Ohio Baptist Convention of the Deaf
June 30, 2012 Page 1
Letter from...
President Lenny Moore
I am the Deaf Pastor at EmmanuelBaptistChurch of the Deaf (Columbus, Ohio).
I am excite to work for our beloved Lord Jesus Christ and we have great officers and committees at OBCD. They have been work very hard to prepare this summer.
Justin Vollmar is very good “ASL” pastor. His sign language is awesome. He, his wife Rachal, and three children live in Wisconsin.
Richard Perrin from Georgia who has very talent deaf magician. We are exciting to watch him to pull rabbit up from his hat. Please bring your friends and family to our event. I am sure they will have a great time and enjoy to get fellowship. That is why I am excite to look forward to meet you there.
I want to thank MiamiValleyBaptistChurch for the Deaf and Hearing members and Pastor Mark Korf for they are willing to host the 41st anniversary Ohio Baptist Conference of the Deaf this summer.
I want to thank my lovely wife of 37th years Carol for full support me all the time.
In Jesus’ name
OBCD President
Lenny Moore
Jesus said, “ So go and make followers of all people in the world. Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey everything that I have taught you, and I will be with you always, even until the end of this age."
Matthew 28:19-20
In memory of Kathy Farley
July 12, 1951 to May 10, 2012
Kathy has been working and helping the OBCD for the past years. We will miss her smile and her valuable work with us.
These two paragraphs below were partly taken from the obituary.
Kathy was a 1971 graduate of Meadowdale H.S. and an Alumni of Gallaudet University in WashingtonD.C.. Kathy was recently employed by Community Services for the Deaf, prior to that she taught many years at SinclairCommunity College in the ASL program.
Kathy was a great advocate for the deaf and therefore served on many committees and boards such as D.A.D., Founder of D.C.R.C., Founder of D.A.C., O.A.C., Ohio Baptist Conference Of the Deaf and MiamiValleyBaptistChurch for the Deaf and Hearing.
The Burning Furnace
Fire burns many things! Fire can become a tragedy to all of us. We and even your love ones can die in any fire such as in home, building and even in the forest.
Let me share with you about three guys: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego who were Daniel’s friend. These four guys love and respect the Lord God. King Nebuchadnezzar’s friends gave the king an idea of worshipping an idol in the image of King Nebuchadnezzar. The king liked the idea of having all people within the king’s kingdom (Babylonian Empire) to worship the king and his idol.
After the idol was completely made, they told the people to bow down to the idol once they hear the music. When the music were playing, everyone bowed down to the idol except for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego. The officers told the king that these three men did not bow down to the idol. The king was upset on why they didn’t worship the idol. Three men told the king that they worship only to the True God because they knew one of the Ten Commandments – “You shall not worship any other gods before Me (God).” The king was mad because three men did not worship the king’s idol. In the Book of Daniel 3 says:
16The three men replied (to King Nebuchadnezzar), “Your Majesty, we don’t need to defend ourselves. 17The God we worship can save us from you and your flaming furnace. 18But even if He (God) doesn’t, we still won’t worship your gods and the gold statue you have set up.”(CEV)
The king had ordered the furnace to heat up seven times hotter and have these three men to be thrown into the furnace. After heating up the furnace seven times hotter, the soldiers threw three men into the hot furnace with coal or wood. As the glowing and fiery coal or wood stirred up, it got hotter. The soldiers who were close to the furnace were killed.
I have learned from one of the show on TV about how they put fire on the person for movie. The stunt person who was about to get fire on the body was told not to breathe in heat or the lungs will burn. Once the lungs burnt, you cannot breathe and actually you kind of "drowned". The person had to hold their breath but can breathe out and not breathe in. The dead soldiers had probably breathed in the flame which instantly killed them.
People around the hot furnace were curious how it might look when the body burned. They were shocked to see these three men alive in the very hot furnace that can burn up the bodies in seconds. They saw the fourth man who looked like the Son of God. A Savior had saved three men from the hot flames. King Nebuchadnezzar was amazed to see them alive in the furnace. They told these men to come out of the furnace. They came out clean like they have never been in the furnace.
Hell is real! Jesus warned us about hell. If your name is not written in the Book of Life, you will be cast into the Lake of Fire. Lake of Fire is hotter than the furnace. How do I have my name in the Book of Life? Believe in Jesus. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Confess and repent of your wrong doing to Jesus (say… “I am sorry for...” and not do again.) Go to church to learn about the Bible and worship. Talk to your pastor about baptism. Your name will be in the Book of Life. Now is the time to accept Jesus or tomorrow may be too late.
OBCD - August 10-12, 2012
We will have OBCD at the MiamiValleyBaptistChurch for the Deaf and Hearing in Dayton, Ohio. Some of you may have questioned what had happened to Seneca Lake Baptist Assembly as we always have been to this place except for one year at BeulahBeach near Cleveland, Ohio. About a month ago, we had found out that Seneca Lake Baptist Assembly had changed our schedule from August 10-12 to August 17-19 allowing hearing group to use Seneca Lake Baptist Assembly. We had paid for two flights early this year for the guest speaker and the magician for August 10th. We don't like to cancel OBCD and we, the OBCD officers, decided to use the MVBCDH in Dayton.
There is a registration form in the envelope. Please fill out the registration form, write a check, and return to State Convention of Baptists in Ohio as soon as you can. Please call the hotel of your choice as provided on the flyer. IF you want different hotel, you may call them for the reservation yourself which fine but you must register with OBCD.
We will not provide breakfast at the church for two mornings (Saturday and Sunday). The hotel, like Country Inn, provide nice breakfast buffet with eggs, cereal, donuts, Belgian waffle, and many more. You can share in one room for the price of one night. For example, four different people using one room for one night for 70 dollars would be about $17 per night per person. The total for one of four people using one room in the hotel for two nights would be about $34 plus taxes. If you want a room by yourself then it would be $70 per night. Total for one person for one room for two nights is $140 plus taxes. Again, hotel provides free breakfast that pay for hotel.
Meals are included in the registration for Friday and Saturday (not breakfast). You do not need to be registered for Sunday morning worship service. Please send the registration form and check to Sam Kelly and address as provided in the form.
Don't wait to register. Act now!
We, the OBCD officers, wanted to thank you Jeremy Mitchell, our webmaster, and Tim McNutt, who helped Jeremy, in creating the website. Please check for more information in this website address: If you want extra registration form or you want to print extra flyer, please do so. Share the word toothers who can get into this website.