Part A.


This form is for online moorings.

Please try to fill it out as fully as possible, but do ask your Business Boating Manager for assistance if required. We will use the information provided to assess your proposals for navigational safety, water quality and other likely impacts on the waterway.

Upon receipt of your proposal and fee, we will write and confirm receipt and give you an in principle decision within 6 weeks. Please note that if you may need to obtain agreements for using our property this may take much longer to finalise.

Please note:

On the Kennet & Avon Canal we will not permit the creation of any further offside moorings. This underlines our commitment to delivering the policies within the Kennet & Avon Canal Conservation Plan (second edition, October 2000):

Policy H10: There will be a general presumption for the offside bank to remain non- accessible.

Policy H10.2 There is a presumption against the creation of moorings, paths and access on the offside canal bank, although a case may be made for this in some urban locations.

Please note that although we may consider applications for the ‘urban’ areas of Bath, Bradford on Avon and Devizes, we will not grant any new moorings east of Lock 28 (the foot of the Caen Hill lock flight).

Customer details (the legal entity responsible paying the mooring fee):
Company Name or the name of an individual:
(We cannot contract with a ‘trading name’ – only a registered company or an individual.)
Company Registration No:
(if applicable)
Name of principal contact:
Address for correspondence:
Contact Telephone No:
Website: (if applicable)
If you have a CRT customer no. please give it here (7 digit no. beginning with an 8):
Date of submission:
Proposed start date:
(This must always be the 1st day of any given month)

With regards to making the £90 application fee payment please either attach a cheque to your application. Alternatively, if you wish to pay by bank transfer / card please confirm below and a member of our team will contact you with details on how to make payment.

Please email me bank details on electronic banking or card payment to enable me to make payment.

I enclose a cheque for the Application Fee payment.

*Cheques should be made payable to Canal & River Trust and forwarded to the address below, quoting the reference above.

*Please note applications cannot be logged and progressed until payment has been received.

Details of your proposed operation
Please describe your proposal.
Please give us as much detail as possible
If this application is for moorings, please provide the following:
  • proposed length of mooring required (feet or metres)
  • Length of property frontage to canal
  • number of moorings required
  • use i.e. leisure, hire boats/commercial or residential. (please provide breakdown of each type).
  • Maximum width of boats.
(There is a presumption against about creating new moorings along other private land adjacent to the waterway, but there are exemptions for particular circumstances. Please refer to our Online Mooring Reduction Policy)
Please tick to confirm you have read the guidance and that your application meetsthe exceptions. /
Please tick to confirm you have attached a map plan clearly showing the location of the property & proposed mooring site in sufficient detail showing the start and end of the mooring.
Please also supply:
  1. Photographs of the site, including one taken from the towpath
  1. Name or number of the nearest bridge.
  1. If a staging, pontoon or decking arrangement is being proposed, please provide details on dimensions, type, style and construction i.e. wooden decking with metal framework.
  1. Provide the nearest street name, town and postcode.
Please tick to confirm you have read and understand the Trusts Criteria, terms and conditions for granting permission to moor against private land.
Please tick to confirm you have attached evidence of your ownership of the land against which you propose to provide moorings: the Land Registry Title Number and a complete photocopy of the relevant section of the property title deed.
If you are not the person named in the evidence supplied above, a copy of your tenancy/lease and a letter(s) from the landowner(s) confirming their permission for you to moor at the site for the duration of the mooring permit, should your application be successful. /

Have you previously contacted the Canal & River Trust about your proposal?
Have you contacted your Local Planning Authority about your proposal?
Will the proposed development require any new OR affect any existing services? (e.g. mains water, electricity, refuse compound-collection)
Is the proposed development likely to affect any other canal users? (e.g. canal or towpath users, incl. existing trade or leisure craft)
Will the proposed development require vehicular access to the site (e.g. for deliveries, removal of waste)?
How do you intend to provide suitable pedestrian access to the site?
Do you want to use our land for any purposes? (e.g. lifting of boats or materials over the towpath or waterspace, access, additional seating or any advertising materials)

If your proposal includes any physical works on or affecting The Trust’s property, you may be asked by the Business Boating Manager to submit the Works Proposal form to provide additional information. This will allow us to assess the likely impacts of your proposal on Trust property and its users.

Please refer to Physical Works - How we assess your proposal for further information and fees.

Please email this form to:

(cheques can be sent to the address below)

Or post it to:

Canal and River Trust, Business Boating, Fearns Wharf, Neptune Street, Leeds, LS9 8PB

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June 2018