The Topics for Doctoral Study Programme in the Academic Year 2017/2018
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General Crop Science
Department of Agroecology and Biometeorology - full time study
Optimizationofliquidorganicfertilisersdistribution in soilduringtheirapplication / doc. BrantOptimizationof technology with herbicide tolerantsugarbeetvarieries CONVISO® SMART systemfortheconditionsof Czech Republic / doc. Jursík
Modelling climatechangeimpacts on thethermophilicvegetables / doc. Pišoft
Study of risk associatedwithintroductionof herbicide tolerantsugarbeetvarieties CONVISO® SMART system / prof. Soukup
Prevalence and mechanismsofresistance to PSII inhibitingherbicides in Chenopodium album, Amaranthusretroflexusa Solanum nigrumin the Czech Republic / prof. Soukup
Mechanismsofmultiple herbicide resistance in grassweedsofcereals / prof. Soukup
Department of Agroenvironmental Chemistry and Plant Nutrition - full time study
Development of additional criteria to the evaluation of soil sulfur content in agrochemical soil testing / prof. BalíkDevelopment of additional criteria to the evaluation of selected soil micronutrients content in agrochemical soil testing / prof. Balík
Specificationofthecriteriafortheevaluatingofsoilphosphorus pool focused on calcareoussoils / prof. Balík
The importance of amino acids for the detoxification of risk elements in plant / prof. Pavlíková
The changes in the composition and content of fatty acids as a plant stress response / prof. Pavlíková
Department of Botany and Plant Physiology - full time study
Effects of gibberellic acid (GA3) on the growth and induction of flowering in wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) at different photoperiod / doc. HejnákDefinitionofphysiological, metabolic and adaptationprocesses in thefernPteriscretica L. growing on contaminatedsoils by arsenic / doc. Hnilička
Thephysiologicalreactionofmaize (Zeamays L.) underwater stress and salinity / doc. Hnilička
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Special Crop Science
Department of Genetics and Breeding - full time study
Usingofgeneticmarkers to identifyofsweetcherries(Prunus avium L.) and sourcherries (Prunus cerasus L.) varieties / doc. VejlDevelopmentofnewgeneticsmarkerssuitablefortheidentificationofpoppyvarieties (Papaver somniferum L.) / doc. Vejl
Department of Forage Crops and Grassland Management - full time or study
Influence of grassland management on their development and non-productive functions / doc. HaklDevelopment of selected turf grass species under stress conditions / prof. Svobodová
Forage characteristics and utilization of Czech lucernecandivars / prof. Šantrůček
Department of Crop Production - full time study
Use oftheinnovativefeaturesofintensifyingcharacter in selectedcropsunderorganicfarmingsystem / prof. CapouchováCultivation and utilizationofmedicinalplants / prof. Hamouz
Increasingpotatoproductionpotential in droughtconditions and weatherfluctuation / prof. Hamouz
Department of Landscape Architecture - full time study
Alleys - part ofourlandscape / doc. JebavýCountry settlement and prospective development of the land use in the region of South-West Bohemia / doc. Vaněk
Extinct gardens and landscape architecture units in Central Bohemia / doc. Vaněk
Vegetation cover in landscape as an evidence of former settlements if the locations of Bohemia, where the transfer of inhabitants in the ½ 20.century was done. / doc. Vaněk
The traditional avenue trees and their outstanding ecotypes / doc. Vaněk
Country road. Mythic places and vegetative accompaniment / doc. Vaněk
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General Animal Science
Department of Genetics and Breeding- full time study
Estimation of genetic parameters for the leg disorders in dairy cattle and prediction of breeding values for this trait / doc. VostrýNon-linear dependences between traits of dairy cattle, calculation of genetic parameters and more precise construction of selection indexes / prof. Přibyl
Optimization of selection schemes in sheep / prof. Přibyl
Optimization of selection schemes in beef cattle / prof. Přibyl
Optimization of selection schemes in dairy cattle exploiting genomic information / prof. Přibyl
Algorithms of genomic evaluation of farm animals exploring all available sources of information about animals and genotypes / prof. Přibyl
Crossbreed effects in genetic evaluation of farm animals / prof. Přibyl
Department of Veterinary Sciences - full time study
Influencingpolyspermyrateduring IVF throughmodulationoftheubiquitin-proteasomesystemfunction / doc. ChmelíkováInvolvementofubiquitin-proteasomesystemintothecontrolofmammalianspermcapacitationmolecularmechanisms / prof. Sedmíková
Horsegrasssicknessoccurence and preventionpossibilities in the Czech Republic / doc. Rajmom
Department of Zoology and Fisheries - full time study
Bionomyoftheselected species of frit flies (Diptera, Chloropidae) and theirrearing in laboratoryconditions / prof. BartákTheeffectof a captivity on theinfectionof Sundaslowloris (Nycticebuscoucang) by parasites / doc. Jankovská
Host-parasite relationshipsoffreshwatermussels and fish – theimportancefor species dispersal and larvaldevelopment / doc. Kalous
Thespread and impactof non-nativefish species, focusing on Ponto - Caspian region.) / doc. Kalous
The impact of gastrointestinal helminths on the arsen, beryllium and other risk element toxicodynamics in small terrestrial mammals living in the contaminated area / prof. Langrová
Taxonomic revision ofcoccidiain dogsandfoxes / prof. Langrová
Physiologicalfunctionsof GCPII orthologs in helminths / prof. Langrová
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Instrumentalinseminationofqueenbees as a toolfortheimplementationofbreedingintentionswithregard to thepossible transfer ofbacterial and viralinfectionsof semen / prof. Langrová
Instrumentalinsemination as a toolused by searchingpotentialgenesofdisease tolerance by honeybees / prof. Langrová
The effect of site familiarity on fitness of fishes / doc. Slavík
Diagnostics, pathology and epidemiology ofashworthiosis / doc. Vadlejch
Department of Animal Husbandry - full time study
Effectofinovative technology approachesused in inseminationdosesproduction on dairycows´ pregnancyresults / doc. StádníkRelationshipsbetweenselectedgenspolymorphism and potential fertility ofdairycows and bulls / doc. Stádník
Creating a model to estimatetheeconomiclossesuponthe incidence of mastitis in dairycows in the Czech Republic / doc. Stádník
Creating a model to estimatetheeconomiclossesuponthe incidence oflameness in dairycows in the Czech Republic / doc. Stádník
Evaluationofrelationshipsbetweenthetime and qualityofthe rest ofdairycows and their performance and health / doc. Stádník
Evaluationoftherelationshipbetweenthetimeofchewing and feedintake and the incidence ofdisease in dairycows / doc. Stádník
Influence ofselectedgeneticmarkers on porkcarcass fat content / doc. Stupka
Theeffectofselectedgenes on levelofandrostenone in adipose and muscletissueofboars / doc. Stupka
A study ofcarcasscomposition and meatqualitydepending on genotype and sex ofturkeyduringfattening / prof. Tůmová
The performance and qualityofmeat in relation to housingsystemofrabbits in intensivebreedingconditions / doc. Zita
Department of Plant Protection - full time study
Support of incidence of natural enemiesof plant pests and arthropod biodiversity in orchards / prof. KocourekProtectionofstrawberriesagainst Phytophthora cactorum / prof. Ryšánek
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MethodsofvegetableprotectionagainstMeloidogynehapla / prof. Ryšánek
Methodsofvegetableprotectionagainstimportantsoilbornepathogens / prof. Ryšánek
Methodsof plant protectionagainstBursaphelenchus xylophilus / prof. Ryšánek
Synantropicrodents – risksof monitoring and contamination in agriculture and food industry / prof. Ryšánek
Technology ofcontrolledatmospheres and evaluationoftheireffects on storagepests / prof. Ryšánek
Fumigants and theireffectivity on storagepests / prof. Ryšánek
Protectivefunctionof food packagingagainststoragepests / prof. Ryšánek
Department of Chemistry - full time study
The influence of genetic variability on the representation and the contents of individual casein fractions in milk of small ruminants / doc. HejtmánkováThe representation and the contents of individual whey proteins in the milk of small ruminants / doc. Hejtmánková
Lignans and other non-traditionalantioxidants in cerealswithcoloredcaryopsis / prof. Lachman
Department of Quality of Agricultural Products - full time study
Use of modern analytical techniques for prediction of honeybee colony health status / doc. KloučekProcessing and quality control of medicinal cannabis / doc. Klouček
Plant-derived compounds as an alternative to conventional anti-biofilm preparations / doc. Klouček
Effect of cereal dietary fibre and its fractions on quality of cereal products / doc. Klouček
Department of Microbiology, Nutrition and Dietetics - full time
The effect of microwave treatment on the quality of food / doc. KouřimskáForeignapplicantshave to contact proper supervisorbeforesubmittingtheapplicatio
Department of Agroenvironmental Chemistry and Plant Nutrition - full time study
Methodsforevaluationofcompost and vermicompostquality / doc. HančThepossibleuptake, pathways and transformationsofarsenic, beryllium and othertoxicelements in thesmallterrestrialmammals in thecontaminated area / prof. Száková
The Control of Nitrification Process in Water Environment at Extremely High Concentration of Ammonia and other Substances / prof. Tlustoš
RegulationofNutrients and ToxicElementsReleasefromAshesProduced by BiomassInceneration / prof. Tlustoš
Department of Soil Science and Soil Protection - full time study
Spatialpredictionofsoilpropertiesusingdigitalsoilmappingapproaches / prof. BorůvkaSpatialpredictionofpotentiallytoxic element contents in soilusingdigitalsoilmappingapproaches / prof. Borůvka
Spatialpredictionofsoilclassesatdifferentscaleusingdigitalsoilmappingapproaches / prof. Borůvka
Temporal changes of forest mountainous soils acidification / doc. Drábek
Experimental and mathematical modelling of root uptake of pharmaceuticals dissolved in soil water / prof. Kodešová
Novel insightinto solid thallium speciationusingthermaldesorption / doc. Vaněk
vaneka @af.czu.cz