Oakdale High School

Advanced Placement Psychology

Mr. Simoncini

Chapter 11 Reading Response Questions

PP. 451-462

  1. Describe the two methods used to determine whether the results of tests that measure differences or aptitudes have significance.
  1. The textbook describes several ways to test for both validity and reliability. Briefly discuss the types of validity scientists look for.
  1. What are test-retest reliability and split-half reliability?
  1. What is a standardized test?
  1. Discuss how results between test takers can be compared. Weave the term “normal range” into your discussion.
  1. What are the main differences between objective tests and subjective tests. With regard to subjective tests, what does the term “inter-rater reliability” mean?
  1. Scrutinize the section on p. 455 entitled: “Psychology in Your Life: Testing in Education.” As students in an advanced placement class, what do you think about the following passage from that section: “. . . do away with honors-level classes. The logic behind this effort is as follows: If all classes incorporate all students, those at the top of the performance curve will be able to assist and help students at the lower ends.” Be prepared to discuss your views on this passage with the class.
  1. Discuss the Binet and Simon School Abilities Test. What were its significant features and how was it used?
  1. In general, how did American psychologists change the Binet-Simon test into the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test?
  1. What three forces were in effect in the early 20th century USA that “conspired to make intelligence testing seem like an orderly way out of growing turmoil and uncertainty?
  1. Discuss some of the consequences of the large-scale group-testing program in the United States.
  1. What factor tended to obscure the consequences noted in the previous answer at the time they were popular?
  1. Briefly discuss the key factors about the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale.
  1. How is a person’s intelligence quotient (IQ) calculated? Based on that formula, what is considered to be an average or “normal” IQ?
  1. Our text says, “Within a short time, the new Stanford-Binet test became a popular instrument in clinical psychology, psychiatry, and educational counseling.” What was the implicit message provided by the test?
  1. What was the “loudest objection” to the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale?
  1. What are the most prominent of the more recently developed IQ tests?
  1. What problems with the IQ formula does the textbook point out with regard to age?
  1. How are IQ tests used to define mental retardation and giftedness?
  1. How has the definition of mental retardation changed in recent years? How is that condition now defined?
  1. Discuss some of causes of mental retardation, as outlined in our textbook.
  1. In what ways can special education programs help those who develop mental retardation?
  1. Discuss the methodology and results of Lewis Terman’s study of giftedness, begun in 1921.

pp. 463-468

  1. Discuss savant syndrome.
  1. What are psychometrics?
  1. Discuss Charles Spearman’s g factor. Is it still a valid concept?
  1. Differentiate between Raymond Cattell’s theories of crystallized intelligence and fluid intelligence.
  1. Summarize Robert Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence.
  1. Review Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory, including his eighth and ninth intelligences.
  1. Summarize cultural definitions of intelligence.
  1. Based on the experiments of Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson, how can expectations influence student performance? In your response, please weave in the concept of a self-fulfilling prophecy.


  1. Discuss the average IQ gaps discussed by the authors on p. 469.
  1. What evidence shows that intelligence is influenced by heredity?
  1. What evidence shows that intelligence is influenced by environment?
  1. What is heritability?
  1. What controversy did Arthur Jensen stir up and how did critics respond to his assertions?
  1. Discuss the methodology and results of the Scarr and Weinberg Adoption Study.
  1. How does social class affect IQ?
  1. Based on information provided in the textbook, evaluate the success of the Head Start Program.
  1. What sorts of biases, if any, are incorporated into IQ tests?