-Flow Processes
06 / mm/dd/yyyy / Facility Staffing & Scheduling (Due: Case Set #1)
07 / mm/dd/yyyy / MID-TERM EXAMINATION
08 / mm/dd/yyyy / Queuing Models and Capacity Planning
09 / mm/dd/yyyy / Productivity
10 / mm/dd/yyyy / Supply Chain and Inventory Management (Due: Case Set #2)
Field Trip to O&M Ashland Facility at 1:30 pm
11 / mm/dd/yyyy / Quality Control
12 / mm/dd/yyyy / Project Management
13 / mm/dd/yyyy / Simulation (Due: Case Set #3)
14 / mm/dd/yyyy / Experiential Group Project Presentations and Review
(Due: Project Paper)
15 / mm/dd/yyyy / FINAL EXAMINATION
Course Introduction: Objectives, Content, and Expectations
Go Over Course Syllabus
Session 1 / Topic: Overview of Operations Management in Health Services OrganizationsDate
mm/dd/yyyy / Learning Objectives / Course Competencies
Reading Assignments:
Ozcan: Chapter 1 / · Recognize the quantitative techniques are for decisions about delivering healthcare of high quality
· Describe the historical background and the development of decision techniques
· Describe the healthcare manager’s role and responsibilities in decision making
· Review the scope of health services and follow recent trends in healthcare
· Describe health services management and distinct characteristics of health services. / · Problem-solving and Decision-making
· Strategic Planning
· Quantitative Skills (analyzing and interpreting quantitative information)
Topic: Forecasting-Predictive Analytics
Session 2 / Learning Objectives / Course Competencies
mm/dd/yyyy / · Describe the need for forecasting in healthcare operations
· Review the various approaches to forecasting
· Differentiate the data driven and opinion or judgment based forecasts
· Recognize what type of forecasting approach should be taken for various health care forecasting situations
· Develop accuracy checks and controls for forecasts
· Analyze and use forecast information in operations or in strategic decisions / · Problem-solving and Decision-making
· Strategic Planning
· Quantitative Skills (analyzing and interpreting quantitative information
Reading Assignment:
Ozcan: Chapter 2
Case Set #1 due mm/dd/yyyy ;
Work on chapter-end exercises from Chapter 2
Topic: Decision Making in Health Care Facilities
Session 3 / Learning Objectives / Course Competencies
mm/dd/yyyy / · Evaluate the decision making framework in health service organizations
· Describe the techniques that apply to decision making under uncertainty
· Describe the techniques that apply to decision making under risk
· Develop and interpret the expected value of perfect information