Session Title
Mapping Your Data with Development Gateway
Session Abstract
Many organizations have information – like project locations, beneficiaries, or suppliers - that they would like to be able to show on a map. Development Gateway has partnered with GIS leader Esri to build tools and services that help organizations turn raw data into dynamic and useful visualizations. This webinar outlines a methodology for helping you map your data, keep it updated, and visualize/analyze it for maximum effect.
The session will elaborate on a three-step process for maximizing the use of GIS in your organization, as follows:
1. Getting Started with ArcGIS Online
ArcGIS Online is an extremely fast and cost-effective way for your organization to map and use GIS data. ArcGIS Online is user-friendly, cloud-based, and collaborative by nature. Many organizations have the service but are not yet using it for maximum benefit. Training on a few key skills can unlock the full power of ArcGIS Online and allow you to create a well-designed, branded space for your maps and data.
2. Creating Your Data
Data are often stored in raw formats like spreadsheets, PDFs, or written reports that are difficult to quickly understand and analyze. By identifying the most critical pieces of information, DG can help you “geo-code” data to make them map-able. In addition to showing the precise locations of projects, facilities, beneficiaries, and so on, geo-coding can capture useful meta-data about finances, program results, and other indicators that lead to comprehensive and useful maps. DG’s Open Development Toolkit will also be demonstrated, which allows your staff to sustainably generate geo-data on their own.
3. Telling Your Story
Maps make your data come to life for decision-makers, clients, funders, and beneficiaries. DG can work with you to tell the most compelling visual stories about your work, your plans, and the impacts of your activities.