Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Community Council held on Monday 14thApril 2014in the Village Hall Gwaenysgorat 6.45pm.

PRESENT: -Cllr D Smith (Trelawnyd Ward); Chair;Cllr.D Ellis(Trelawnyd Ward); Cllr D Paulus (Trelawnyd Ward);(Trelawnyd Ward);Cllr PJones*(Gwaenysgor Ward);Cllr. J Whiteway (Gwaenysgor Ward); Cllr I Papworth;(Trelawnyd Ward);

County Councillor N Steele-Mortimer (Flintshire County Council).

1756: Apologies:Cllr A Wenger (GwaenysgorWard)*ViceChair

1757: Declaration of Interests

Mosquitosupply and connection at the Primary School Trelawnyd. [Cllr. D E].Trelawnyd Memorial Hall donation [Cllr DS].

1758: To read and consider the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on Monday 24thMarch 2014

Min 1752; insert “in Trelawnyd”after limits.

Min 1753; delete “had brought” insert “was to bring “after Cllr D E.

Min 1753: insert “to seek” and delete “had given”.

1758: To approve the signature of the Chair

The minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 24thMarch 2014 was confirmed as a true and proper record, with amendments, proposed by Cllr D E and seconded by Cllr PJ.

1760: To discuss matters arising from the minutes.

Street lightingcontact issues were to be raised at the next meeting in May 2014.

1761: To dispose of any business remaining from the last meeting.

A site meeting had been held with Mr Jon Hill of FCC, in attendance, on the matter of Stone Stiles in Trelawnyd and the moving of a footpath in Gwaenysgor and a report of the outcome was to be sent by him to the Clerk before the next meeting.

A letter was to be sent to FCC Streetscene on the issue of street lights in Trelawnyd to clarify whether they are classed as footpath lighting or highway lighting and to establish if existing speed limits met legal requirements.

Quotes were to be obtained from electricians for the installation of the Mosquito at TrelawnydSchool and it was suggested that the some of the cost of power could be subsidised by the Community Council.

Activity Lists on Anti Harassment; Capability; and Disciplinary Procedures’ were approved by the meeting and the Chair.

Cllr NSM reported on recent restructuring of staff at County Hall and in particular that Mr S Jones the Streetscene Manager was now the Chief Officer which included Transport.

The Clerk gave an explanation of how the Precept is calculated and how the process is carried including how balances carried forward is treated emphasising that a proposal is required before any monies are allocated for expenditure and that if included in the Precept must be put on the agenda.

1762: Planning Applications

There were none.

1763: -To receive communications as directed by the Chair


  • Electoral Register – password.

Government Gateway: -

  • Activation Code

Mold Town Council

  • Invite to Mayor’s Charity Dinner Date/Auction 9 May 2014.

1764:–To receive reports and minutes of committees.

The Chair reported that Community Development Plan Questionnaires had been analysed and that it ran to 128 pages in total. It highlighted informative statistical informationfor the sub committee to prioritise for future reference.


1765:– Questions to Chair or Clerk: put and answered: provided 7 days notice has been given

Cllr I P gave an update of a dispute between FCC compiling the development plan and WA concerning building land. Cllr NSM would keep the Community Council up to date but at the moment there was no dispute.


There was none.

1767: To receive and consider resolutions or recommendations

Cllr DP highlighted an accident outside the Crown which had been resulted in the matter being raised with the Highways Department, 18 months ago, who had deemed, that, because there was no pavement, it was not safe and it was on their “to do “list. A reminder was to be sent.

1768: Financial Matters

Approved payments of Clerkssalary March 2014 £176.75and telephone expenses £5.00.


  • Trelawnyd Memorial Hall £2500.00.
  • Gwaenysgor Village Hall £2000.00
  • Trelawnyd Y C.£100.00
  • St Kentigern Hospice £300.00


  • SLCC £76.00

Proposed by Cllr PJ and seconded by Cllr JW.

Carried Unanimously.

The Clerk had writtento FCC regarding the invoice received for the playground rent for £400.

1769; Motions for the next meeting

The Community Council Website [JW]

Village Signs in Gwaenysgor [DE]

R D Owens P/T Clerk to the Community Council

26thApril 2014