Analyzing Text Complexity – The Day the Crayons Quit

Planning Worksheet (2nd grade)

Quantitative / Qualitative / Reader & Task
  • 730 Lexile (2nd/3rd Band: 450-790)
  • Vocabulary (RL 4)
  • Complex sentences (3rd gr., Language #1k)
  • Ellipsis (8th gr. Language #2a; 2nd gr. RL 6)
  • Story text structure (RL 5)
  • Differences in point of view; read text aloud in a different voice (RL 6)
  • Text “features” as they relate to point of view – capitalized and underlined words; different font and font color
  • Illustrations & text (RL 7) – to be connected to writing task (W#2 – info/exp.)
  • Text evidence; ask/answer questions of key details (RL 1)
  • Summarize (RL 2)
  • Characters responses to events (RL 3)

SAMPLE: Text Dependent Questions (TDQs) Corresponding to Analysis of Text Complexity
(ORGANIZING TDQs: 1. Utilize the bank available in Synced Solution; 2. “Layer” TDQs based on cognitive demand; 3. Provide students with explicit learning target with each new “reread” connected to a targeted standard.)
  • What context clues best help you to figure out what gorgeous means when Purple Crayon speaks? (RL 4)
  • Ellipses are a type of punctuation mark. When we read aloud, the ellipses tell us to pause—like what we do often with a comma. Ellipses are also meant to draw your attention to the words that follow. What other crayons use ellipses in their letters? What is the information that comes after the ellipses when _____ Crayon uses them? How might that information be important? (RL 6)
  • How does the beginning connect to what happens at the end? Use text evidence. (RL 5)
  • Why is the printing in the middle of the book written in different colors? (RL 5)
  • What is the same about the printing on the first page and the last two pages? How is different from the printing on the other pages? (RL 6)
  • What words are all capitalized in ____ Crayon’s letter? (RL 6)
  • Read just the capitalized words in Gray Crayon’s letter: KILLING ME, HUMPBACK WHALES, BIG. How are those words important to Gray Crayon? (RL 6)
  • Read ____ Crayon’s letter aloud in a voice that you think sounds like ___ Crayon. What words in ____ Crayon’s letter gave you clues for how ___Crayon would sound? (RL 6)
  • What words/text and illustrations give you clues about how ______Crayon feels/thinks? (RL 7)
  • Why did the crayons write letters to Duncan? Find evidence in the text or illustrations to support your answer. (RL 1)
  • Why were Yellow Crayon and Orange Crayon not speaking to one another? Use evidence from the book. (RL 1)
  • How did Duncan respond to Yellow and Orange Crayon’s argument? Use evidence from the book to support your answer (RL 3)
  • (Teacher model) I’m going to write a one-sentence summary using the following frame: ____Crayon wants to tell Duncan _____, and he suggests Duncan should ______instead. (RL 2)
  • Reread Purple Crayon, and complete the language frame: Purple Crayon wants to tell Duncan _____, and he suggests Duncan should ______instead. (RL 2)