Licence Number: «prptr»/«refno»/«ufstr1»

Conditions applicable to Cinema Licence


1.1The maximum number of patrons permitted to occupy the viewing area at any time shall not exceed the number of fixed seats, that is «totalocc» seats. This includes «nowheelchairs» wheelchair spaces being used for their designated purpose.

1.2The Licensing Authority or Firemaster shall have the power to set a limit on the maximum number of people to be admitted to the premises for any performance.

2.Alterations etc.

2.1No material alteration shall be made to the structure, layout, seating arrangements or exits without the Licensing Authority’s prior consent.

3.Management and Fire Safety

3.1 The licence-holder must ensure that the premises used with regard to the

licence applied for are fully compliant with the requirements imposed by the

Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 (As Amended). This places a duty on the licensee to

undertake a Fire Risk Assessment and produce a Management Policy to

ensure the safety of persons (whether they are employees, occupants,

residents, tenants, visitors or others) in the premises in respect of harm

caused by fire.

3.2The Licensee or some responsible person nominated by him, in writing, not being a person under twenty-one years of age, shall be in charge of, and present in, the premises at all times when public have access.

3.3The Licensee or the responsible person, a deputy for the time being or occupier of the premises, shall immediately communicate to the Firemaster of the local fire authority, any outbreak of fire, however slight.

3.4All attendants on duty to assist persons entering or leaving the auditorium shall wear a distinguishing uniform, armband or badge and have in their possession, an electric torch in good working order.

3.5The number of attendants on duty on the premises to assist persons entering or leaving the premises shall be not less than TWO. Where most of the audience at an event are under the age of 16 the number of attendants on duty shall be not less than THREE.

3.6The general layout and arrangement of the premises shall be such as to allow safe and orderly evacuation, to the licensing authority’s satisfaction, in the event of an emergency.

3.7All approaches, staircases and passageways shall be kept free from obstruction. No seat or other obstruction shall be placed in any of the passageways and no one shall be allowed to stand or sit in any passageway during performances.

3.8 All doors and barriers shall open outwards and shall not be fastened or locked except by pushbar or pushbar mechanisms which release the door under pressure.

3.9The use of smoke bombs, smoke generators, flash powder, flash boxes, detonators and similar items is not permitted without the written approval of the Firemaster and the Licensing Authority.

4.Film Certification

4.1No film shall be exhibited unless:-

a)it has received a “U”, “PG”, “12”, “15” or “18” Certificate of the British Board of Film Classification; or

b)it is a current newsreel which has not been submitted to the British Board of Film Classification, or an exempted work for the purposes of the Video Recordings Act 1984.

4.2No person apparently under the age of eighteen years shall be admitted to any exhibition at which there is to be shown any film which has received an “18” Certificate from the British Board of Film Classification.

4.3No person apparently under the age of fifteen years shall be admitted to any exhibition at which there is to be shown any film which has received a “15” Certificate from the British Board of Film Classification.

4.4No person apparently under the age of twelve years shall be admitted to any exhibition at which there is to be shown any film which has received a “12” Certificate from the British Board of Film Classification.

4.5Notwithstanding the conditions referred to above, a film may be exhibited or persons or any class of persons, may be admitted hereto it the permission of the Licensing Authority is first obtained and any conditions of such permissions are complied with.

4.6A representation or written statement of the terms of any Certificate given by the British Board of Film Classification, shall be shown on the screen immediately before the showing of any film to which it relates and the representation or statement shall be shown for long enough and in a form large enough for it to be read from any seat in the auditorium.

4.7There shall be prominently exhibited at each public entrance, whenever the premises are open to the public, a notice indicating in tabular form and in clear bold letters and figures:-

a)The title of each film to be shown on that day, other than trailers and films of less than five minutes duration;

b)the approximate times of commencement of each such film;

c)whether each such film has received “U”, “PG”, “12”, “15” or “18” Certificate from the Board of Film Classification; and

d)the effect of “U”, “PG”, “12”, “15” or “18” Certificates in relation to the admission of persons under the age of eighteen years.

4.8The nature of any certificate received in respect of a film from the British Board of Film Classification shall be clearly indicated by the letter “U”, “PG”, “12”, “15” or “18” in any advertisement of the film displayed at the premises.

4.9No advertisement displayed at the premises of a film to be exhibited at the premises shall depict a scene or incident in the film, any scene or incident which is not included in the film as certificated by the British Board of Film Classification or approved for exhibition by the Licensing Authority, as the case may be.

4.10Where the Licensing Authority has given notice in writing to the licensee of the premises, objecting to an advertisement on the grounds that if displayed it would offend against good taste or decency or be likely to encourage or incite to crime or could lead to disorder or could be offensive to public feeling, that advertisement should not be displayed at the premises except with the consent in writing of the Licensing Authority.

4.11Where the Licensing Authority has given notice in writing to the licensee of the premises, prohibiting the exhibition of a film on the grounds that it contains matter which, if exhibited, would offence against good taste or decency or would likely to encourage or incite to crime or lead to disorder or to be offensive to public feeling, that film shall not be exhibited in the premises except with the consent in writing of the Licensing Authority.


5.1All electrical equipment shall be designed, constructed, installed, protected, commissioned, tested, used and operated and maintained so as to prevent danger.

5.2The electrical installation of the premises shall be kept in proper working order to the satisfaction of the Licensing Authority. No alterations or additions to electrical installations shall be made without the Licensing Authority’s written approval.

5.3Any socket outlets used for the connection of lighting, video or sound amplification equipment, display models or other portable equipment shall be protected by an integral, residual current device (earth leakage circuit-breaker) having a rated tripping current not exceeding 30 milliamps and complying with the provisions of BS4293.


6.1The premises shall be lit to the satisfaction of the Licensing Authority. A maintained system of secondary lighting shall be provided throughout the building, kept in proper working order and kept on when the premises are open to the public.

6.2No laser, strobes or forms of high intensity lighting shall be installed or used without the prior approval of the Licensing Authority.

7.Toilet Accommodation

7.1The toilets available for members of the public shall be supervised from time to time during the course of all performances. The licence-holder shall ensure that the toilets are kept in a clean and orderly condition and that adequate supplies of requisites are kept (hand-drying facilities or towels, soap, toilet rolls etc.).

8.Display of Licence

8.1The licensee shall display the Cinema Licence and Conditions in a prominent position within the premises.


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