Word Ladder
Word Ladder 4th grade Math
Mile / Change one letter to make the name of a unit of linear measurement.Milk / Change one letter for the name of a drink.
Silk / Change one letter for the name of a soft fabric.
Sink / Change one letter to mean something you wash the dishes in.
Pink / Exchange two letters for one. The word is the name of a color.
Pinch / Add 1 letter to make a word that names a mean thing to do to someone.
Word Ladder
Change one letter to make the name of a unit of linear measurement.Change one letter for the name of a drink.
Change one letter for the name of a soft fabric.
Change one letter to mean something you wash the dishes in.
Exchange two letters for one. The word is the name of a color.
Add 1 letter to make a word that names a mean thing to do to someone.
Word Ladder K – Word Families
Clap / Add one letter to name what you do after someone does something good. (Applause)Lap / Change one letter to name the place where you sit on Santa.
Tap / Change one letter to name something you can do with your feet.
Cap / Change one letter to make another word for a hat.
Cat / Change 1 letter for the name of a grown-up kitten.
Word Ladder
Add one letter to name what you do after someone does something good. (Applause)Change one letter to name the place where you sit on Santa.
Change one letter to name something you can do with your feet.
Change one letter to make another word for a hat.
Change 1 letter for the name of a grown-up kitten.
Word Ladder 3rd Social Studies
Rome / Change one letter to name the ancient civilization located in present day Italy.Some / Change one letter to make the word that means part of a whole
Same / Change one letter to make a word that means alike.
Fame / Change 1 letter for the word that means what you have when you are famous.
Face / Change 2 letters to name the location of your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Flee / Remove 2 letters to make a word that means to run away.
Fleece / Change 2 letters to name the soft fabric used to make blankets and jackets.
Word Ladder
Change one letter to name the ancient civilization located in present day Italy.Change one letter to make the word that means part of a whole
Change one letter to make a word that means alike.
Change 1 letter for the word that means what you have when you are famous.
Change 2 letters to name the location of your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Remove 2 letters to make a word that means to run away.
Change 2 letters to name the soft fabric used to make blankets and jackets.
Word Ladder 1st Science
Spring / Add 2 letters to make the word for the season that follows winter.Sing / Change one letter for the word for making music with your voice.
Ring / Change 1 letter to name something that fits on your finger.
Wing / Exchange 3 letters for 1 to make the word for the body part that allows birds to fly.
Winner / Change 1 letter to name the opposite of loser.
Word Ladder
Add 2 letters to make the word for the season that follows winter.Change one letter for the word for making music with your voice.
Change 1 letter to name something that fits on your finger.
Exchange 3 letters for 1 to make the word for the body part that allows birds to fly.
Change 1 letter to name the opposite of loser.
Word Ladder 2nd Science
Rain / Change 1 letter to name a type of precipitation.Pain / Add 1 letter to get the word that describes what you feel when you are hurt.
Pan / Change 1 letter to make the word for something you cook in.
Fan / Change 1 letter for a word for something that blows air.
Fin / Change 1 letter to make a word that names a part of a fish that helps it swim.
Win / Remove 1 letter to make the word that is the opposite of loose.
Word Ladder
Change 1 letter to name a type of precipitation.Add 1 letter to get the word that describes what you feel when you are hurt.
Change 1 letter to make the word for something you cook in.
Change 1 letter for a word for something that blows air.
Change 1 letter to make a word that names a part of a fish that helps it swim.
Remove 1 letter to make the word that is the opposite of loose.
Word Ladder 5th Social Studies
Freedom / Exchange a group of 4 letters for a different 4 for what the Emancipation Proclamation created for slaves.Kingdom / Exchange a group of 3 letters for a group of 4 for the word used to name groups of living things.
Random / Change 1 letter for a word that means having no specific pattern, purpose, or objective.
Ransom / Exchange 1 letter for 3 for the word for money demanded for the release of a prisoner or hostage.
Rank / Change 2 letters for the word that means an official position.
Rave / Exchange 2 letters for 1 for a word that means to speak with great enthusiasm.
Word Ladder
Exchange a group of 4 letters for a different 4 for what the Emancipation Proclamation created for slaves.Exchange a group of 3 letters for a group of 4 for the word used to name groups of living things.
Change 1 letter for a word that means having no specific pattern, purpose, or objective.
Exchange 1 letter for 3 for the word for money demanded for the release of a prisoner or hostage.
Change 2 letters for the word that means an official position.
Exchange 2 letters for 1 for a word that means to speak with great enthusiasm.