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[Insert your own sub head here such as “County Visitor Spending is Up __%]

YOUR CITY, Wis. (May 2, 2014) – For the travelers that helped Wisconsin achieve over 100 million visits in 2013, it’s all about the fun and memories. For the state’s tourism industry, it’s big business. And for taxpayers and residents, it’s all about jobs and tax revenue those travelers generate. A study conducted by Tourism Economics shows the impact of tourism on the state’s economy was $17.5 billion in 2013, up 4% from the previous year.

[Insert your own specific information supported by a relevant quote]

Example: Locally, travelers to _____County spent $_____million in 2013. Among the contributing factors for local tourism growth was a new destination marketing campaign that focused on area’s unique natural resources and recent hotel and retail developments in the downtown main street district.

Example Quote: “Tourism plays a critical role in our community and continues to grow, and from an economic standpoint, the numbers reflect that,” said [Your Spokesperson]. “Last year’s numbers are very encouraging and we hope to capitalize on this momentum in the coming summer season with a strong promotional campaign that defines our brand and targets potential visitors with a message that resonates.”

Statewide, traveler spending generated $1.35 billion in state and local revenue and $1 billion in federal taxes.

“The past three years have been outstanding for Wisconsin’s tourism industry. Tourism had a $17.5 billion economic impact, a $2.7 billion increase in tourism activity since 2010,” said Department of Tourism Secretary Stephanie Klett. “Tourism continues to be one of Wisconsin’s most important economic resources and investing in tourism promotion and marketing at both the state and local level is one of the best things a state can do to attract visitors, enhance the state’s image and keep the economy growing.”

The Department of Tourism worked with a national research firm Longwoods International and Tourism Economics to produce the reports.

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