- Must be 18 years of age or older
- Must be a former Drop In member of the Ponoka Youth Centre
- Must complete a Volunteer Application Form, including references
- Must provide a Criminal Record Check
- Must sign a TYV Requirements and Expectations Form
- Must be under the supervision of a Ponoka Youth Centre staff member at all times
- Must be 12 years of age or older
- Must be a former member of the Ponoka Youth Centre programs
- Must fill out a Volunteer Application Form, including references
- Must have aTYV Waiver Form filled out by a parent/guardian
- Must sign a TYV Requirements and Expectations Form
- Must be under the supervision of a Ponoka Youth Centre staff member at all times
- A Transitional Youth Volunteer will:
-comply with all rules and expectations of Ponoka Youth Centre members and volunteers.
-maintain a strict code of confidentiality.
-positively represent the Ponoka Youth Centre in the community at all times(on and off site).
-be present and punctual for all scheduled volunteer shifts.
- By volunteering as a Transitional Youth Volunteer, future opportunities of working at the Ponoka Youth Centre may be made available to the TYV should they arise.
- A Transitional Youth Volunteer (TYV) must comply with all rules, policies and expectations of the Ponoka Youth Centre.
- As a former member, each TYV will be aware of the rules and expectations of the Ponoka Youth Centre. A review of these rules and expectations will be undertaken upon their acceptance as a TYV.
- Any noncompliance or misconduct by a TYV (while volunteering) will result in a verbal warning and written documentation of the event.
- If a second incidence occurs, the event will be documented and the TYV will be removedfromtheir role as a volunteer until such time as they are 21 years of age. At that time,if they desire to re-enter the Ponoka Youth Centre volunteer program, their suitability will be reassessed.
- If a TYV commits a criminal offense or acts in a way unbecoming to the positive image the Ponoka Youth Centre diligently attempts to portray in the community, the volunteer will be removed from their position as a TYV.
- Some incidents of misconduct may result in immediate dismissal at the discretion of the Executive Director.
The Ponoka Youth Centre retains the right to accept or decline TYV applicants at its discretion. The acceptance of applicants will be based upon references, Criminal Record Checks, previous interactions with the applicant and the best interests of the Ponoka Youth Centre.
I have read and understand the requirements and expectations of being a Ponoka Youth Centre Transitional Youth Volunteer. The rules and expectations have been reviewed with me by a Ponoka Youth Centre staff member.
PYC Staff Member
Transitional Youth Volunteer Waiver Form
I ______of ______, Alberta, Parent and Guardian of the child ______, give permission for my childto participate as a volunteer in the Transitional Youth Volunteer Program of the Ponoka Youth Centre. I understand the responsibilities of this position and support my child’s involvement.
The said child and myself hereby agree to voluntarily assume those risks whether for bodily injury, property damage or emotional trauma, anxiety or distress arising from the participation and association with the Ponoka Youth Centre.
The said child and myself do hereby release the Ponoka Youth Center, its respective employees, directors, board members and volunteers, joint and severally, from any and all actions, causes of action, claims and demands whether arising from negligence or otherwise, either I or the said child ever had, now have or hereafter can, shall or may have for by any reason of any cause, matter or thing arising from the event or events referred to above.
This release of liability extends, applies to and includes, all unknown, unforeseen, unanticipated injuries, damages, losses, and liabilities and the consequences thereof, as well as those now disclosed above and known to exist.
The said child and myself hereby agree to hold harmless and indemnify the Ponoka Youth Centre from and against any and all claims, demands, actions and costs which might arise out of the association of the said child with the Ponoka Youth Centre.
The said child and myself do further consent to the Ponoka Youth Centre taking pictures of the said child and the above mentioned events and hereby consent to the use of the said pictures for the purposes of promotion, advertising and fundraising activities.
Information gained in the registration and association of said child will not be shared or used for any other purposes than that for association in the Ponoka Youth Centre. Information gained in the registration and association of said child will only be shared when legally enforced to.
This waiver of Rights is binding on myself, the said child and our heirs, executors and administrators. I have read this release of liability form, fully understand its terms, and sign it freely and voluntarily
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and sealed this ______day of ______, 20___.