Child & Vulnerable Adult Protection Policies
For SCA Club NI
The group’s Child & Vulnerable Adults Protection policy is overseen by the group‘s Chair (Seneschal).
For the purpose of this policy a child is someone under the age of 18 as per United Kingdom Law.
It is the responsibility of all adults to ensure safety of children & Vulnerable Adults.
The welfare of the child or Vulnerable Adults is paramount
Within the group there are Codes of Conduct(see below)to be followed by all adults when dealing with childrenor Vulnerable Adults. This Code of Conduct is intended to offer protection to all members of the group whose vulnerability in some situations is recognised and will safeguard the well being of those members.
Code of Conduct re Children
Adults have a responsibility to act appropriately whilst dealing with childrenor Vulnerable Adults.
For children, the child’s parent or guardian is responsible at all times for the child’s conduct and safety, or to provide appropriate legal supervision.
Officers are reminded that the Society’s current policies (Corpora) state that any allegation of abuse to either Children or Vulnerable Adults is to be reported to mundane police authority & NOT investigated by group officials / members.
We, as a group must NOT:
1. Allow the taking of photographs of any individual children without the direct permission from their parent or guardian. This includes the publication on any such photographs in all media formats.
2. Let anyone administer First Aid on children without permission from their parent or guardian or legally designated carer.
3. Put themselves into a delicate situation with a child or in a situation where they are alone with a child, unless they are the parent or legally designated carer of said child.
4. Make any inappropriate remarks towards children, sexual or otherwise.
5. Make inappropriate physical contact with a child, unless in case of emergency.
If a member of the group has any concerns about the implementation of this Policy they should raise the issue with the Chair (Seneschal).
Code of Conduct re Vulnerable Adults
The group under the Disability Discrimination Act are required to “make reasonable adjustments” as much as possible within our resources.(i.e. the group cannot provide a sign language interpreter for deaf people but may be able to provide a ‘longer’ hand out for the class for them to follow).
However as a voluntary organization instructors in classes etc. are entitled to refuse to instruct anyone if they believe health & safety may be at issue ( i.e. someone with major mobility issues wouldn’t really be able to do a vaulting gymnastics class without a high risk of injuring themselves).
As a group we will endeavour to maximize the involvement of any vulnerable adults in our activities within the following guidance.
1. We would ask vulnerable adults, if required to be accompanied at our activities by a trusted carer or friend whom they are familiar with and can communicate well with. This will allow any communication problems to be dealt with as they arise, e.g. explaining safety procedures in terms they will understand).
2. Vulnerable adults should be treated as adults at all times with the assistance of carer/friend as a liaison as required.
3. Any issues arising re vulnerable adults should be raised with the carer/friend in the first instance for minor issues.
However if a major issue occurs it should be referred to the relevant local authority.
4. The group expects that vulnerable adults behave in a responsible manner at our activities and would like carers/friends to help understanding of what is required.
If a member of the group has any concerns about the implementation of this Policy they should raise the issue with the Chair (Seneschal).
SCA Club NI POCVA PoliciesPg 1 of3Last Updated 14/11/2008