Here we have an excellent answer to "Hotdog" Hymers, where he has been harassing Mr. Evans on some issues after lying about who believed the Bible was the word of God before Ruckman. (I have "Hotdog's" original tape where he said that nobody believed what Ruckman believed before 1960.). Since we made an ass out of him ten times in a row, and printed all ten times in the Bulletin, he challenged the original tape, and now says he didn't actually mean that, but what he meant was one "scholar." So this is the kind of junk that continues from that. A liar has to have a good memory. -- Peter S. Ruckman
The letter from Herb Evans to Dr. R.L. Hymers:
"Dear Sir, It is obvious that you no longer wish to talk about 2 Timothy 3:16, honesty, ‘inspired’ printing presses, nor your misrepresentations of Ruckmanites. I would think that a man of your degree, education, and prominence would do more than scribble across a letter, which he has received. Nevertheless, I have received a copy of my letter, to you, dated August 27, 1993, from you, with your scribbles upon it. You ask”:
1. “Was John Adams a Baptist or protestant scholar, or a politician?”
Well, he was a politician but then so is your friend and editor, Combs. If my memory serves me correctly, he was a Baptist. If your friend, Bob Ross, is an authority, he provided the textbook to Spurgeon's pastors' college, so I guess that makes him a scholar, with distinction.
2. “Was Adams' statement, in fact, proof of Ruckmanism? What did Adams mean? Were these people to whom he referred [SIC] Baptist or protestant scholars? More hocus pocus, based on undocumented partial quotes and hearsay. Where's the beef? It makes me laugh that Ruckmanites can't come up with even one documented (from its source) quote from even one Baptist or protestant scholar! Why? There weren't any!”
Adams' statement and John Bunyan’s statement (plus several quotes, which were printed in the BBB) are, indeed, proof of Ruckmanism, prior to 1950. Adams meant exactly what he said, so did Bunyan (just like similar quotes, which predate 1950, which were reproduced in the BBB, mean what they say). Of course, a fellow could choose to ignore and gainsay them. Were they Baptists or Protestants? They were hardly Catholics. That doesn't leave much else, back then. Were you laughing when the BBB reproduced at least a dozen of such quotes or were you sleeping? Were they scholars? Again, I ask, 'Where are the Baptist or Protestant scholars that have become Ruckmanites, since 1950?' (With all your degrees, you really don't understand the significance, relevance, or implication of my question, do you? It is not going to go away.)
3. “In answer to Bunyan's quote you unwittingly ask, 'How can it be since the original was not in the Greek?’”
You have been asking a lot of questions but have not been answering any. How about documenting this statement! O.K.? I won't even demand that you produce the whole Bible.’
4. “Why not produce the 1928 book? (All of it). Why not produce the Adams book? Where's the beef? You have asked twice, 'Where's the beef?' It makes me wonder if Don Edwards has been stuffing himself, in front of a TV, as you charged on your audio to a dead man, or if it has really been you, in front of the tube??”
Where have you ever heard of someone demanding that someone Xerox an entire book? I will produce the pertinent pages and flyleaf, of the 1928 book. Anything more would be evasion, on your part. As for Adams' book, ask you friend Ross—it is his quote.
5. “Document from writings, that either you or Edwards believed the tenets of Ruckmanism before 1950. Bet you can't do that!”
Naturally, I can't speak for Don Edwards. And since I was not saved until 1962, I hardly could document anything either way. Still, Don Edwards and myself a re not "Baptist scholars," so why should you be interested in such documentation? Could you document that I believed the tenets of Ruckmanism "since" 1950? Could you document that Dr. Ruckman believed the tenets, to which you refer, prior to 1968? Can you document the existence of a Ruckmanite, prior to 1968, with your three requirements? Can you produce the whole book(s).
Will you concede the argument, if I document that I came by my views, after reading J.J. Ray's tract and book? What if I produce documentation that demonstrates that Peter S. Ruckman came by some of his views by reading me? Don't be afraid of answering someone else's questions . . . for a change!
Sincerely, (Signed) Herb Evans
Bible Believers’ Bulletin - January 1993, p. 11