Town of Willsboro
Zoning Board of Appeals
Meeting Agenda – 17 May 2016
6:55pm- Prep, Setting up-
1) Secretary prepares room and equipment, 2) Members of the public sign in and review agenda
7:00pm- Chair calls ZBA Meeting to Order –
1) Announce Recording, date /time 2) Roll call, board members; declare Quorum 3) Approval of agenda, 4) Review minutes of previous meetings
Public Hearing
No: / Name / Address / Tax Map No. / Dist. /Project Description
Old Business
No: / Name / Address / Tax Map No. / Dist. /Project Description
1 / James & Kristi Provost / 37 Maple Street / 31.13-1-5.000 / RM-1 /Parking of Travel Trailer
2 / Derrick Besaw / 4 Pine Ave / 21.9-10-15.000 / RM-M /Single Family Home in Mobile Home District
New Business
No New Business
Close Meeting – Announce date and time, end recording
If you’re here it’s probably because there’s something you want to tell us… Here’s how a Planning Board meeting is structured and how you can have a chance to speak.
Please sign the attendance register by the entrance door.
At the close of the meeting all members of the public will have an opportunity to voice their concerns.
The Chair will recognize them in the order that they signed the register.
We follow Robert’s Rules of Order as best we can.
When discussing an item on the agenda, the board may ask questions to the applicant and the appropriate representatives. Then a motion is made by a member of the board. There can be discussion among the board members, the motion may be amended, then seconded and a vote taken. They may vote to conduct a public hearing if the situation warrants it.
In a Public Hearing the Chair will recognize members of the public so they may voice their opinions and/or concerns to the board. The public may not address each other.The chair will moderate the discussion.
At a point the public’s participation in the hearing will be closed. The board will discuss the request among themselves. A motion will be made, seconded, and voted upon.
Thank you for attending this meeting.
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