Friday, 16 February 2018

Dear Parents,

We have enjoyed a couple of really nice events recently; the Talent Show and the Valentine’s discos. I am very grateful to the PTA members who provided refreshments and who organised the discos so well, and to the staff who were involved. The children had a great time at both events.

The Curriculum Brochures for each class are available on the school website so you can get a good idea of what your children will be doing between the half term break and the Easter holidays. They are well worth looking at. As well as describing the curriculum, they provide information about any events being run by the class to which you are invited as well as ideas about how you can support your child’s topic work at home.

Attached to this letter is the list of events for the next half term. This can also be found on our website. I hope you find it useful.

The children break up for their half term today, returning to school on Tuesday 27th February. Have a lovely break.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Sweetnam

Head Teacher

Tuesday 27th FebruarySchool opens for children

Thursday 1st March‘World Book Day’

Thursday 8th March @ 16.00Y5 / 6 Sportshall @ BHHS

Friday 9th March @ 09.30Mothers’ Day assembly for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

Friday 9th March @ 13.15Reception sight and hearing checks

Monday 12th March‘Science Week’

Tuesday 13th MarchAnnual reports sent home

Wednesday 14th MarchParents’ evening

Sunday 18th March @ 12.00Year 6 confirmation meeting at St Oswald’s Church, Malpas

Tuesday 20th MarchParents’ evening

Wednesday 21st March @ 14.00PTA afternoon tea for grandparents

Wednesday 21st March (time TBA)Class 4 dance at Bishop Heber in the evening

Friday 23rd March @ 10.15Gym Club display for their parents

Monday 26th March @ 17.00Easter bingo

Tuesday 27th MarchClass 4 and 5 visit Blists Hill Victorian Town

Tuesday 27th March @ 08.00Class 2 Barnaby Bear Concert at Crewe Lyceum

Wednesday 28th March @ 11.00Easter Service at Holy Trinity Church

Wednesday 28th MarchClass 4 and 5 celebration afternoon

Wednesday 28th March @ 17.00Castleton 2019 meeting (current Y4 children’s parents)

Wednesday 28th March @ 18.00PGL 2019 meeting (current Y5 children’s parents)

Thursday 29th MarchSchool closes for Easter holiday

Monday 16th AprilSchool re-opens for children