Agricultural Issue Prepared Public Speech
1st Quarter Term Project
Written Manuscript Due September 29, 2015
Speech Presentation Begin October 1, 2015
Part 1- Written Report
You will be turning in a 2-4 page report on any controversial agricultural topic. It will be graded on information presented, neatness, grammar and spelling. Remember NO PLAGARIZING! Your paper must be typed, double spaced, no larger than size 12 font. You must use at least four sources which will be included in your works cited page; this is NOT included in your 2-4 pages of typed information.
Part 2- Presentation
Your term project will be graded in two parts, the written portion and the presentation. Your presentation is graded on voice, information presented and engagement. It is hard to engage a class by simply reading a report. Presentations should be 6-8 minutes long. Both manuscripts (the written portion) and the presentation will be graded using the National FFA Prepared Public Speaking score card.
Due Dates
There are also several due dates along the way. You will receive points for meeting each one of these due dates. Final Projects are due: written manuscript due September 29, 2015, speech presentations on October 1, 2015. NO HALL PASSES WILL BE ALLOWED FOR LATE WORK! Projects that are turned in late will be docked 10% per school day. Even if you are sick the day it is due, you will still receive the 10% grade drop. Remember that the end of the Quarter is shortly after that and ABSOLUTELY NO WORK IS ALLOWED AFTER THAT DAY. No exceptions- I will NOT extend deadlines past when grades are turned in-PLAN AHEAD. If you anticipate being absent on those days, please make arrangements to turn your project in early.
Turn paper over for due date listing and score card.
Due Dates-
In addition to the final due date, there are due dates along the way you will need to meet to get full credit. Save this page as it will act as your signature page for having each thing turned in on time.
#1. Topic, turned in and approved- Due September 4th ______(25pts)
#2- Sources- links, book titles, or websites written down- September 11th______(25pts)
#3 Information, 4 sources printed and important info highlighted-September 15th______(25 pts)
#3- Rough Draft, hand written or typed rough draft to be used for
peer reviewing in class- September 21st ______(25pts)
#4- Final Draft, typed. Due SEPTEMBER 29TH ______See Below
#5-Presentation, given in class. Due October 1st ______See Below
Final Draft – Manuscript Scorecard (100 points)
Manuscript Content – 50 points
1. Topic is important and appropriate (25 points)
a. Current topic of interest – 12 points
b. Topic is relevant and within the scope of identified subjects – 13 points
2. Suitability of material used (25 points)
a. Validity of resources – 12 points
b. Accuracy of content – 13 points
Manuscript Composition – 50 points
1. Organization and development of content (20 points)
a. Logical order and unity of thought – 10 points
b. Accomplishment of purpose – 10 points
2. Grammatical accuracy (10 points)
a. Spelling/grammar – 10 points
3. Manuscript written according to event format rule #1 (20 points)
a. Double-spaced, 8"x11" paper, 1" margins in body of paper – 5 points
b. 12 point Arial font; cover page with title, name, period – 5 points
c. APA style for references and bibliography – 10 points
Presentation Scorecard (100 points)
Oral Communication – 50 points
1. Examples – 12 points
2. Speaking without hesitation – 13 points
3. Tone – 12 points
4. Being detailed-oriented – 13 points
Non-verbal Communication – 50 points
1. Attention (eye contact) – 12 points
2. Mannerisms – 13 points
3. Gestures – 12 points
4. Well poised – 13 points
Total Points = 300