Name: Date: Period:
Persuasive/Argumentative Essay Project
Due: 3/24 or 3/25
Directions: Apply what you have learned during writing the persuasive/argumentative essay on your chosen topic to take on a real-world job where you create something that is persuasive. Become a painter, an engineer, a biologist, or some other profession and apply what you have learned while researching and writing your essay to create something that persuades.
Example 1: I did research on the effects of bullying and I wrote an essay about how bullies should be expelled from school. In this project I will act as a counselor and create an anti-bullying program for the school that will persuade bullies to not be bullies.
Example 2: I did research on global warming. I wrote an essay about why we should stop global warming. I will take on the real-world role of being an artist and create a painting of what our world will be like 50 years from now if we keep polluting at the rate we do today. This painting will persuade people to stop polluting.
Example 3: I did research on a political candidate. I wrote an essay about why we should vote for this political candidate. I will create a new and improved campaign button for this candidate that will persuade others to vote for this presidential candidate.
RECOGNITION OPPORTUNITY: The best art projects from periods 1-5, as determined by the teacher, will be presented to local Culver City art galleries. We will try to get an art gallery to host your art for at least a day. These projects will be given extra credit for their exceptionality and you will receive an award for your efforts.
Creation Ideas to Show Learning and Understanding (you are not limited to this list)
-book review
-movie script
-a piece of writing that sees things from a different point of view / -speech
-musical piece
-oral report
-panel discussion
-dramatic reenactment
-data display (chart)
-exhibition of products / -computer database
-computer graphic
-computer program
-social media page
-electronic game
-electronic presentation
-app / -audiotape
-scrap book
-oral history
-photo album
-working model / -proposal
-flow chart
-timeline / -physical model
-consumer product
-scientific instrument
-museum exhibit
If you are creating a work of art, complete the below information to make it great…(OPTIONAL)
Gather Multiple Perspectives on Your Topic
Perspective/Point of View / Do you want this perspective to influence your art? / Why do you want this perspective to influence your art? / How will this perspective influence your art?Perspective Example
My essay question was…
Is pollution a problem that needs to be stopped?
Example 1: I have no control over pollution.
This is one perspective on the topic. / Example 1: Yes, I do want this perspective to influence my art. / Example 1: I want this perspective to influence my art because it upsets me when people so carelessly pollute because they feel they have no control over pollution so they just keep polluting because everyone else does. / Example 1: This perspective will influence my art because my art will be an interactive work of art where people will take the garbage that is in the box on the floor and put it anywhere they want on the canvas that is on the wall. This will help them to see that they do have control over pollution because they can either choose to recycle and help the planet or they can choose to make the pollution worse by seeing how all the garbage we don’t recycle adds up.
Perspective 1
Perspective 2
Example 2: Everything I do contributes to the amount of pollution in the environment.
Perspective 3
Example 3: We should have a more effective public transportation system in Los Angeles in order to minimize pollution.
Reflect on Current Inequality (things not being equal)
Why do you think this inequality (things not being equal) exists? / Who might benefit or lose? / Why?1.
What I know about this issue of injustice (things not being right or fair) is… / Given what I know about this issue of injustice (things not being right or fair), what tools and tactics might I use to have an impact on it?
How do you want to translate your issue into art?
Literal translations are the most clear cut as an artist takes an idea and uses straightforward imagery to directly recreate the concept. / The translations that fall in the metaphorical category use seemingly unrelated symbols, images, or references to make an implicit comparison to the main idea. / The ironic or humorous form of translation draws on incongruity, juxtaposition, humor, or some combination of these to convey an idea. / The artist’s reliance on the audience’s participation in or engagement with the artwork to convey or communicate an idea is the defining feature of interactive translations. / Multifaceted translation-include the activities that clearly draw on multiple forms of translating.Sketch a literal translation of your issue below. / Sketch a metaphorical translation of your issue below. / Sketch an ironic or humorous translation of your issue below. / Sketch a translation of your issue that your audience has to interact with. / Sketch a multifaceted translation of your issue that combines translations.
Your product needs to be persuasive. Here are some persuasive techniques you can use to persuade your audience to do or think something as a result of experiencing your product.
Argumentative/PersuasiveEssay Project Rubric
Criteria / 5 / 2.5 / 0Research
(W 7.7) / The product shows evidence of research done on the topic. / The product shows minimal evidence of research done on the topic. / Criteria not met
Depth of Knowledge/
Developing the Critical Thinker / The product is at one of the below levels of critical thinking:
-the DOK 4 level: you have created something entirely original
-the DOK 3 level: you have created something that demonstrates a what if scenario or you have created something where you combine ideas
-The DOK 2 level: you show a cause and effect relationship or you show a compare and contrast relationship in your creation / The product is at the DOK 1 level: you have created something that is just a simple representation of the ideas in your essay. For example, if your essay is about rocks, you just draw rocks. / Criteria not met
(W 7.4) / The information is organized in a way the audience will understand. / The organization does not take into account the audience. / Criteria not met
Creativity: 21st Century Skill Develop-ment / -Ideas represent important concepts from different contexts or disciplines
-Created product draws on a variety of sources, including different texts, media, resource persons, or personal experiences
-Ideas are combined in original ways to solve a problem, address an issue, or make something new.
-Created product is interesting, new, or helpful, making an original contribution for its intended purpose (for example, solving a problem or addressing an issue) / -Ideas do not represent important concepts.
- Created product draws on only one source or on sources that are not trustworthy or appropriate.
-Ideas are combined in ways that are derived from the thinking of others (for example, of the authors in sources consulted).
-Created product partially serves its intended purpose (for example, solving a problem or addressing an issue) / Criteria not met
Effort / The product shows much effort was done to create it. / The product shows minimal effort / Criteria not met.
(RI 7.3 &
W 7.1) / The product is persuasive: it gets the audience to do or think something the creator of the product wants / The product attempts to be persuasive / Criteria not met
Total: /30