NHS Complaints
ISD Complaints System User Training Manual
National Services Scotland
NHS Complaints
Submitting data to ISD
For third party users
Document contacts: Name: Jennifer Boyd, Senior Information Analyst, NHS Complaints
Chapter / Page1.1 / Extraction of data into csv format……………………………………………………………… / 3
1.2 / Save file in a local area……………………………………………………………………………… / 4
1.3 / Logging onto SWIFT……………………………………………………………………………………. / 4
1.4 / Downloading File……………………………………………………………………………………….. / 4
2.2 / Submitting Complaints Data………………………………………………………………………. / 5
2.3 / Errors………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. / 6
2.3.1 / Error Samples…………………………………………………………………………………………….. / 6
1.1Extraction of data into .csv format
In your complaints computer system an option should be available to select the quarterly complaints for the required time period and also the edition of the complaints submission.
It depends on your software provider (Datix, Answers, etc…) how this extraction is carried out.
Please contact you Complaints software provider if you cannot find an option in you computer to extract your data
1.2 Save file in a local area
Save the CSV file extracted from the system and save it in a local area. This is the file that will be sent to ISD via SWIFT (DVL processing).
1.3 logging onto SWIFT
-use the link logon onto swift
-If don’t have a username or password please contact Jennifer Boyd at
- Click logon.
2.1 Downloading file
-Click on DVL processing in the left hand column.
-In the next screen click on Browse to select the Comma Separated value (CSV) file created in step 1.2 (see screen below)
2.2 Submitting Complaints data
-Click on submit when file has been selected.
-System takes a few seconds to load and validate the file.
-If no errors were found a screen similar to the one below should appear.
2.3 Errors
2.3.1 Example of Error messages
- Error: submitting a non CSV file.
- Error message:
1:Problemloadingfileintoexternaltabletoreadheaderrecord,itislikelythatitisabinaryfile-didyousendanxlsfile?ifso:openthefileandfromthefilemenuuse"saveas..."andchoosecommaseparatedfile(csv). ORA-29913:errorinexecutingODCIEXTTABLEFETCHcallout ORA-30653:rejectlimitreached
-The file validated was a binary Excel file. Need to create a comma separated file (CSV).
-Create the comma separated file using the ‘save as type’ option in Excel.
-Go to step 2.1, browse the CSV file and click on submit.
-Error: Wrong edition number
-In this case I get a new error message as I didn’t change the edition number.
-Error message:
-Change load edition to 4
-Go to step 2.1, browse the CSV file and click on submit.
- Error : Dates out of sequence
- Error message:
-In this case the date of a complaint acknowledged is earlier than the date when the complaints was received. Need to input the correct dates.
- Go to step 2.1, browse the CSV file and click on submit.
Error: non-existent issue code
-Correct code for Issue
-Go to step 2.1, browse the CSV file and click on submit