João Batista Ferreira-Pinto, Ph.D.

College of Health Sciences

University of Texas at El Paso

500 W. University Ave

El Paso Texas 79968

(915) 747-7295 e-mail

LANGUAGES:English, Spanish, and Portuguese (speak, read, and write fluently)


Ph.D. Social Sciences (1981) University of California Irvine, California.

M.A. Psychology (1979) University of California Irvine, California.

B.A.Experimental Psychology (1978) California State University Fullerton, California.

B.S.Economics (1973) California Polytechnic University Pomona, California

A.A. Biological Sciences (1971) Fullerton College, Fullerton, California


American Public Health Association

American Anthropological Association

Sigma Xi-The Scientific Research Society


Substance abuse prevention and treatment

Behavioral aspects of AIDS prevention and treatment

Program Evaluation

Social Determinants of Health


  • UTEP ORSP (2017) - New Grant Recognition
  • Outstanding Teacher of the Year (2001) – UT Houston SPH
  • Award for Excellence (1997) DHHS -Center for Substance Abuse Treatment
  • Fellow - NSF Summer Camp on Quantitative Anthropology (1994) U C Irvine
  • Master Trainer - Hispanic AIDS Education Program (1991) American Red Cross
  • Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship (1981) - University of California Irvine


9/2009 University of Texas at El Paso,

to dateDirector Center for Interdisciplinary Health Research and Evaluation (CIHRE)

Responsible for the management of all CIHRE initiated grants and contracts to private and public agencies and non-profit organizations. Also providing CHS faculty with training in grant management and the development of skills to monitor and evaluate staff performance using survey.

11/2008 University of Texas at El Paso, College of Health Sciences

to Interim Director Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Ph.D. program


Responsible for overseeing program the program until a new Director were appointed. Expanded the student handbook to make it more user friendly. Served as liaison to Deans for College of Health Sciences and Nursing and oversaw the IHS Executive Committee.

9/2007 University of Texas at El Paso,

to dateDirector of Research and Special Projects College of Health Sciences

Responsible to overseeing the preparation and submission of all Federal, State and Foundation grants generated by the College of Health Sciences faculty. Representing the College in all research related activities at UTEP, and other academic and governmental Institutions. Participating in faculty, Chairs and Director searches and preparing reports about the state of research grants, publications and presentations by the College faculty.

1/2006 Ryan White II Administrative Agency for West Texas

toAdministrator for the Area 1 Ryan White


Responsible for the distribution of funds and monitoring of all expenses to providers related to the to Ryan White West Texas HIV positive patients in medical and psychological treatment, and housing

8/04- Planned Parenthood Center of El Paso

7/07Director, Research and Evaluation Department

8/04 to CDC (Centers for Disease Control) ADAPT-POL GRANT

12/07Principal Investigator

Responsible for the adaptation and evaluation of the Popular Opinion Leader (POL) to Hispanic population in El Paso Health Service Delivery Area

2/94 toUniversity of Texas Houston - School of Public Health at El Paso. - El Paso, Texas.

7/04 Assistant Professor of Behavioral Sciences

Taught core theoretical courses in Health Education and Promotion, and elective courses in Public Health Informatics, Addictive Behaviors, and Thesis Planning and Implementation. Past member of the University-wide Interfaculty Council, the School-wide Faculty Affairs Committee, the Committee on Distance Education and the Admissions Commission. Helped in the development and evaluation of interactive television for distance learning and health education and promotion. Presently researching the impact of social capital in public health in the domains of violence and drug abuse.

9/03 toBorder Planning and Evaluation Group. - El Paso, Texas.

date Senior Researcher

Responsible for the planning, development and evaluation of programs in the US-Mexico border region. Developed grant applications and management information systems for non-governmental organizations in Mexico, Texas and New Mexico.

1/91 toAltaMed- California, USA

3/93 Research Director

Co-principal investigator and budget director of a six-year multisite HIV grant funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) to develop, implement and evaluate a standard national HIV intervention based on condom usage. Co-PI in three federal grants dealing with HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. Developer and administrator of a Methadone clinic.

7/83 toCounty of Orange - California, USA

12/90 Researcher/Planner

Developed, implemented, and evaluated the psychological and health impact of migration on Vietnamese refugee populations in the County. Assisted in the development of the AIDS Office of Research in the County’s Health Department.

10/82 toUniversity of California Irvine - California, USA


Developed data collection instruments and research procedures for two projects dealing with native and Western medical health beliefs among Mexican and Thai migrants in Northern California.

5/80 toCIIDET - Mexican Ministry of Education - Querétaro, Mexico

9/82Research Professor

Taught courses in cross-cultural research in anthropology, sociology and educational psychology, and quantitative and qualitative research for Master level students. Designed and directed students research projects on the introduction of health-related innovations in urban and rural communities in Mexico. Created the Institute’s centralized Research Center. Developed the framework for the Center’s Doctoral Program.

10/78 to INCAP / Pan America Health Organization - Guatemala City, Guatemala

1/80Project Director

Directed the National Science Foundation (NSF) research project at INCAP (Institute of Nutrition for Central America and Panama) in Guatemala City. The project studied variables that affected the acceptance of Western medical practices among Guatemalan rural Indian and Ladino populations. Also conducted cross-cultural comparative research using multivariate techniques (Multi-dimensional Scaling (MDS) and Clustering Algorithms) to study determinants of success among Guatemalans



UTEP Minority Serving Institution – Community Based Organization (MSI CBO) Partnership for Integrated Substance Abuse, HIV and Hepatitis C (HCV) Prevention. Funder: Substance Abuse Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA), US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Role; co-Principal Investigator. Funded $892,089.

Targeted Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment Capacity Expansion for Minority (Latina and Native American) women at high risk for HIV/AIDS in vulnerable U.S.-Mexico Border Communities (with Nutrition focus). Funder: Substance Abuse Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA), US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Funded: $1,479,820.

Evaluation of consumer satisfaction with Project Amistad Managed Transportation Organization (MTO) Region 2 Funder: Health and Human Services Commission Medical Transportation Program. Role; Evaluator. Funded $66,000.

Evaluation of Culture of Legality – Funder: Programa Compañeros – IHL - U.S. State Department Role; Evaluator. Funded $40,000

Evaluator – Substance Abuse Coalitions Network. Funder: Alianza para Collaboraciones Fronterizas (AFC) Role. Evaluator. Funded $60,000


Social and Contextual Vulnerability on the U.S.-Mexico Border (PILOT STUDY 3) National Institutes of Health (NIH R24DA029989) March 15, 2013 – March 31, 2017

Role: co-Principal Investigator Funded $100,000

Dialysis transportation research project El Paso County Department of Transportation January 2012-December 2012 Role: Principal Investigator Funded $68,831

Monitoring the Increase in Credibility and Trust of the Community Towards the Police in Ciudad Juarez. Alianza para Collaboraciones Fronterizas (AFC) March 2012 – February 2013 Role: Principal Investigator Funded $23,407

Vulnerability Issues in Drug Abuse (VIDA) Project” (CORE) National Institutes of Health January 2014 – December 2014

Role: Project Director Funded $1,500,000

Adopting and Demonstrating Adaptation of Prevention Techniques (ADAPT)

Evaluator (PI) 2001 –2005 Funded $30,000

PPCEP/ OAP (Office of Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention)

Evaluation of abstinence-based adolescent pregnancy prevention program

Upper Rio Grande Workforce Development Board (URGWDB) and Department of Labor (DOL)— Funded $30,000

Evaluator/ researcher (2003-2004). Evaluation of Young Offender Program to prevent recidivism among young first offenders.

Mascareñas Foundation and Hewlett Foundation — Funded -75,000

Evaluator/ researcher (2001-2003). Evaluation of eight environmental programs in three Northern border Mexican states

EPPPC (El Paso Planned Parenthood Center) and OAPP (Office of Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention) — Funded – $48,000

Evaluator (2001-2004). Evaluation of abstinence-based adolescent pregnancy prevention program utilizing HIV curricula for adolescents and their guardians.

EPPPC (El Paso Planned Parenthood Center) and CDC (Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention) — Funded – $36,000

Evaluator (2001-2004). Evaluation of HIV curriculum for school-based and prison –based HIV prevention programs

EPPPC (El Paso Planned Parenthood Center) TDH (Texas Department of Health) and HIV Treatment Consortium of El Paso — Funded – $ 15,000

Researcher (2002) Conduct needs assessment among HIV+ client in El Paso Health Service Delivery Area (HSDA)

HRSA (Health Resources and Services Administration) — Funded -$50,000

Evaluator (2000-2001). Evaluation of an HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment program using indigenous case managers (Promotores.)

HCFA (Health Care Financing Administration) — Funded - $240,000

Principal Investigator (1999 -2001). Implementation and evaluation of a trans-cultural model of HIV/AIDS treatment using indigenous case managers (Promotores.)

PDNHF (Paso del Norte Health Foundation) – Funded - $49,900

Principal Investigator (1999-2000). Study on the social and economic determinants of drug use among adolescents in Cd. Juarez and El Paso, to develop a prevention intervention.

PDNHF (Paso del Norte Health Foundation) – Funded- $49,000

Co-Principal Investigator (1999-2000). Study on health beliefs and health seeking behaviors among women who are HIV+ or at risk of infection in CD. Juarez, Mexico

World AIDS Foundation / NIH Fogarti Center / Pasteur Institute. Funded- $45,000 – probono

Co-principal Investigator (1997-1998) Training of Mexican HIV/AIDS researchers in Public Health theory and applications for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment

World AIDS Foundation Funded- $150,000 – probono

Co-investigator (1995-1998) Training of HIV/AIDS Primary Care for Physicians in Mexico

Ford Foundation –Mexico City — Funded- $25,000

Co-Principal Investigator (1997-1998) Develop a wrap-around continuum of care model using a promotores model of transcultural assistance to HIV/AIDS patients who live along the US-Mexico border

NIDA (National Institute of Drug Abuse) Washington DC — Not Approved

Principal Investigator (1996) Research on transcultural social and cultural determinants of heroin use in a US-Mexico border community.

FUNSALUD (Mexican Consortium of Health Foundations) and the Carnegie Foundation —Mexico City — Funded- $25,000 – pro bono

Principal Investigator (1995-1996) Research the impact of a heroin treatment based on a new educational curriculum targeted at male adolescents in Ciudad Juarez.

NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) Washington DC —Funded $2,500,000

Co-principal Investigator (1991-1997) Multisite Behavioral Sciences Clinical Trail to test the efficacy of Social Learning Theory in HIV prevention.

OIH (Office of International Health) PAHO (Pan American Health Association) CSAT (Center for Substance Abuse Treatment) - Funded - $90,000

Co-investigator (1995) Needs Assessment for drug treatment programs in the US-Mexico border


9/16R.A.R.E. – Department of Communications UTEP

Instructions on the economic conditions of fishermen in Mozambique to improve understanding of fisheries management.

1/01Mexican Ministry of Health - Secretary of Health Office (Secretaria de Salubridad y

toAsistencia) Mexico City, Mexico

6/02Co- Investigator

This pilot research is funded by the Health Secretary to examine the prevalence of cocaine use in Mexican border towns, and.

6/01Mexican National Science Foundation CONACYT (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y

toTecnologia) Mexico City, Mexico

6/02Co-Principal Investigator

Research on population estimates of heroin users in Cd. Juarez using capture– recapture methodologies among incarcerated, in treatment and out-of-treatment populations.

6/98 CONASIDA (National Council on AIDS) Mexico City, Mexico


6/02Co-Principal Investigator

Research on the impact of injecting drug use in the spread of AIDS, Hepatitis B and C in incarcerated in incarcerated and out-of-treatment populations in the US-Mexico border

5/98 toSAHMSA/CSAP / Development System Group, Inc. Washington, DC

6/99Co-investigator El Paso Violence and Drug Epidemiology Taskforce (VDET).

The taskforce is enjoined with the task to collect social indicators on the relation of violence and drug use and to provide preventive solutions to the problem, and out-of-treatment populations in the US-Mexico

7/97 toEl Paso del Norte Health Foundation -El Paso, Texas


Consultant for the Healthy Communities initiative to develop a community based needs assessment and work plan for drug prevention in two neighborhoods in Ciudad Juarez. Also researching the impact of Social Capital on violence and drug use among adolescents.

2/94 toEl Paso County/CSAP -El Paso, Texas


Evaluation of the Safe2000 Community Awareness drug abuse program. This was a cooperative agreement between the County of El Paso and the Center for Substance Abuse and Prevention (CSAP)

3/93 toEDC - USAID (Education Development Corporation) La Paz, Bolivia; São Vicente, Cape


Evaluator and Trainer

Created qualitative evaluation design for an Interactive Radio Health Program for Bolivia. Provided training to staff and evaluation teams in La Paz, Cochabamba, and Santa Cruz in data collection and analysis. Served as a consultant to the Education Minister in Cape Verde to help set up Interactive Radio Mathematics and Health Programs.

6/94 toUS Conference of Mayors / CDC Washington, D.C


Evaluated the efficacy of HIV/AIDS Community Planning Groups in the design of statewide plans for HIV prevention and treatment in Arizona and Puerto Rico.

1/01Mexican Ministry of Health - Secretary of Health Office (Secretaria de Salubridad y

toAsistencia) Mexico City, Mexico

6/02Co- Investigator

This pilot research is funded by the Health Secretary to examine the prevalence of cocaine use in Mexican border towns, and.

6/01Mexican National Science Foundation CONACYT (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y

toTecnologia) Mexico City, Mexico

6/02Co-Principal Investigator

Research on population estimates of heroin users in Cd. Juarez using capture– recapture methodologies among incarcerated, in treatment and out-of-treatment populations.

6/98 CONASIDA (National Council on AIDS) Mexico City, Mexico


6/02Co-Principal Investigator

Research on the impact of injecting drug use in the spread of AIDS, Hepatitis B and C in incarcerated in incarcerated and out-of-treatment populations in the US-Mexico border

5/98 toSAHMSA/CSAP / Development System Group, Inc. Washington, DC

6/99Co-investigator El Paso Violence and Drug Epidemiology Taskforce (VDET).

The taskforce is enjoined with the task to collect social indicators on the relation of violence and drug use and to provide preventive solutions to the problem, and out-of-treatment populations in the US-Mexico

7/97 toEl Paso del Norte Health Foundation -El Paso, Texas


Consultant for the Healthy Communities initiative to develop a community based needs assessment and work plan for drug prevention in two neighborhoods in Ciudad Juarez. Also researching the impact of Social Capital on violence and drug use among adolescents.

2/94 toEl Paso County/CSAP -El Paso, Texas


Evaluation of the Safe2000 Community Awareness drug abuse program. This was a cooperative agreement between the County of El Paso and the Center for Substance Abuse and Prevention (CSAP)

3/93 toEDC - USAID (Education Development Corporation) La Paz, Bolivia; São Vicente, Cape


Evaluator and Trainer

Created qualitative evaluation design for an Interactive Radio Health Program for Bolivia. Provided training to staff and evaluation teams in La Paz, Cochabamba, and Santa Cruz in data collection and analysis. Served as a consultant to the Education Minister in Cape Verde to help set up Interactive Radio Mathematics and Health Programs.

6/94 toUS Conference of Mayors / CDC Washington, D.C


Evaluated the efficacy of HIV/AIDS Community Planning Groups in the design of statewide plans for HIV prevention and treatment in Arizona and Puerto Rico.


Ramos, R., Ferreira-Pinto, J. B., Loza, O. (2015). Navigator Approach to Improve Quality of Care for Vulnerable Populations in Mexico. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC), November/December 14(6), 516-526.

Loza, O., Ramos, R., Hernandez, M. T., Ferreira-Pinto, J. B., Villalobos S. A*. (2015). A Qualitative Exploration of Perceived Gender Differences in Methamphetamine Use among Women who use Methamphetamine on the Mexico-U.S. Border. Jornal off Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 15(4), 405-424.,

Loza, O., Ramos, R., Ferreira-Pinto, J., Hernandez, M. T., & Villalobos, S. A*. (2016). A qualitative exploration of perceived gender differences in methamphetamine use among women who use methamphetamine on the Mexico–US border. Journal of ethnicity in substance abuse, 15(4), 405-424.

Ramos, R., Ferreira-Pinto, J., & Loza, O. (2015). Navigator Approach to Improve Quality of Care for Vulnerable Populations in Mexico. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care

Ramos, R., Ferreira Pinto J, Rusch, M, & Ramos, ME*. (2010). Pasa la Voz (Spread the Word): Using Women’s Social Networks for HIV Education/Testing. Public Health Reports V. 125 No. 4, pp 528-533.

Ramos, R, Ferreira-Pinto JB., Brouwer KC., Ramos ME*, Lozada RM., Firestone-Cruz M. &. Strathdee, SA. (2009). A tale of two cities: Social and Environmental Influences Shaping Risk Factors and Protective Behaviors in two Mexico-US Border Cities. Health and Place.

Ramos, R. Rivera, E., Ferreira-Pinto, J.B., & Vera, B., (2005) A Transcultural Approach to Peer Case Management: A Case Control Study of Cost Effectiveness. Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services. 5 (2).

Ramos, R. Hernandez, A., Ferreira-Pinto, J.B., Ortiz, M., & Somerville, G.G., (2005) Promovision: Designing a Promotores Capacity-Building Program. Health Promotion Practice. 7 (4): 444 - 449.

Ramos RL, Rivera E, Ferreira-Pinto JB, and Vera B (2005) A Transcultural Approach to Peer Case Management: a case control study of cost effectiveness. Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services Volume 5, Number 2, 2006

Ramos RL, Hernandez A, Ferreira-Pinto JB, Ortiz M, Gallegos G (2005) Promovision: Designing a Capacity-Building Program to Strengthen and Expand the Role of Promotores in HIV Prevention. Health Promotion Practice. (in print)

Ferreira-Pinto JB (2002) “Consensus Analysis: A Methodology for Prioritizing Health Policies” Field Methods (accepted for publication)

Ramos RL Ferreira-Pinto JB, (2002) A Tested Model for Organizational and Community Capacity-Building in AIDS Prevention Programs AIDS Education and Prevention May 14(3) 196-205

* Scherer JA, Ferreira-Pinto JB, Ramos RL, Homedes N (2002) Measuring Readiness for Change in two Northern Border Mexican Communities. Border Health Vol6 (1) 35-41

Ferreira-Pinto JB (2002) Patient Employment and Relapse in an Enhanced Methadone Maintenance Program. Border Health Vol 6 (1) 42-47

* Rocha NA, Ferreira-Pinto JB, Mata AG, Blough L (2002) Regional Advisory Council Trauma Registries as a Potential Source of Drug Related Data Free Inquiry in Creative Sociology (accepted for publication)