National Accounts Division
Pre - Qualification Form
· For Internal Use Only – Not for Customer Viewing / Date:· Rate sheets for the customer in question must be submitted with this form.
· Incomplete forms and older form versions will be rejected.
Submitting Rep Information
NAD Rep Name: / Rep #: / LOC:
Customer Contact Information
Customer: / Phone #:
City: / State: / Zip:
Contact Name: / Title:
Customer Background Information
1. Did the customer request a national account? / Yes / No
2. Where are the headquarters for the customer located? / Same as above.
City: / State: / Zip:
3. Does the customer have a parent company? / Yes / No
Name of Parent Company:
City: / State: / Zip:
4. Does the customer have an account with Ahern Rentals now or have they had one in the past?
Yes / No
If “Yes” what is their primary account number?
5. What type(s) of work do they perform? (Ex. General Contractor, Mechanical Contractor, Glazing, Plumbing etc.)
6. What is the customer’s current annual rental spend with Ahern?
$ / annually
7. Select the states in which the customer (or parent company) currently works in and/or has locations, offices and facilities.
AZ / GA / LA / NV / NY / OK / SC / UT / FL
CA / IL / MD / NJ / NC / OR / TN / VA
CO / KS / NB / NM / ND / PA / TX / WA
8. What is the customer’s potential annual rental spend within the Ahern footprint?
$ / annually
9. Explain how pricing will be handled below
10. Does the customer require purchase orders? / Yes / No
11. Use the space below to explain any special arrangements, requirements, conditions or other types of information that may be important to know before proceeding with a national account.
* When completed, email form, rates and any other attachments to
LA # 16762 / © Ahern Rentals, Inc / Last Revised: 04/26/13