Table of Contents
Changing the Font Pages WD_78 to WD_80 1
Step-by-Step 4.1 4
Changing Font Attributes Pages WD_80 to WD_85 5
Changing Font Size 5
Step-by-Step 4.2 6
Changing the Color of Text 8
Step-by-Step 4.3 9
Changing Font Style 10
TIP 11
Changing Underline Style and Color 11
Step-by-Step 4.4 12
Changing Text Effects Pages WD_85 to WD_86 14
Step-by-Step 4.5 15
Highlighting Text Pages WD_86 to WD_88 16
Step-by-Step 4.6 17
Copying Formatting Pages WD_88 to WD_89 19
TIP 19
Step-by-Step 4.7 20
Understanding Styles Pages WD_89 to WD_90 21
TIP 22
Applying Quick Styles Pages WD_90 to WD_91 22
TIP 23
Step-by-Step 4.8 23
Changing Themes Pages WD_91 to WD_93 25
Step-by-Step 4.9 26
Redefining an Existing Quick Style Pages WD_93 to WD_94 26
Step-by-Step 4.10 27
Creating a New Quick Style Page WD_95 28
Step-by-Step 4.11 29
Clearing Formatting Page WD_96 30
Step-by-Step 4.12 30
End of Chapter Review Pages WD_97 to WD_100 31
Lesson 4: Formatting Text: Summary 31
Lesson 4: Formatting Text: Vocabulary Review 32
Lesson 4: Formatting Text: Review Questions 32
Lesson 4: Formatting Text: Projects 33
PROJECT 4–1 33
PROJECT 4–2 33
PROJECT 4–3 34
PROJECT 4–4 34
PROJECT 4–5 35
Lesson 4: Formatting Text: Critical Thinking 35
Changing the Font Pages WD_78 to WD_80
Designs of type are called fonts . Just as clothing comes in different designs, fonts have different designs. For example, the font used for this text is Times LT Std Roman and the font used for the blue Changing the Font heading above is Futura Std Medium.
Like clothing, fonts can be dressy or casual. When you are creating a document, you should consider what kind of impression you want the text to make. Do you want your document to look dressy and formal? Or do you want it to look casual and informal? Using the fonts shown in Figure 4–1 would result in very different looking documents.
FIGURE 4–1 Examples of different fonts
To change the font, locate the Font group on the Home tab on the Ribbon. Click the arrow next to the Font box, as shown in Figure 4–2, and then scroll to the font of your choice. If you have selected text in the document first, you can point to each font to use Live Preview, the Microsoft Office feature that enables you to watch the selected text change in the document without actually making the change. When you find the font you want, click it. The menu closes and the new font is applied to the selected text.
FIGURE 4–2 Live Preview of the Algerian font
You can change the font of text already in the document by selecting it first, and then choosing a new font. To change the font of text not yet typed, first choose the font, and then type the text. The new font will be applied until you change to another font.
Step-by-Step 4.1
1. Open the Flyer.docx document from the drive and folder where your Data Files are stored. Save the document as Race Track Flyer followed by your initials.
2. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the Select button, and then click Select All. All the text in the document is selected.
3. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the arrow next to the Font box
. The list of fonts opens. The font currently applied to the selected text, Calibri, is listed in the Font box and is selected at the top of the list.
4. Point to Algerian (but don't click it). The Live Preview feature changes the selected text in the document to the Algerian font so you can see what it would look like.
5. Point to a few other fonts in the list and watch how the Live Preview feature changes the selected text.
6. Click a blank area of the document. The Font list closes and the font of the selected text stays the same.
Bookmark Title:
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
7. In the paragraph below the heading Sage Stone Race Track, in the first line of text, select the text Sage Stone Race Track.
8. In the Font group, click the arrow next to the Font box
. Click Arial Rounded MT Bold. The Font list closes and the selected text is changed to Arial Rounded MT Bold.
9. Click a blank area of the document to deselect the text.
10. Save the document and leave it open for the next Step-by-Step.
If you use the mouse to select text, the Mini toolbar will appear. To choose a different font using the Mini toolbar, move the mouse toward it to make it fully visible, and then click the arrow next to the Font box on the Mini toolbar.
Changing Font Attributes Pages WD_80 to WD_85
Once you have decided on a font, you can change its attributes , or how it looks. For example, you can change the size of the font or change its style by making the font bold, italic, or underlined. You can also add color and apply special effects.
Changing Font Size
Font size is determined by measuring the height of characters in units called points . Standard font sizes for text are 10, 11, and 12 points. Font sizes for headings are usually larger. For example, this text is 10 points, and the blue Changing Font Attributes heading above is 18 points. The higher the point size, the larger the characters. Figure 4–3 illustrates the Calibri font in different sizes. You can change font size by using the Font Size box on the Formatting toolbar or on the Mini toolbar.
You can also use the Grow Font and Shrink Font buttons in the Font group on the Home tab or on the Mini toolbar to increase or decrease the font size.
FIGURE 4–3 Examples of font sizes
Step-by-Step 4.2
1. In the paragraph below the heading Sage Stone Race Track, in the first line of text, select Sage Stone Race Track.
2. On the Home tab, in the Font group, look at the Font Size box
.The selected text is 11 points. See Figure 4–4.
FIGURE 4–4 Font size of selected text
3. In the paragraph below the heading Sage Stone Race Track, select the second line of text, and then look at the Font Size box
. This text is also 11 points. Although these characters look smaller than Sage Stone Race Track in the first line of this paragraph, all of the text in the document is 11 points.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the document, and then select all the text in the last paragraph (We can't wait to see you!).
5. Click the arrow next to the Font Size box
. A list of font sizes appears.
Point size tells you the size of text relative to text in other point sizes in the same font. But, 11-point text in one font might be larger or smaller than 11-point text in another font.
6. Click 16. The Font Size list closes, and the selected text is changed to 16 points.
7. Deselect the text.
8. Save the document and leave it open for the next Step-by-Step.
If you want to use a font size that is not on the Font Size list, type the point size directly in the Font Size box, and then press Enter.
Bookmark Title:
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Changing the Color of Text
You can change the color of text to make it stand out or to add interest to a document. To change the color of text, click the arrow next to the Font Color button in the Font group on the Home tab. This opens a gallery that includes the color palette , a coordinated set of colors available for use in the document. See Figure 4–5.
FIGURE 4–5 Color palette on the Font Color button gallery
The gallery has four sections. The top section contains the Automatic color for the current text; this is usually black. The middle section contains the color palette of Theme Colors, which are colors specifically designed to work with the current document. The bottom section contains the palette of Standard Colors, which are colors that are always available. Finally, the More Colors command below the color palette, opens the Colors dialog box in which you can choose many more colors.
The colors in the palette all have names. You can see the names by pointing to each color to see its ScreenTip, as shown in Figure 4–5. The Standard Colors have simple names, such as Red, Yellow, and Light Green. The Theme Colors have more complex names that identify the color, shade, and other information.
Step-by-Step 4.3
1. In the bulleted list at the end of the document, in the second bulleted item, select recycle.
2. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the arrow next to the Font Color button
. A gallery containing the color palette opens.
3. In the Standard Colors row, click the Green color. The color palette closes and the selected text is now green.
The colored bar on the Font Color button changes to reflect the last color selected. If you want to apply the color shown in the colored bar, you can simply click the Font Color button.
Bookmark Title:
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
4. Press Ctrl+Home to jump back to the beginning of the document, and then in the paragraph below the heading Sage Stone Race Track, select the text Sage Stone Race Track again. (This is the text you formatted with the Arial Rounded MT font.)
5. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the arrow next to the Font Color button
, and then in the first row under Theme Colors, click the Olive Green, Accent 3 color. The color palette closes and the color you selected is applied to the selected text.
6. Deselect the text.
7. Save the document and leave it open for the next Step-by-Step.
Changing Font Style
Font style is a formatting feature you can apply to a font to change its appearance. Common font styles are bold, italic, and underlining. These styles can be applied to any font. Figure 4–6 illustrates these styles applied to the Calibri font.
FIGURE 4–6 Examples of font styles
When no style is applied to text, it is sometimes called roman.
The easiest way to change the font style is to select the text, and then click the Bold, Italic, or Underline buttons in the Font group on the Home tab. The Bold and Italic buttons are also available on the Mini toolbar. All three of the style commands are toggle commands, so to turn a style off, you click the button again.
Bookmark Title:
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Changing Underline Style and Color
When you underline text, you can underline with one line or change the style to multiple lines, dotted lines, dashed lines, or another style. You can also change the color of the underline. To change to another underline style or color, click the arrow next to the Underline button. See Figure 4–7.
FIGURE 4–7 Underline menu to choose underline style and color
You can click one of the styles on the menu, or click More Underlines to open the Font dialog box. In the Font dialog box, click the Underline style arrow, and then scroll down the list to see additional underline styles. To change the color of the underline, click the arrow next to the Underline button, and then point to Underline Color. This opens the same palette of colors available when you click the Font Color button arrow.
Step-by-Step 4.4
1. Select the text Sage Stone Race Track once more in the paragraph below the heading Sage Stone Race Track.
2. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Bold button
The selected text becomes bold. The Bold button is orange to indicate that it is toggled on selected and bold formatting is turned on.
3. In the fourth paragraph (the paragraph under “Schedule”), at the end of the second line, select the text Rip Tarber Stock Championship Race.
4. In the Font group, click the Italic button
.The selected text is italicized and the Italic button is selected.
Bookmark Title:
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
5. Press Ctrl+End to jump to the end of the document. In the bulleted list, in the second bulleted item, select the green text recycle. In the Font group, click the Underline button
. Deselect the text. The text recycle is underlined.
6. Select recycle again. In the Font group, click the Underline button
. The selected text is no longer underlined.
7. With recycle still selected, in the Font group, click the arrow next to the Underline button
. The Underline menu opens. Click the Double underline. The selected text is underlined with a double underline.
8. In the Font group, click the arrow next to the Underline button
. Point to Underline Color. A gallery containing the color palette opens.
9. Under Standard Colors, click the Blue color. The color palette closes and the color of the double underline changes to blue.
10. Deselect the text.
11. Save the document and leave it open for the next Step-by-Step.
To quickly change text to bold, press Ctrl+B; to change text to italic, press Ctrl+I; to underline text, press Ctrl+U.
Changing Text Effects Pages WD_85 to WD_86
Text effects , sometimes called font effects , are similar to font styles and can help enhance or clarify text. To apply a text effect—such as, strikethrough, subscript, or superscript—to selected text, click the button corresponding to that effect in the Font group on the Home tab. Many more text effects are available on the Text Effects button gallery and menu shown in Figure 4–8. Like font styles, font effects are toggle commands—a font effect is either turned on or off.