ME53n - Requisition Display (Status)
Open the User menu folder, the Requisitioner folder and the Requisitions folder. Double-click on , or click once and click on the green check mark icon.
The Display Purch. (Purchase) requisition screen will open displaying the most recent requisition (either created, changed, or displayed).
To view a different requisition, click on “Document overview on.”
A list of requisitions is displayed based upon information stored in Personal settings (Basic settings). If you selected “No restrictions” for the timeframe for your documents, then all requisitions will be displayed. This is okay during training, but it is highly recommended that you select “1 month” for this setting at your work location.
Double-click on the requisition that you want to view, or click and drag it to the shopping cart.
Inside Stuff
If you do not see your requisitions displayed in the document overview window, click on the get variant icon. A drop-down box will be displayed. Scroll to “My purchase requisitions” and click.
Your purchase requisitions will now be displayed in the Document overview window.
Remember that you can use the display/change icon to switch between those two modes. If you display a requisition that you want to change or delete, click on the display/change icon to activate the Change Purch. (Purchase) requisition screen.
Click on the Release strategy tab to determine what releases are required and what releases have been effected.
Inside Stuff
In the above example, “w/o tech” and “w/o capital” indicates that technology and capital releases are not required. Additionally, the fund administrator (FA) has released the requisition (green check in Release options field in FA line), and it is pending in Purchase Review (yellow triangle in Release options field in PR line).
A green check in the Release Options field indicates that the release has occurred. A yellow triangle icon indicates that the release is pending.
Click on the “Status” folder in Item details section of the screen. If a Purchase Order has been created, the PO number will be shown along with the quantity ordered.