Spanish 201
COURSE TITLE: Intermediate Spanish I
INSTRUCTOR: Tamara Natoli
OFFICE HOURS: Period 3, 5, 6, 7,and after schoolupon request (except Mondays.)My web site also provides excellent vocabulary and grammar practice, and is linked to the school website. My email is accessible through my web site, or is listed above.
TEXTBOOK: Imagina: español sin barreras.José Blanco, C. Cecilia Tocaimaza-Hatch. Vista Higher Learning, 2007. Books will be supplied to the students. They will be left in the classroom unless students are assigned homework in them. If they lose it, they will have to replace it. ISBN # is 13: 978-1-59334-940-0
Spanish 201/ Intermediate Spanish 1: 4 credits. A course for students who can already communicate orally in simple Spanish, can read modified Spanish literature, and who have a good knowledge of basic Spanish grammar. Intermediate Spanish 1 emphasizes improvement in speaking, listening, reading and writing Spanish. Students read articles, poems, web sites, as well as simple short stories. In addition, they review Spanish grammar and practice applying it in conversations, reports, and compositions.GENERAL COURSE GOALS:
- Students will develop proficiency beyond the basic level in the understanding and use of Spanish.
- Students will develop knowledge of the distinctive features of the culture of Spanish speaking regions and nations.
By the end of the course the student will:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the societies of selected Latin American countries.
- Communicate in Spanish about familiar topics in the present, past and future.
- Demonstrate the ability to use the subjunctive mood in the present
- Demonstrate the ability to use the perfect tenses and the passive voice correctly on the sentence level.
- Demonstrate the ability to read Spanish on the Intermediate-High level of the ACTFL Proficiency Scale.
- Write summaries of Spanish films, plays, and stories
- Demonstrate oral proficiency on the Intermediate-High level of the ACTFL Proficiency Scale.
The Final grade will be determined by the following:
- Participation in class discussion and exercises (20%)
- Evaluation of the average of all tests (40%)and quizzes (25%)
- Satisfactory completion of homework (15%)
- The final grade will be derived from the average of quizzes, tests, homework, and class participation (67%), and final exam (33%).
Class attendance is of the utmost importance. A student will be permitted up to 9 legal absences per semester (college visits, band lessons, etc.) Absences beyond this number require the prior, discretionary approval of the instructor. Abuse of this policy will result in the dropping of one full letter grade. Students who are late or miss class are responsible for obtaining assignments and class notes and materials. A student who is absent is expected to get all missing work and have it done when it is due. (Contact a trustworthy classmate or the instructor via email.) Two instances of significant lateness count as one absence. Missed quizzes or tests must be made up within one week of a student’s return to school.
Conversion to College Grades
93-100- A
90-92- A-
83-86- B
80-82 B-
77-79 C+
73-76 C
70-72 C-
60-69 D
0-59 F
Lección 1: Las relaciones personales
Las relaciones personalesEl afectoLa personalidadLa opinión
Los artículos definidos e indefinidos
Repaso de verbos regulares e irregulares, presente
Verbos con cambios en el raíz, presente
Ser y estar
Gustar y verbos con los pronombres indirectos
Don Quijote de la Manchavida de Cervantes
Capítulos 1-5 juntos, aumentos de capitulos 1 y 5
Prueba, capítulos 1-5 y la vida del autor
Presentaciones de los capítulos 6-19
Lección 2: Las diversiones
Los deportesLos pasatiempos Actividades de recreo Lugares de recreo
Presente progresivo
Pronombres objetos
Verbos reflexivos
El subjuntivo
El subjuntivo en cláusulas nominales
El subjuntivo en cláusulas adjetivas
Examen Final
- Satisfactory completion of all assignments
- Satisfactory performance on periodic quizzes and compositions
- Satisfactory participation and attendance (See attendance policy)
- Satisfactory completion of the final exam.
MarlboroCentralSchool District
Academic Integrity Policy
Academic integrity and honesty are valued in the MarlboroCentralSchool District. Accordingly, this policy shall apply to all courses offered in the MarlboroCentralSchool District (K—12), including Bridge and Advanced Placement courses.
GUIDELINES: Acknowledging that cheating and/or plagiarism in any form is not tolerated, students will not do the following:
Copy or attempt to copy another person’s work
Submit another’s work as their own
Give their work to another
Use cheat sheets/notes
Plagiarize (to steal and/or pass off the ideas or words of another as one’s own, without crediting the source)
DUE PROCESS: Any student accused of plagiarism or cheating will have the opportunity to defend his/her work with the classroom teacher.
CONSEQUENCES: Students who have plagiarized or cheated will face the following consequences:
- The teacher will confiscate all material evidence.
- The teacher will discuss the matter with the student.
- The work in question will receive a “0” with no opportunity for a re-take.
- The Principal will be informed.
Parental notification will be made in all instances of cheating/plagiarism. This includes (but is not limited to) class work, homework, quizzes, and major works such as tests, essays, and major projects.
APPEAL PROCESS: A student and/or parent may appeal the classroom teacher’s determination. The appeal will be made through the Principal’s office within three school days of the assignment’s confiscation.
College Spanish 201 Registration
Semester 1
Sept 2015-Jan 2016
The cost per credit from UlsterCountyCommunity College is $55.00, for a total of $220.00. Free or reduced lunch students pay $1. per credit.
The forms will be given out in your college class. If you are taking more than one class through the Ulster County Community College Bridge Program, you can register for all of them on the same form.
Textbook: Imagina: español sin barreras.José Blanco, C. Cecilia Tocaimaza-Hatch. Vista Higher Learning. Books will be supplied to the students. In case of loss, ISBN # is 13: 978-1-59334-940-0.
Thank you,
Tamara Natoli
UlsterCommunity CollegeCourse No.: SPA 201, SPA 202
Marlboro Central High SchoolSemester: Fall 2015, Spring 2016
Intermediate Spanish 1 and 2Course Instructor: Ms. Tamara Natoli
Spanish 202: 4 credits. A course for students who can communicate orally on the intermediate level and who can begin to read unsimplified Spanish literature. Intermediate Spanish 2 emphasizes the improvement of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. The students read selections from Spanish and Latin American literature, learn about prominent contemporary authors, and work on additional grammar issues. The instructor intends to conduct this class almost exclusively in Spanish.
Spanish 202
COURSE TITLE: Intermediate Spanish II
INSTRUCTOR: Tamara Natoli Office hours: Periods 3, 7 and after school
TEXTBOOK: Blanco, José, Imagina, Vista Higher Learning, 2007.
SPA 202 / Intermediate Spanish II4 Credits
Emphasis is on improvement of speaking, reading, listening, and writing skills in this course for students who can communicate orally on the intermediate level and who can begin to read unsimplified Spanish literature. Students read selections from Spanish and Latin American literature, learn about leading contemporary authors, listen to Spanish radio magazines, and work on their remaining problems with Spanish grammar. The instructor conducts the course almost entirely in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPA 201 or ability to follow a course given in Spanish and to read Spanish prose with the help of a dictionary.
- Students will begin to develop proficiency beyond the basic level in the understanding and use of Spanish.
- Students will develop knowledge of the distinctive features of the culture of Spanish speaking regions and nations.
By the end of the course the student will:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the societies of selected Latin American countries.
- Communicate in Spanish about familiar topics in the present , past and future.
- Demonstrate the ability to use the subjunctive mood in the present and past
- Demonstrate the ability to use the perfect tenses and the passive voice correctly on the sentence level.
- Demonstrate the ability to read Spanish on the Advanced -low level of the ACTFL Proficiency Scale.
- Write summaries of Spanish films, plays, and stories
- Demonstrate oral proficiency on the Advanced-low level of the ACTFL Proficiency Scale.
El subjuntivo
El subjuntivo en el pasado
Cláusulas condicionales (si….)p 322
Secuencias de los tiempos
Por/ para p 142
La Misma Luna: película, con preguntas, charla en español, análisis, y conexión con la situación de los inmigrantes en los Estados Unidos.
Lección 5:Futuro
Pronombres relativos (que, el cual, etc)
Lección 6:El valor de las ideas pp 196-227
Lección 7:
Participios pasados como adjetivos
Tiempos Perfectos- presente y pasado, futuro y condicional
Como agua para chocolate: película
lectura de la obra original,
análisis de la obra y los personajes.
Prueba sobre los hechos básicos.
Examen escrito (ensayos).
Examen Final
El primer día durante la Semana del Regents, por la mañana. Se basa en la obra, Como agua para chocolate, y la gramática que hemos estudiado durante 201 y 202.
- Satisfactory completion of all assignments
- Satisfactory performance on periodic quizzes and compositions
- Satisfactory participation and attendance (See attendance policy)
- Satisfactory completion of the final exam.
The Final grade will be determined by the following:
- Participation in class discussion and exercises (17%)
- Evaluation of the average of all tests (36%)and quizzes (30%)
- Satisfactory completion of homework (17%)
- The final grade will be derived from the average of quizzes, tests, homework, and class participation (67%), and final exam (33%).