2018 Ministry Marketplace Guidelines and Information
June 13-16, Boise Riverside Hotel
Ministry Marketplace exhibits reflect the diversity of United Methodist ministries and helpful resources for ministry. The Annual Conference experience is enhanced by your efforts and energy to make a creative display. Interactive displays are encouraged as a way to share your mission or ministry. Consider a drawing for a free gift or a fun activity at your table. Make it visually appealing and watch the people flock to your area!
Please read the following guidelines carefully.
- To be part of the Ministry Marketplace, applicants must be either: 1) an Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference organization, (churches, districts, and related organizations or other United Methodist-related organization); or 2) commercial organizations offering goods and/or services to churches. Educational institutions must be United Methodist-related or certified by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of The United Methodist Church.
- All participants in the Ministry Marketplace shall make application to the Coordinator and receive written (emailed) confirmation before setting up any display at the event.
- Participants meeting the requirements above will be offered space on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Fees shall be paid in full along with the completed Ministry Marketplace application. Checks should be payable to ‘Annual Conference Treasurer’ and mailed to the Oregon-Idaho Conference office, 1505 SW 18th Avenue, Portland, OR 97201. If the application is not accepted, the fee will be returned.
- The Annual Conference Sessions Committee has approved the sale of mission-related items. Idaho state sales tax must be collected and submitted according to Idaho IRS rules. Examples of items for sale could include handmade items that support a particular mission, packaged food items, or books that directly support a ministry. You may give away edible or non-edible tokens of hospitality such as wrapped candy, or pens. Nuts can be a severe allergy trigger, so please do not serve or have unwrapped nuts at your display. The hotel contract does not allow outside food to be consumed on the property.
- Participants shall limit their exhibits and/or presentations to the area assigned to them and shall do nothing that interferes with the space of others. This includes but is not limited to loud noises, intense odors, or aggressive debate. Any consumables offered must adhere to the regulations of the State Board of Health and the host facility.
- Tables will be assigned with similar topics or themes in groupings. If you want to be adjacent to another table, please note that on your application and ask the other exhibitor to do the same. We will do our best to accommodate requests but the Marketplace Coordinator’s decision on table placement is final.
- Displays may be set up starting at 1:00 PM on Wednesday, June 13.No early set-ups will be permitted. Displays should remain in place until after 1:30 PM Saturday, June16. Many attendees stop by the displays as they come through the check-in area on Wednesday between 3:00-6:30 PM, so we encourage being “up and ready” by that time. It can bless you AND visitors if you can be available throughout the Conference, particularly at break-times.
- We have no way to lock the Ministry Marketplace area in the Riverside Hotel and it is open to the public, so please take any computers, money or other valuable items with you when you leave the area. You are encouraged to bring a cover to “close your store” if you have items for sale and cannot be present for certain time periods. The hotel has no insurance for nor liability for lost or stolen items.
- Table space comes with a fabric cover and skirt and a chair. If you need more than the one provided chair, you’re welcome to bring your own. If you need an electrical outlet, be sure to request it on the application.You may add your own table cover, banner, etc. to provide color, but please leave the hotel’s cover on the table. Only blue painter’s tape may be used to affix items to any walls or other hotel surfaces within your table’s area.
- Be hospitable when at your table and enjoy sharing your ministry with visitors. Be gentle and considerate with your neighbors. The volunteer Marketplace Coordinator will be available for questions or help on Wednesday during the set-up hours and will check in with you on the other days during break times or when available.
- Please register for the conference at April 1 and closes May 29, 2018) so we will have a name tag ready for you and can offer you the best hospitality. Meal purchases are optional. (Please remember that outside food is not permitted to be consumed in the hotel public areas.) You are invited to attend any conference sessions or worship events you wish to. The Friday evening banquet and awards evening is always a fun highlight of the conference and you are invited to purchase a ticket when you register.
(Please complete after reading Guidelines and Information above. Applications with payment due May 10, 2018.)
Contact Person’s Name ______
Group/Business Name ______
(Spell out fully then list abbreviation if commonly used such as “United Methodist Women (UMW)”
Mailing address ______
City/State/Zip ______
Cell Phone(s) ______Email ______
(Please print clearly)
Display fees. Please select the category that best describes you or your group:
[ ] United Methodist group: Table fee - $40.00/table: ____# tables $_____total
[ ] Commercial vendor - church-related products/services: Table fee - $120.00/table:____#tables $_____total
_____Request electrical outlet
Briefly answer the three questions below to complete your application. Please print carefully or type.
(1)Describe the ministry of your group.
(2)State what visitors will find at your display.
(3) If you plan to sell items at your display, tell us:
(a) What you will sell,
(b) The approximate charge for each item, and
(c)How selling this merchandise enhances the mission of your group. Use reverse of this sheet if needed.
I certify that I have read and agree to abide by the Ministry Marketplace Guidelines. IfI anticipate any changes in the above plan, I will contact the Ministry Marketplace Coordinator immediately. Iunderstand that the selling of goods at the Ministry Marketplace is subject to approval of the Annual Conference.
Enclosed is our table fee in the amount of $______Make checks payable to Conference Treasurer.
Signature, title ______Date ______
Return this application and fee (payable to Conference Treasurer) no later than May 10, 2018 to:
Sally Blanchard, AC Manager, 1505 SW 18th Avenue, Portland, OR 97021.
If all tables are rented prior to May 10, you will be advised via the UM Connector.
If you have questions related to the 2018 Ministry Marketplace, contact volunteer coordinator Dixie Jacky at or conference manager Sally Blanchard at .
2018 Min Mktplc application.doc