ANNUAL MEETING –February 5, 2017
The Dunbar Creek Plantation Property Owner s Association (DCPPOA) meeting was held on Sunday, February 5, 2017 at the home of Alice and Randy Bowlden, 196 Dunbarton Court at 2PM. There were 33 members present. There was time to socialize followed by the business meeting.
Association President, Jim Fraser welcomed the members and called the meeting to order at 2:45 PM.
Minutes of the 2016 meeting were discussed and available for all to review. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Doug Monroe and seconded by Linda Usrey. The motion was unanimously approved.
Karen Lightbown gave the financial report. The balance as of 12/31/16 was $5549.16. The St. Clair Lake Association has a deficit of $136.73.
The 2017 budget was discussed and was posted for review. It generally very much paralleled the budgets of past years. Randy Bowlden made a motion to approve the budget and seconded by Jane Monroe. Motion was approved by the members.
The association website ( was described by Jim Fraser (web master) for those who were not aware the website or what it contained. There was positive feedback from the members concerning the website.
PODs were discussed and explained by Jim Fraser and it was agreed that this is a good way to get information to the property owners. Each Board member is assigned 6- 7 neighbors who are asisgned to their POD. When members have issues they can communicate directly with their POD leader.
Jim Fraser addressed the members concerning having the strip between Glynn Haven and Dunbar Creek Plantation surveyed to locate the property line. He felt the survey would be beneficial in case any issues were to be brought up in the future. The issue of a resident in Glynn Haven wanting to have 3rd Avenue abandoned was also brought up. It is apparently in the preliminary stage.
To save time and money, Jim advised the members present that the Association would like to use email to communicate. There are some members who do not have email addresses, and they would be advised of any necessary information via regular postal mail.
Status of the Association: Jim Fraser- President; Karen Lightbrown- Treasurer and Bebe Almond are all up for re-election this year. A motion was made by Randy Bowlden and seconded by Bill Dailey to re-elect these member. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote.
For the Good of the Order:
One home owner (not present) requested that we once again discuss vehicles that are going to fast down Dunbarton Drive. It was mentioned that many of our home owners walk/ride bikes and/or walk pets on the street and it is not safe when drivers are going to fast. Everyone was again in agreement that speed bumps/humps were not a good solution. It was suggested that we could ask that a police car monitor the street for speeders. No final decision was made.
Jim thanked everyone who worked to clean up after Matthew. The team that showed up on that Saturday did a great clean-up job and our neighborhood was the benefactor.
Mary and Jamie Young volunteered to have next year’s annual meeting at their home at 324 Dunbarton Drive on the condition that it be held on a Saturday instead of Sunday. It was agreed that Saturday was satisfactory.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 PM.