Clerk: Mr. T.Doubtfire
A Meeting of Creswell Parish Council was held at the Staff Room, Tillington Manor Primary School, Young Avenue, HOLMCROFT on Monday 4th April 2011 at 7.30 pm.
1. To accept apologies for absence & note attendance.
Apologies: Cllr. Sutherland, Parish Chairman R. Allsop hospitalised
Attendees: Councillors J. Cantrill (Vice Chairman), R. Thomas, P. Bowen &
Mrs Redfern, Clerk T. Doubtfire. Public. J. Redfern, R. McMullan
& County. Cllr. Winnington
2. a). To accept the minutes of the last meeting of the 7th March 2011.
These had been circulated and amended with the word ”no” included in Para.4 Page 547/11.
Proposed by R. Thomas seconded by Mrs Redfern agreed unanimously and amended.
3. To report the Proposed Development at Beaconside Akzo Nobel & Planning issues not covered in Paragraph 4.
a)Cllr. Thomas reported: Akzo Nobel Planning Application would be put forward beginning May. The question of a road at the back of the Development HP13 was being looked into.
Whilst with Planning Cllr. Thomas was assured that the rumour that Morrison’s were coming to the Area was denied. Cllr. Cantrill confirmed that the Action Parkside Group were co-operating with Creswell Parish concerning the overall strategy of Development in the area North and East of Redhill Roundabout, their letter should be put with the SBC letter on file.
b) Down Beaconside the area of land known as “Brandon’s” was been pushed forward for Housing around the Sandon Road MOD area. Would this affect the Junction 14 and A5013 Infrastructure Plan especial traffic congestion? This to be further investigated together with the effect on the usage of Stafford Common replies need to be returned by 11th April.
c) Inglewood Investments had begun to mark out and excavate the Balancing Pool on their land at the bottom of Primepoint.
d) Stafford Western Route Group A518/9 Haughton - Gnosall had invited the Parish Council to attend their meetings as there could be a shared concern over traffic issues. A member of Creswell Parish Council would attend and report back. County Cllr. Winnington was actively
monitoring the situation and would also inform the Parish Council of likely issues that could affect Creswell Area.
4. Planning Applications& Issues. Update on
a) 48a Creswell Grove. It was understood that the Bank had insisted that the building be put on the Market within 10 weeks of starting the Completion estimated to be beginning of June 2011. Either as a 2 Flats or complete detached house but not Multiple Occupancy
b) Network Rail Norton Bridge Junction. Nothing further had been heard from Network Rail.
c) Pedestrian Crossing Refusal & Traffic Control on Motorway Slip Roads. The Clerk reported that a letter of acknowledgement had been only just received about Pedestrian Crossing Refusal by County Highways due to Internal Delays and he would report back.
The installation of the Traffic Control on Junction 14 roundabout had commenced. He had been approached by Mrs Mary Malpass concerning the access/exit from Hillcrest directly on to the Roundabout. The Clerk had contacted the Traffic Manager Area 9 of the M6 who dispatched Engineers from their Contractors Amey and the County Highways immediately to assess the possible problem and arrange a solution before completion. Resident Mrs Malpass rang back to thank the Parish Council for contacting the requisite Authorities so promptly.
d) Elections Situation. At noon that day 4th April 2011Nominations closed for the Creswell Parish Council Election. It was assumed that only 4 persons had submitted for the 5 seats.
The Nominations result was to be confirmed on 5th April.
e) Strawsons/Omnivales Field. Mrs Beverley Batty and a colleague adviser from Strawsons would meet with the Parish Council on Friday 8th April at 2.00 pm. The Clerk had arranged with the Golden Orient who had kindly arranged for their meeting room to be made available. An informal exchange of ideas and plans for the “Field” Site would take place.
f) Whittington Parish Council had contacted Creswell concerning the HS2 Rail Line for comment. It was felt that the proposed lines would be too far East to affect our area.
g) The Clerk had received an advice that a Planning Application for Primepoint Signage had been withdrawn dated 2002! Cllr. Thomas confirmed that it had never been pursued.
5. Police Officers Report &/or Public Participation.
No apology had been received from the Police Officer but an e mail had been received to say that due to cuts no Parish Reports will be sent in Future. Incidents could be seen on the Police Website for our Area.
Public Participation. Everyone attending thanked Mr Robin McMullan and his son for the fine work they had done on Saturday 2nd April in clearing the moss from the Bus Shelter and sweeping up. Photographs of the operation were passed round for all to admire.
a). County/Borough Councillors Reports.
County Cllr. Winnington gave a précis of the County Council and its attention to particularly Highways Issues within Seighford Ward. Due to the impending Borough Elections he was unable to comment at this time on Borough matters.
6. To accept Financial Bank Statement current reconciliation of Bank Account activity .
a). Report by the Clerk on The Year End 2010-11.
Date Statement Balance In Paid out
31st Mar 2011 28 1415.32 35.27 1159.65
Cheques written out SINCE 1st April 2011.
123 SIS 10 no. HiViz waistcoats £60.60 (£10.10 VAT)
124 Tillington Manor School Room Hire April June £128.00
125 SPCA Annual Subs. £139.00
126 SPCA Local Branch Subs. £27.50
Proposed as correct Cllr. Thomas seconded by Cllr. Bowen Passed unanimously
b) Audit situation. The audit had been pulled forward by a month but should be finished by the end of June. It should be with Mrs. Heelis by Tuesday 12th April.
7. Councillors & Clerks Reports.
Cllr. Mrs Redfern. Proposed that a letter of appreciation be written to D&G Buses on behalf of the Creswell Parish Residents for the service they are giving to our Community. This was endorsed by ALL those at the Parish meeting, Clerk to action.
There had been complaints of the Sewage Pumping Station at Wilkes Wood being overloaded and overflowing. A resident had the problem sorted out Privately but an appeal to Residents to watch what goes down the toilets in Creswell was to be put in the Chronicles. The Clerk reminded everyone of the small capacity of the sewage system and it was a factor in any Development both Residential and Commercial in our Area.
Wilkes Wood parking was again causing concern in Wilkes Wood.
Cllr. P. Bowen. Had nothing to report.
Cllr. R. Thomas. 20 Travellers had been evicted from the GAP car park on Primepoint.
It was hoped that a visit by the Parish Council to GAP may take place to view the automated picking & packing system.
A new lady was at Altechnic who were still experiencing Parking problems outside their site. Councillor Winnington made a note to see what may be done to alleviate this.
Parking and Litter were still a problem on Primepoint
On Thursday 7th April he would attend a Watchdog meeting.
Cllr. Bowen congratulated Cllr. Thomas on the excellent letter he had written to the Newsletter reporting erroneously about the Creswell Rate. Further research showed that in fact a total of 17 Parish Councils in the Borough had increased their Precepts by significant amounts for 2011-2012.
Cllr. Cantrill would liaise with Action Parkside over the developments along Beaconside and report back.
Clerk. Reported that Arnold Clark had renewed their Web Advert for another year and Golden Orient had booked for the first time. The £250 received (£300-£50 admin) would cover the Website cost for the Financial Year.
8. Calendar for the year 2011-2012 to be finally confirmed. All 7.30 pm.
Monday April 4th (first parish Meeting)
Monday May 16th (Election of Chairman, Annual Policy Meeting of the Parish Council for next 12 months. Adoption of Parish Councillors)
Thursday May 26th Annual Parish Public Meeting
Monday 6th June
Monday 11th July
Clerk confirmed these dates had been confirmed by Tillington School and had been circulated in the latest edition of the Creswell Chronicles together with 3 Amenity Collections for the year.
9.To receive items for information and correspondence list already distributed.
Being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending; the meeting ended at 9.30 pm
T. Doubtfire CiLCA, MILCM. 7th March 2011
Clerk to the Parish Council from notes taken at the meeting on the 4th April 2011