September 2015
Dear Parent
Shakespeare Schools Festival 2015
As you may know your child is representing Henley in Arden School at the Shakespeare Schools Festival at the Palace Theatre in Redditch. This year we are performing Romeo and Juliet.
After school rehearsals will take place in the Performing Arts Centre every Thursday. The rehearsals will begin at 3:30pm and finish at 5:00pm. They will begin on Thursday 17th September for all cast members. A more detailed rehearsal schedule will be made available to your child at a later date so it may not be necessary for your child to attend every rehearsal.
Could you please make sure that your child is collected at 5:00pm or has made arrangements to travel home after each rehearsal that they attend.
A cast workshop will be taking place at 1:30pm at The Palace Theatre, Redditch on Tuesday 22nd September. Your child will be working with professional actors to help them to prepare for the final performance. The coach will depart from the school at 12:30pm and return at approximately 4:30pm. Can I ask that students wear clothing which is suitable for a practical workshop, consequently it is not necessary for them to wear school uniform on the day. They will however have to provide their own packed lunch and water.
The dress rehearsal is on Tuesday 10th November and a coach will be leaving the school at 8:30am. Please ask your child to meet with me at the Performing Arts Centre at this time. Your child will return to school at approximately 1:00pm. Your child will have to make sure that they have enough food and water for the morning dress rehearsal.
The performance is taking place later that evening. Can I ask that you make arrangements for your child to be at the Palace Theatre Redditch at 6:00pm as the performances begin at 7:00pm. The evening usually finishes between 9:30pm and 10:00pm. If you are not watching the performance could you please arrange to collect your child at this time. However, if you would like tickets for the performance then please contact the box office at The Palace Theatre, Redditch directly on 01527 65203 or on We would really appreciate your support on the evening. It is always a wonderful event and parents in the past have stated how pleased they were that their child took part. It is also an opportunity to watch other local schools taking part in the festival.
Can I also ask that your child takes responsibility for their costume. Please ask them which character they are playing. We have gone for a “mods versus rockers” theme this year. Please do not spend a fortune on the costume. I find charity shops provide a wealth of clothes at affordable prices. I will discuss with your child what type of costume is appropriate for their character at a later date.
If there are any concerns then please let me know. Of course, if your child cannot take part please contact me as soon as possible so that we can recast.
For me, our participation in this festival is one of the highlights of our academic year. To perform in a professional theatre is a thrill for all concerned and I feel that this year we will once again represent the school with honours.
Please can I ask that you complete the consent slip below completing an emergency telephone number and any relevant medical information and return it to school for my attention.
Thank you for your continued support.
“For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.”
Yours sincerely
Matt McCarthy
Head of Performing Arts
Shakespeare Schools Festival 2015
Name ………………………………………………………………………… Form ……………….
I confirm that I have received information regarding the SSF rehearsals, cast workshop, dress rehearsal and performance and I confirm that my child will be able to take part.
Signed ……………………………………………….. Parent/Guardian ………………… Date
EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER …………………………………………………………………
Signed ……………………………………………….. Parent/Guardian ………………… Date