FOR SESSION 2016 – 2017
Dear Parent/Carer,
This leaflet has been designed to tell you how we are progressing in our school. It is our “Standards and Quality Report” for last session (2016 to 2017).
Inside, you will find a brief description of our main achievements during last session. Whilst we do many things in the course of a year, I have focused on what we consider to be the most important areas. I have also outlined the school’s main priorities for next session (2017-2018).
I hope you find the leaflet helpful. If you have any questions about it, please do not hesitate to phone the school office for an appointment. I will be pleased to offer clarification.
I commend and thank the staff for their dedication, enthusiasm and hard work during the last session, the pupils on all their hard work and enthusiasm and you the parents and carers for your on-going support.
Laura Jarvie
2016 TO 2017
- We worked with pupils, parents, staff and the local community to develop our motto ‘Bee the best you can Bee’.
- We developed new planning and assessment folders.
- We developed a traffic lighted pupil tracking system and held regular meetings to discuss pupil progress.
- In response to parental request we introduced an additional parents’ night.
- We introduced ‘snap shot jotters’ to profile learner’s progress from P1- P7.
- Teachers used the Leuven scale of engagement to consider the levels of pupil engagement at different times in the day.
- In September we hosted a Digital Teach Meet where staff from across Falkirk Council met to discuss ICT. We followed this up with a digital learning week in February.
- We purchased 30 I Pads.
- Mrs Williamson became an Apple Teacher.
- Our reward system was further developed with the introduction of Carronshore Coins.
- We trialled the free movement of pupils during Children in Need and found this so successful we repeated it later in the year!
- P7 pupils developed the ‘Carronshore Christmas Campsite’.
- 8 members of staff completed bronze level Spanish training.
- 10 members of staff completed silver level Spanish training.
- We introduced on-line learning journals in the nursery. These have been so successful that we have welcomed many visitors from other nurseries.
- As requested by parents/carers we welcomed the after school club ‘First4Kids’ into the school building.
- We asked parents/carers to rate the experience that their child had at school during 2016-2017. The responses are detailed in the table below. We have included the figures in brackets from the previous session for comparison.
Excellent / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory
85% (58%) / 15% (34%) / 0% (8%) / 0% (0%) / 0% (0%)
- To ensure equity for all our pupils we developed a school trip policy.
- We featured in the General Teaching Council magazine highlighting our good coaching practice.
- We developed BEE (broad educational experiences) time at Carronshore. Pupils could choose from a range of real life opportunities including car mechanics, cleaning, sewing, baking, coding and many more.
- We developed pupil leadership and many pupils led their own lunch time clubs and book/toy sales.
- Miss Donald completed ‘Lead On’ gaining her a post-graduate certificate.
- Mrs Mardon completed ‘To Lead’ and as part of this developed a project to improve reading.
- Miss Grant, Miss Brand and Miss Belair completed a post graduate in professional education and leadership.
- We were awarded £4500 after a successful bid to the Innovation Fund to develop play based learning in P1.
- Pupils led their own learning through our time travellers focus. Pupils had a context for learning and asked key questions to structure the learning.
P1 classes focused on Medieval Times
P2 – P3 focussed on The Egyptians
P4 – P5 focussed on The Vikings
P6 – P7 focussed on World War 2
Some of the things we plan to do in our school next session
2017 – 2018
- We will continue to develop many of the things we achieved last session.
- We will introduce Circle meetings for all pupils so they all have a voice and can play an active role in school improvements.
- We will work closely with the Larbert Cluster Schools to implement mental maths progressions and train staff in maths recovery.
- All classes will be read to weekly through ‘tales at 2:30’
- We will fully implement BEE time as a part of our Curriculum Rationale.
- We will continue to focus on play as a vehicle for learning and the open spaces outside the classrooms.
- Pupils will experience learning through ‘Carronshore Globe Trotters’
- We will develop a School App for communication.
- We will create an advert that supports people to understand the value of talking and reading to children.
- We will produce a clear visual Carronshore Curriculum Rationale that is displayed in the school foyer.
- We will celebrate and reaffirm our school motto through a Guinness world record attempt…more details to follow!
- We will work in teams to further develop Maths, literacy, ICT, nurture and skills for life, learning and work.