Part IV Site Operating Plan Template
AE Landfills
The Site Operating Plan (SOP) contains general instructionson how a landfill facility will conduct operations at the site, but is not intended to be a comprehensive operating manual. The SOP represents the design engineer’s general instruction for site management and site operating personnel to operate the site in a manner consistent with the engineer’s design and the commission’s rules to protect human health and the environment and prevent nuisances.
The SOP is Part IV of the permit application and consists of the information required by Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 330, Subchapter D: Operational Standards for Solid Waste Land Disposal Sites, 30 TAC §330.121–§330.179 (rules are available on the Internet at At a minimum, the SOP must include provisions for site management and site operating personnel to meet the general and site-specific requirements of these rules.
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) facilities may use this template to complete Part IV Site Operating Plan of their MSW permit application. Where applicable, facilities willprovide detailed information to complete this document. Notes in italics indicate where detailed information may be needed. Additional pages may be attached and will include associated section headings.
Facility Name:______
TCEQ MSW Permit Number:______
Facility Address: ______
RN Number: ______
CN Number: ______
Prepared by:______Phone(s):______
Note: The heading of each section in this document refers to the applicable rule.
§330.125 Recordkeeping Requirements
A copy of the permit, the approved Site Development Plan, the Site Operating Plan, the Final Closure Plan, the Post-Closure Maintenance Plan, the Landfill Gas Management Plan, and any other required plan or other related document will be maintained at ______(the municipal solid waste facility name). If an alternate location is proposed to house the Site Operating Record, incorporate your request here. These plans and documents are part of the Site Operating Record.
The following records will be kept, maintained and filed as part of a facilities’ Site Operating Record. Log books and schedules may be used.
- Access Control Inspection and Maintenance
- Daily Litter Pickup
- Windblown Waste and Litter Control Operations
- Management and Disposal of Large Items
- Dust Nuisance Control Efforts
- Access Roadway Regrading
- Salvaged Material Storage Nuisance Control Efforts
- Special Waste Contingency Plan Compliance, if applicable
- Regulated Asbestos Containing Materials (RACM) Contingency Plan Compliance, if applicable
- Class 1 Industrial Waste Contingency Plan, if applicable
- Access Control Breach and Repair Notices, if applicable
- Fire Occurrence Notices, if applicable
- Documentation of Compliance with Approved Odor Management Plan
- Ponding Prevention Plan Compliance Documentation
- Special Waste Operational Plan Compliance Documentation
In addition to the plans and documents listed above, the information listed in Table 1 will be recorded and retained in the SiteOperating Record. This information will be placed in the Site Operating Recordwithin seven working days of completion or upon receipt of analytical data, as appropriate.
The Site Operating Record will be maintained in an organized format that allows the information to be easily located and retrieved. All information contained in the Site Operating Record will be furnished upon request to the TCEQ executive director and will be made available for inspection by the executive director.
All information contained within the Site Operating Record and the different required plans will be retained for the active life of the facility including the post-closure care period.
Table 1. Site Operating Record.
Records To Be Maintained / Rule Citation- Inspection records, training procedures, and notification procedures relating to excluding the receipt of prohibited waste.
- All results from gas monitoring and any remediation plans relating to explosive and other gases (if required).
- Not applicable.
- Not applicable.
- Closure and post-closure care plans and any monitoring, testing, or analytical data relating to post-closure requirements.
- Any and all cost estimates and financial assurance documentation relating to financial assurance for closure and post-closure.
- Any and all information demonstrating continued compliance with the small community exemption criteria.
- Copies of all correspondence and responses relating to the operation of the facility, modifications to the permit, approvals, and other matters pertaining to technical assistance.
- Any and all documents, manifests, trip tickets, etc., involving special waste.
- For any spray-applied alternative daily cover (ADC) material, records of the application rate and total amount ADC applied to the working face on those days in which ADC is applied.
- Any other document(s) as specified by the approved permit or by the executive director.
- Alternative schedules and notification requirements if applicable.
- Records to document the annual waste acceptance rate, quarterly solid waste summary reports,and the annual solid waste summary reports required by 30 TAC §330.675. (If annual waste acceptance rate exceeds 20 tons per day and the increase is not due to a temporary occurrence, the owner or operator will lose AE status and will file an application to amend the permit application. Refer to 30 TAC §330.125(h) for more information.)
- Load inspection records.
- Fire occurrence notices.
- Inspection records and training procedures relating to fire prevention and site safety.
- Access control breach and repair notices.
- All site inspection and maintenance documentation.
- Record(s) of each unauthorized material removal event.
- Record of alternative operating hours if applicable.
- Water, crude oil and/or natural gas well location and plugging reports if applicable.
- Cover inspection records.
- Current site plan of RACM disposal area.
- RACM acceptance records including the location, depth and volume of each load.
- RACM contingency plan compliance documentation.
§330.127 Site Operating Plan
The Site Operating Planwill be retained during the active life of the site and throughout the post-closure care maintenance period.
§330.127(1) Landfill Personnel
Table 2summarizes personnel types and descriptions. Please add/edit any information as appropriate. Attach any separate page(s), including the applicable section heading.
Table 2. Personnel Types and Descriptions.
Person / Number / Qualifications / RolesLead Operator/Site Supervisor / 1 / Must hold and maintain Landfill Operator licenseClassA(for TypeIAE) orClass B (for TypeIVAE), as required by 30 TAC §30.213. / Responsible for:
Managing work face and daily fill and cover placement operations;
Landfill equipment maintenance and repair;
Personnel safety during waste and cover constructions
Equipment Operator / 1 or ______
(If not 1, Indicate the number of equipment operators at the site). / 6 months minimum experience in equipment operation or on the job training by supervisor and training by landfill manager in SOP requirements for daily cover and unauthorized waste / Grading and excavating, necessary equipment maintenance, waste leveling and compaction, application of daily cover, and general site road maintenance.
Operators are also responsible for keeping the working face in the smallest area practical and screening for unauthorized waste.
Gate Attendant / 1 / Training by general manager in the SOP rules, record keeping requirements, and waste screening training course (e.g., I.I.E.D.) / Levies fees on landfill customers, operates the scale, keeps appropriate records, controls site access screens for unauthorized waste, and provides general customer direction and information.
Litter Control / 1 / Internal safety training and personal protective equipment training / Picks up windblown litter as directed.
§330.127(2) Equipment
Table 3 summarizes the equipment used at the facility. The equipment type, number, size and function arealso included.
Table 3. Landfill Facility Equipment List.
Equipment Type / MinimumNumber / Typical Size / Function
Dozer(s) / 1 / D3C, 933C or equivalent / Waste and soil spreading and compaction
Earth-mover(s) / 1 / 10 to 20 cubic yards (cy) / Transportation of daily cover, fire fighting support
Compactor(s) / 1 / 200 horsepower or greater 50,000 lbs or greater / Waste and soil spreading and compaction
Water Truck(s) / 1 / 500 gallons / Dust control, fire fighting support
Diesel Tank / 1 / 1,000 gallons / Equipment fuel
Temporary Litter Fencing / 1 / 150 feet four feet high / Active face litter control
Street Sweeper / 1 / 5 foot broom / Cleaning of paved on-site roads
Portable Litter Screens / 2 / 10 feet by ten feet high / Active face litter control
Road Grader or Maintainer / 1 / Various sizes / Grading of access roads, soil spreading
Additional Informationabout Facility Equipment:
If the facility uses equipment that does not appear in Table 3, list the minimum equipment type, number, size and function accordingly. If the facility does not use any of the equipment listed above, please indicate as well. Please attach separate page(s), including applicable section heading.
Equipment Backup Provision:
The following statement may be used, if it applies to this site: In the event of equipment repairs or during equipment maintenance periods, the facility will obtain equipment from other facilities, contractors, or local rental companies to avoid interruption of waste services. If additional provisions are needed, please attach separate page(s), including the applicable section heading.
§330.127(3) Operational Requirements
Table 4 outlines the site inspection and maintenance list of the facility. The Item, Task, Frequency, Inspector and Inspection Documentationarealso included.
If the facility’s operation includes additional items not listed in Table 4, please attach separate page(s) including the applicable section heading. Also, if any of the items do not take place at the facility, please indicate as well.
Table 4. Site Inspection and Maintenance List – Operational Requirements.
Item / Task / Frequency / Inspector / Inspection DocumentationFence/
Gates / Inspect perimeter fence and gates for damage. Make repairs if necessary. / Weekly / Landfill Manager or Designee / Document inspection in the
Site Operating Record
Windblown Waste / Police working face area, wind fences, access roads, entrance areas, and perimeter fence for loose trash. Clean up as necessary. / Daily as specified in Section __ of Site Operating Plan. / Landfill Manager or Designee / Document inspection in the
Site Operating Record
Waste Spilled on Route to the Site / Police the entrance areas and all roads at least 2 miles from the site entrances for loose trash. Clean up as necessary. / Daily as specified in Section __ of Site Operating Plan. / Landfill Manager or Designee / Document inspection in the
Site Operating Record
Landfill Markers / Inspect all landfill markers for damage, color-coding, and general location. Correct or replace damaged markers within 15 days of discovery. / Monthly / Landfill Manager or Designee / Document inspection in the
Site Operating Record
Site Access Road / Inspect site access road for damage from vehicle traffic, erosion, or excessive mud accumulation. Maintain as needed with crushed rock or stone. Grading equipment will be used at least once per week to control or remove mud accumulations on roads as well as minimize depressions, ruts, and potholes. / Daily – more often during wet weather or extended dry weather periods. / Landfill Manager or Designee / Document inspection and repairs in the Site Operating Record
Daily Cover / Inspect for proper placement, thickness, and compaction. Correct problems as needed. Verify that vectors are not an issue. / Daily at the active face and all daily cover areas will be inspected. / Landfill Manager or Designee / Document inspection in the
Site Operating Record
Inter-mediate Cover / Inspect for proper placement, thickness, erosion, and compaction and for presence of waste or other contamination. Correct problems as needed. / Weekly and within 72-hours of a rainfall event of 0.5 inches or more. / Landfill Manager or Designee / Document in the
Site Operating Record
Final Cover / Inspect for proper placement, thickness, compaction, slope, settlement and erosion. Maintenance will be ongoing throughout post closure care period. Correct problems as needed. / Weekly and within 72-hours of a rainfall event of 0.5 inches or more. / Landfill Manager or Designee / Document in the
Site Operating Record
Site Signs / Inspect all site signs for damage, general location, and accuracy of posted information. / Weekly / Landfill Manager or Designee / Document in the
Site Operating Record
Ponded Water / Inspect site for unauthorized ponded water areas as described in Section __ of Site Operating Plan. Correct problems as needed. / Weekly and within 72-hours of a rainfall event of 0.5 inches or more. / Landfill Manager or Designee / Document in the
Site Operating Record
Odor / Inspect the perimeter of the site to access the performance of site operations to control odor. / Daily / Landfill Manager or Designee / Document in the
Site Operating Record
Perimeter Channels/
Ponds / Inspect perimeter channels and detention ponds to verify that they are functioning as designed (e.g., excess sediment removed, outlet structures intact, erosion control measures intact). / Weekly and within 72-hours of a rainfall event of 0.5 inches or more. / Landfill Manager or Designee / Document in the
Site Operating Record
GCCS / If applicable, verify GCCS is operating and maintained in accordance with all applicable requirements. / Monthly / Environmental Manager or Designee / Document in the
Site Operating Record
§330.127(4) Training Requirements
Personnel training records will be maintained in accordance with 30 TAC §335.586(d) and (e).
Personnel operator licenses issued in accordance with 30 TAC, Chapter 30, Subchapter F (relating to Municipal Solid Waste Facility Supervisors) will be maintained as required.
Table 5 lists the applicable training requirements per 30 TAC §335.586(a) and (c) by position.
Table 5. Job Positions, Descriptions, and Training Requirements.
Position / Job Description / Site Orientation / Site Operations / Endangered Species / Haz Waste Identification / Safety (job specific) / Fire Prevention / Load Inspection / Prohibited Wastes / SPCC / Emergency Response / LF License / Equipment Operator License / Liter Control / Random Inspections / SWPPPManager / Responsible for all activities
Ensure adequate staffing and
Inspections / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / A,
C / X / X / X
Supervisor / Manager LF staff
Waste Operations / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / B / X / X / X
Gate Attendant / Take receipts
Visual inspection of loads
Direct vehicles to unloading areas / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Equipment Operator / Compact waste
Unauthorized waste
Apply daily cover / X / X / X / X / C
Laborer / As assigned / X / X / X / X / X / X
Note:More detailed job descriptions along with written descriptions of the type and amount of introductory andcontinued training provided to each employee will be maintained in the facility Site Operating Record.
Training Requirements:
______(permittee’s name)will ensure that the landfill manager/supervisor (M/S) at the site is knowledgeable in the proper operation of a municipal solid waste landfill and the current operational standards required by the TCEQ. The M/S will be an experienced manager/supervisor and willmaintain a Class A or B license (defined in 30 TAC §30.210), as required by §30.213. It will be the responsibility of the landfill M/S to ensure that all landfill personnel are properly trained and are operating the landfill in accordance with this SOP and operational standards required by the permit and the TCEQ municipal solid waste regulations.
The personnel training program will be directed by a person trained in waste management procedures, and will include instruction that teach facility personnel waste management procedures and contingency plan implementation relevant to the positions in which they are employed.
New employees will receive a comprehensive overview of all aspects of landfill operations, focusing on information that is necessary to protect the health and welfare of the new employee and enable them to perform their duties in accordance with this SOP and operational standards required by the permit and the TCEQ municipal solid waste regulations. Following initial training, new employee training will continue during periodic training sessions consisting of on-the-job training.
Training meetings will be scheduled and conducted for all employees at least once per month. If a regular monthly meeting is cancelled, it will be rescheduled or combined with the scheduled training the next month. Training sessions will be scheduled to allow site operations to be uninterrupted. Records of personnel attending each training session and the topics covered will be maintained at the site. Topics for training may vary, but will be conducted annually for the following:
- Safety
- Fire protection, prevention, and evacuation
- Fire extinguisher use
- Emergency response
- Litter control and windblown waste pick-up
- Hazardous waste and PCB waste detection and control (waste screening), if applicable
- Prohibited waste management
- Properties of methane gas and safety procedures for methane gas, if applicable
- Random inspection procedures
Facility personnel will take part in an annual review of their initial training in accordance with 30 TAC §335.586(c). A written description of the type and amount of introductory and continued training provided to each employee will be maintained in the facility Site Operating Record.
If other training is completed at the facility or the training above does not apply, please attach separate page(s) with the applicable section heading.
§330.127(5) Detection and Prevention of the disposal of Prohibited Wastes
Below is a description of facility operations in accordance to 30 TAC §330.127(5).
If your facility differs from the description below, provide detailed information about your facility on a separate page(s) and provide information how it meets requirements of 30 TAC §330.127(5).
The acceptance and disposal of the following prohibited wastes will not be allowed at this site:
- Regulated Hazardous Waste other than from Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQG). Municipal hazardous waste from a CESQG may be accepted; provided the generator provides a certification that it generates no more than 220 pounds of hazardous waste per calendar month.
- Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) wastes, as defined under 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 761, will not be accepted for disposal or disposed.
- Lead acid storage batteries will not be intentionally or knowingly accepted for disposal.
- Do-it-Yourself (DIY) used motor vehicle oil will not be intentionally or knowingly accepted for disposal.
- Used-oil filters from internal combustion engines will not be intentionally or knowingly accepted for disposal.
- Whole used or scrap tires will not be accepted for disposal or disposed.
- Items containing chlorinated fluorocarbons (CFCs), such as refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioners, will only be accepted at the site if the generator or transporter provides written certification that the CFC has been evacuated from the unit and that it was not knowingly allowed to escape into the atmosphere. The site operator will verify that the refrigerant has been evacuated from the appliance or shipment of appliances previously. Such verification will include a signed statement from the person from whom the appliance or shipment of appliances is obtained that all refrigerant that had not leaked previously has been recovered from the appliance or shipment of appliances in accordance with 40 CFR §82.156 (g) or (h) as applicable. This statement will include the name and address of the person who recovered the refrigerant and the date the refrigerant was recovered or a contract that refrigerant will be removed prior to delivery. The facility will notify persons who may deliver such items of the requirement to verify evacuation of refrigerant by signage or letter.
- Liquid waste (any waste material that is determined to contain "free liquids" as deemed by EPA Method 9095 (Paint Filter Test), as described in "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes, Physical chemical Methods" (EPA Publication Number SW-846)) will not be disposed of unless it is:
- Bulk or non-containerized liquid waste that ishousehold waste other than septic waste; or
- Containerized liquid waste in a container that:
- Is a small container similar in size to that normally found in household waste;
- Is a container designated to hold liquids for use other than storage; or
- Contains a household waste.
- Regulated Asbestos Containing Materials will not be disposed.
- Industrial Waste will not be disposed.
Measures for Controlling Prohibited Wastes: