Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada New Brunswick Council

International Travel Application for Guiders

Forms required:

-Application Form

-Applicant's Letter

-Personal Health Form

-First Aid Certificate

-Applicable Certificates

Confidential References: All references must be mailed or emailed separately with the subject line of the applicant’s name

One Guiding member

One Non-Guiding member that is not a family member

EVENT: ______

Applications are reviewed by members of the Selection Committee. Applicants will be chosen on the following basis with attention given to the requirements of the above event:

-travel experience

-involvement in Guiding

-ability to engage the girl in the design of the trip


-goals assessed in applicant's letter

Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted. An incomplete application that is missing any of the required forms will not be considered. All applicants will be notified, by mail in February, of the committee's decision.

Please complete:

Name: ______iMIS no: ______



Postal Code: ______

Area: ______

Years of adult Guiding service: ______

Current position (s) in Guiding:


Previous position (s) in Guiding:


Travel experience in Guiding. Be specific in your involvement of planning and organizing.


First Aid: Attach a photocopy of certificate.

Other Certificates: Please specify including expiry dates.



Special Interests: (Hobbies, etc.)


If necessary, attach a sheet and continue.

Other Travel Experience





Attach and enclose the following:

Applicant's Letter– please share why you are applying for this trip, your level of physical fitness, what skills and knowledge you have to contribute to this trip, how you will involve the girls in the trip and your knowledge of the country.

If selected, I agree to maintain an active membership within Girl Guides of Canada for at least one year, share my experiences from this event and submit a written report to the New Brunswick Council.

Signature of Applicant ______Date______