Legacy Hall
Florence Crittenton Services
Youth Application
1300 Blythe Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28203
Phone: (704) 372-4663 Fax (704) 384-3169
Please complete application and email to
Ashley Beatty, Independent Living Program Manager,
Name:First M. Last Nickname
Address:Street City State Zip Code
Telephone #:HomeWork
County/State of Residence:Age: / Date of Birth:
Social Security #: / Race:
Tribal Affiliation (if Native American):
Name and Number of DSS Social Worker:
Medicaid #:
Name and Address of Primary Care Doctor:
What was the date of your last physical?
Are you currently taking any medication? If so please list.
Please list any allergies:
Do you currently feel supported ? / Yes / No
If yes, by whom?:
Please describe your current living situation:
Siblings?: / Sisters / BrothersDo you have a current visitation plan? If yes, please explain.
What is your highest level of education completed:Are you currently enrolled in school? / Yes / No
If yes, what school do you attend?
What are your educational goals?
Are you currently employed? / Yes / NoIf yes, where, what position, and how many hours per week?
Supervisor’s Name: / Telephone #:Please describe your previous work experience:
Have you ever been arrested? / Yes / NoIf yes, please list date of arrests and what you were arrested for:
Have you ever been or currently on probation/parole? / Yes / NoIf yes, explain:
Have you ever seen a counselor, therapist, or psychiatrist? / Yes / NoIf yes, where and when?
Have you completed the Casey Life Skills Assessment? / Yes / NoIf yes, please list date that you last took it:
- Please state why you would like to be admitted into Legacy Hall, an Independent Living Program at Florence Crittenton services?
- Please state what you hope to gain from the Independent Living Program?
- Please list three or more things that you like about yourself.
- Please list three things about yourself that you feel need improvement.
- What do you think you will do when you leave the program?
- Please list any additional information that you feel is important.
Legacy Applicant: / Date:
Legacy Guardian: / Date:
F:\WPDOC\WPDOC\DROPBOX\Human Resource Folder\Forms\Intake Forms\PALS\Legacy Hall Client Application for Residence.doc ARB 12/1/10