Other Information and diary dates
From w/b 30/10/17 P4 & P5 Active School’s Club at lunchtime for 5 weeks (full gym kit required)
6/11/17 Guy Fawkes themed school lunch
15/11/17 Day of Dance Grand Hall Kilmarnock
17/11/17 Dress Down day for Children In Need (Spotacular)
24/11/17 Parent Council Shopping Evening at Mauchline Kilmarnock Supporters’ Club
5/12/17 Christmas themed lunch
14/11/17 Christmas Church Service led by P5 pupils
14/11/17 P5/6 Christmas Party
15/12/17 Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day
22/12/17 Beauty and the Beast M & M Productions
A variety of homework will be given through the week to include:
Maths: Usually issued on a Monday for return on the Thursday
Spelling: Issued on the Monday for return during the week but please practice the List Words throughout the week for the Check-Up on the Friday.
Big Talk/Literacy Homework (Grammar, VCOP etc.): Usually issued on the Wednesday for Thursday Big Writing
Other: Your child may have other homework to complete such as a research task, a competition, lines to learn, French vocabulary etc. Instructions will have been given in class for this.
How Parents/Carers can help and useful websites
Please encourage neatness and the correction of errors. Please sign your child’s work and ensure that your child has self-assessed it. Please feel free to note any concerns or difficulties your child has with their homework task and also note where you feel they have worked well.
If you can offer assistance on any of our topics, have a particular skill or specialised knowledge which relates to any of our learning this term or would like more information on this term’s work plan, please contact the school on 01290 550306

Websites to support your child’s learning in P5.

Mauchline Primary School& ECC

Class Bulletin 2017/18


Dear Parents and Carers,

Our Class Bulletin forms part of our Reporting to Parents process. The purpose of our leaflet is to

  • inform you about the learning and teaching taking place in your children’s classes,
  • inform you about activities, events and visits in which your child will participate,
  • give you reminders about class routines and requirements.
  • give you ideas on how you can support your child’s learning at home,

Working in partnership with parents we endeavour to teach our pupils to be Responsible Citizens, Effective Contributors, Successful Learners and Confident Individuals. The following guide informs you of pupils’ expected pace of learning through the CfE levels.

EARLY:the pre-school years and P1 or later for some

FIRST:to the end of P4, but earlier or later for some

SECOND:to the end of P7, but earlier or later for some

THIRD AND FOURTH:S1 to S3 but earlier for some

SENIOR PHASE:S4-S6 and college or other means of study

Your child is working atsecond level.

Further CfE information is available at

Language, Literacy and Modern Languages
This term we will be developing our reading skills and comprehension. Your child will be working in a small reading group to suit his/her ability for Guided Reading lessons and will have follow-up tasks to check and deepen understanding of text. We will also be reading a variety of text as a class during our Short Read activities.
We will continue to develop Big Writing skills through VCOP activities and encourage pupils to edit their own work. This term we will also be focussing on listening and talking skills.
Mathematics and numeracy
Mental maths, Golden 100, Problem Solving and Number Talks will take place regularly during each week.
Crystals (Mrs Norman): Fractions, times tables facts, place value to 10,000, addition and subtraction of larger numbers
Diamonds (Mrs Norman): Symmetry, revision of metric conversions, 2D & 3D Shapes and mathematical language used, revision of times table and Fractions of Quantities, Function Machines, Algebra, Problem Solving
Cats/Crystals (Mrs Harkiss): Working to 10,000 and rounding to nearest 100, x and divide across different applications, time, surveys and graphs, weight, extend times tables
Dogs/Diamonds (Mrs Harkiss): Spreadsheets, pie charts, converting between fractions, decimals and %, rotational symmetry, perimeter and area and introduction to algebra
Health and Wellbeing
Health lessons will cover friendship and anti-bullying, feelings and worries.
A variety of Scottish Country dances will be taught in order to prepare for the day of Dance run by the RSCDS in November and for our Christmas party. We will also endeavour to complete the Daily Mile when possible throughout the week.

Other curricular areas
Our topic this term is a science topic and we will be looking at various materials and how their state changes. We will be carrying out experiments, focussing on working co-operatively and deciding how best to record our results and draw conclusions from our observations.

Class news
We are all looking forward to a busy second term in P5. We have already started preparing for the Christmas ceilidh dances and for the Day of Dance in the Grand Hall in Kilmarnock. We have some fantastic dancers, both male and female.
Preparations will soon be underway for the P5 led Christmas Service on Thursday 14th December. Your child will have lines and songs to remember. I would be grateful if you could help him/her with this. We look forward to seeing friends and family there if you can make it.
Class Routines and Requirements
PE: Monday and Wednesday.
Children must wear full PE kit and no jewellery. Long hair must be tied back. We also have a Hall time on Fridays- only gym shoes required. Pupils are welcome to keep their PE kit in the cloakroom on their peg to save them having to carry it back and forth.
Art: Art is on a Thursday; please bring an old T-shirt or top as a cover-up as this can be messy.
Brass: Mr Anderson visits the school on a Tuesday.
Piano: Piano lessons with Mr Sullivan are on a Friday.
Mobile Phones: All phones must be checked in during registration first thing in the morning. Phones are stored in the main office for safe keeping throughout the day.
Home Lunch: Please send a note if your child is a home lunch.
Library: Our school library time is a Friday and children are also welcome to choose a book from the class library as long as it is signed out and in.

L McL Revised Nov 2016