Sentence building blocks
Sentences can come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Take a look at the sentences below and see if you can spot what is being added each time. Highlight the extra bits and say what kind of language component it is e.g verb, adjective, adverb etc.
The squirrel ran.
The fluffy, brown squirrel ran.
The fluffy, brown squirrel ran hastily.
The fluffy, brown squirrel ran hastily up the tree.
The fluffy, brown squirrel ran hastily up the tree, carrying a nut in it’s mouth.
(Remember, these levels are only true if ALL the punctuation is correct)
Use the same method to build up some fabulous, descriptive sentences below.
A good level 5 writer doesn’t always start a sentence with the subject, but they might start with the subordinate clause.
The fluffy, brown squirrel ran hastily up the tree, carrying a nut in it’s mouth.
Carrying a nut in it’s mouth, the fluffy , brown squirrel ran hastily up the tree.
Can you look at some of your longer sentences and try to rearrange them so that the subject of your sentence isn’t always at the start of the sentence.