Winter 2005

To:SECS Faculty and CSE 571 students

From:Darrin Hanna, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Engineering

Subject:CSE 571 – Design of Embedded Software Computer Systems II

Course Title

Design of Embedded Software Computer Systems II

CSE 570 or equivalent or instructors permission

Text and Materials

Reference: Computing Fundamentals with Java, Rick Mercer

Reference: Computing Concepts with Java Fundamentals, Cay Horstmann

Reference: An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Using Java, Ganesan

Required: A USB portable storage device with capacity of 128 MB or more.

Class Time

Classes will be held on Monday and Wednesday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:17 p.m. in room 372 of the Science and Engineering Building (SEB). The labs can be completed in Room 133 SEB. Lab work can be completed at any time, although there is no specific lab time, the lab is open 24/7.

Course Objectives

By the end or this course a successful student will be able to:

  • Write a Java program that will execute on the JStamp Microcontroller
  • Identify a useful intelligent method and derive the appropriate parameters to implement the method on a micro-controlled application
  • Design an intelligent embedded microcontroller that will control a system under real conditions
  • Use the JStamp Microcontroller to capture and process input and produce output
  • Use MATLAB to model solutions for basic real-time image processing and implement an algorithm using Java based on the MATLAB model to execute on the JStamp.
  • Analyze the speed-effectiveness of an algorithm and identify portions of the algorithm that require more resources and time that could potentially be implemented differently to increase performance.

Course Emphasis

In this course we will learn how to use the JStamp microcontroller to design intelligent systems. We will also cover useful intelligent control algorithms and concurrent algorithms. We will explore concepts in robotics and object-oriented software development using Java. In this project-oriented course we will use this technology to design simple intelligent systems such as robots and autonomous ground or air vehicles.

In addition to the lectures, the class will include hands-on laboratory work in which students will setup the tools required for programming in Java and compiling and downloading programs to the JStamp.

Design Project

Each student will participate in a group project and demonstrate an original intelligent system by means of a PowerPoint presentation given to the class, a presentation poster that may be displayed publicly, and a project report. Students will receive individual project grades.


There will be two exams during the semester. There may be an oral part to these exams.


Grading will be based of the following:

Labs and Homework 20 %

Exam 125 %

Exam 225 %

Design Project30 %

100 %

Academic Conduct

The "Academic Conduct Policy" is explained on page 24 of Oakland University 2003-05 Graduate catalog. It may also be found on the OU website at Students suspected of cheating will be referred to the Academic Conduct Committee according to the “Academic Conduct Policy”. Any student found guilty of cheating by that committee will receive a 0.0 grade in the course.

Office Hours:By appointment.

114 Dodge Hall

Tel: 248-370-2170


Class Web Site: