Annual Meeting
Montclair Elementary School
March 16, 2009
Board Members Present: Danielle Wissmiller, Dick Lindsay, Ruth Robinson, Danielle Morehouse and Cristina Fuss.
The meeting was called to order at 7:08p.m. by President Danielle Wissmiller. A power point presentation was planned but did not function properly. Danielle Wissmiller began the meeting with a drawing of names of three attendees who each received a bottle of wine supplied by Trudie Wilhelm. The winners were: Mary Kay George, Shirley Hodes and Stan Hodes. Later, five attendees received Starbucks Gift cards for correctly answering questions from a quiz regarding information discussed earlier in the meeting. Winners were: Bobby Kennedy, Eric Broms, Tom Galbraith, Paul Dickson and one other resident.
Danielle Wissmiller highlighted some of the accomplishments during the past year including the adoption of a fine schedule to use when residents violate the CC&R's and/or By-Laws, the replacement of the irrigation well pump, the publication of the newsletters on schedule by Jan Lindsay, the successful summer social directed by Trudie Wilhelm with lots of help from Joe Schoen, the cost effective change to preparing the books in house and the lack of dues increase again this year.
Danielle Wissmiller asked for volunteers to sign up on the sheets at the back of the room and stressed the importance of volunteering for service as committee members.
Roberta Kennedy, filling in for Harry Reeder presented a report on the Architectural Committee. The committee under Harry's guidance has prepared a new Architectural Guidelines pamphlet the Board is reviewing for approval and distribution. There will be new roofing materials allowed, among other changes. She gave a short recap of the duties of Architectural Committee members, included a short mission statement, discussed proceedures for submitting changes and the availability of the Architectural Committee's Request Form.
Mary McGar, filling in for Trudie Wilhelm welcomed seven new residents to the community. They are: Katalin Marossy, Imre Solti's mother, now living in the Solti's house at 6538 SW Arranmore Ct., Reese Policar-7474 SW St. John's Pl., Mary Kay George-7320 SW Chapel Ct., Joan & Michael Carr-6488 SW Midmar Pl., John & Margarett Kahl-6475 SW Chelsea, Jennifer & John Raitz-6520 SW Chelsea, Ken Sumida and Saralyn Butler-7123 SW Arranmore Way and Sharon Brabenac-6508 SW Wexford Pl.
Ruth Robinson, Finance Committee Chair, distributed the Operating Fund Profit and Loss Statement for the past year and the approved operating Budget for the coming year. Variances between the past year's budgeted and actual amounts were noted. A history of receipts and disbursements in the Capital Reserve Fund from its inception until the present was also distributed, along with the Capital Reserve Budget for the coming year. The cash balance in the Capital Reserve Fund at fiscal year-end was $76,172.00. There was a request that the budgets be made available to the members in advance of the annual meeting so that the membership could have advance time for review. The Finance Committee has also simplified the chart of accounts and will present all future financial reports on a cash basis.
Danielle Morehouse discussed the new well pump. She also announced that we finally received the certificate of water rights for our well. She reminded the membership to conserve water and that the well water was non-potable. Several diseased trees had to be removed and were replaced with trees better suited for their environment. She also discussed the cause of the pathway collapse and what was being done regarding it.
Cristina Fuss reported the pool would be open May 23, 2009. She also discussed the need for repairs before that date to the pool coping and surrounding pool area. A request was made to set out additional chairs.
Dick Lindsay, Treasurer, discussed further the savings from discontinuing the bookkeeping service. He announced that the sum of twenty thousand dollars from a surplus in the Operating Fund was transferred to the Capital Reserve account. In addition, the sum of twenty five thousand dollars was invested in a one year CD at 3.65% interest. He has been including the Treasurer's Report in the newsletters.
Danielle Wissmiller asked the residents to put requests, complaints or comments in writing and drop them in the Arranmore mailbox.
Many people helped with the meeting including Carrie Wann, Patty Field and Anne Foster who manned the sign in table and and Joe Schoen who set up the tables. Anyone else who helped is also appreciated.
As we did not have a quorum no official actions could be taken. The meeting was adjourned at 8:38p.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Mary McGar, Secretary