Equity & Services Council Meeting

March 3rd 2014

Monday at 4:00 pm

SURC 202

Call To Order: 4:01 pm


BSU: Present

VIP: Present

FASA: Present

EQuAL: Present

M.E.Ch.A: Present

ABLE: Present


NASA: Absent

FGSO: Present
Multicultural Club: Present

Approval Of Minutes: Spencer entertains a motion to approve the minutes, VIP so moves, Rotaract seconds, 6-0-0 motion passes.

Additions Or Corrections To Agenda: Addition: feedback on winter leadership retreat before the funds request.

Approval of Agenda: Spencer entertains a motion to approve the agenda with above addition, FASA so moves, BSU seconds, 6-0-0 motion passes

Executive Board Report:

·  Chair: President’s round table March 5th 1pm BOD conference SURC 236, reminder spring doodle poll closes on the 7th if you haven’t done it please do so by the 7th

·  Executive Assistant: Community Service hours due no later than March 13th at 2:00 pm if you need hours come see me. Also I will email out the community service form to everyone.

·  Community Programmer: Welcomed Ernie G. with M.E.Ch.A will get a wrap up report by next Friday for the Winter Quarter Leadership retreat

·  Advisor: Reminder this Thursday March 6th at 7pm in Sue Lombard Dinning Hall is the Irish Celebration Event

Special Guests:

Org Reports:

·  BSU: Wrapped up McConnel, planning on attending OSOC March 17th through the 19th, working out black grad details

·  VIP: Finalized logo for rock against rape will bring it next week along with the funds request. Working on roles members will take on and getting volunteers for event.

·  FASA: Added a culture part to the meeting and this week played a game this coming Thursday in Black 203 at 7pm more on the history of the dance. Finalizing paperwork for the conference for next quarter.

·  EQuAL: Finalizing plans for the conference and beginning planning for next quarter Pride.

·  M.E.Ch.A: Focused on planning for the conference in Colorado next weekend, attended Ernie G. leadership conference it went great.

·  ABLE: Just finished up rare disease event it was successful. Right now brainstorming ideas to bring awareness to campus and working on Autism awareness plans.

·  ROTARACT: Volunteer at Munch Madness with F.I.S.H Food bank, F.I.S.H food service March 15th from 2-7pm helping serve and give any other general help as needed.

·  NASA:

·  FGSO: Working on Org recruitment

Old Business:

·  SURC Accounting Procedure: Please make appointments with the office

·  Updated Itinerary

New Business:

·  Updated Constitution 2014 (LAST SECTION): See scanned documents below

·  Feedback on retreat: BSU: Went well, enjoyed what he had to say, it was very hands on and he had good things to remind us about when going through school. FASA: confused on what time it started because of the changes made. Rotaract: Comedy show was empowering was really good. EQuAL: second half of the show was hetronormative and people left because of the fact.

·  EQuAL Funds Request-Vote- Spencer entertains a motion to approve EQuAL’s funds request in the amount of $700 for their conference Power of One, ABLE so moves, FASA seconds, 6-0-1

·  FASA Funds Request-Vote- Spencer entertains a motion to approve FASA’s funds request in the amount of $1554.05 for the Annual northwest FASA conference, EQuAL so moves, Rotaract seconds, 6-0-1

·  M.E.Ch.A Funds Request-Presentation: Requesting $3,265.58 to send six students to the 21st annual M.E.Ch.A National Conference. Nigiste will email the electronic version of the funds request to all of the ESC representatives.


·  Look for Spring Quarter Meeting Doodle (Closes 3/7)

·  Student Government (BOD) Elections Packets available!

·  Renters Insurance Presentation Spencer emailed presentation to everyone please be sure to look it over

·  Recently FASA has had stuff go missing from the back space. Also liability waivers have also been missing but John has copies.

Public Comments: Public Comments may be submitted to Spencer Flores in person or via email . Public comments may also be presented at the time of the meeting

Adjournment: VIP entertains a motion to adjourn the meeting, ABLE seconds, no decent, meeting adjourned at 4:39pm