Please use the attached order form or contact 01273 523300 or visit to order copies of the following leaflets:
5-7s: top safety tips for parents and carers
(Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT), 2009)
7-11s: top safety tips for parents and carers
(CAPT, 2009)
Babies: top safety tips for parents and carers
(CAPT, 2012)
Height chart: helping your child to avoid accidents at home
(ROSPA, 2012)
Home safety
(Eastbourne Downs & Weald PCT/Hastings & Rother PCT, 2007)
How safe are your child’s toys
(CAPT, 2013)
How safe is your child at home
(CAPT, 2009)
How safe is your child from burns and scalds
(CAPT, 2014)
How safe is your child in the car
(CAPT, 2009)
Toddlers and up: top safety tips for parents and carers
(CAPT, 2014)
What might poison your child
(CAPT, 2011)
Alcohol and pregnancy don’t mix
(BHCC, 2015)
Ask Brook about sex and alcohol
(Brook, 2014)
Blood borne viruses
(HIT, 2009)
Cannabis card
(HIT, 2015)
Cheers: your health
(Comic Company, 2012)
Drink less alcohol, cut your cancer risk
(Cancer Research UK, 2013)
Drug cards (set of 17)
Drunk: a young person’s guide to alcohol
(HIT, 2009)
Five drugs. Five facts.
Written and designed as an introduction to drug awareness for key stages 3-4 (11-16)
for five of the most common substances.
GOAL: get off alcohol and live
(Health Promotion Substance Misuse, 2011)
Hepatitis C: a handbook for people who have injected drugs
(Harm Reduction Works, 2009)
Hepatitis C: causes, consequences & advice
(HIT, 2012)
Hepatitis C: information for people who inject drugs
(HIT, 2013)
Heroin: frequently asked questions
(Lifeline Publications)
Injecting & infections
(National Treatment Agency, 2009)
It’s a fine line . . . between using it and losing it (cocaine)
(HIT, 2011)
Know alcohol
(HIT, 2016)
Know Cannabis
(HIT, 2011)
Know Ecstasy & PMA
(HIT, 2014)
Know GHB & GBL
(HIT, 2014)
Know Mephedrone
(HIT, 2014)
Legal highs: essential information and advice for professionals and parents (low stock)
(HIT, 2013)
No alcohol = no risk: alcohol in pregnancy advice
(Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, 2013)
Protect your family from hepatitis
(HIT, 2005)
Protect yourself against hep B
(Harm Reduction Works, 2008)
Rethink your drink scratchcards
(Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, 2014)
Saving lives: your essential guide to spotting, managing and preventing an opiate overdose
(BHCC, 2015)
Someone worth saving: information about drug overdose a guide for family & friends
(HIT, 2005)
The viruses: a rather rude guide for drug injectors
(Linnell Publications, 2014)
Weird and wired: the deal on legal highs (aimed at users)
(HIT, 2013)
What’s the deal on grass: cannabis facts for parents, carers and professionals
(HIT, 2011)
What’s the deal on grass: cannabis facts for young people
(HIT, 2011)
What’s the deal on quitting: a do-it-yourself guide to quitting cannabis
(HIT, 2013)
Young women and alcohol (low stock)
(HIT, 2009)
Art of baby massage
(West Herts Community NHS Trust, 2004)
Baby starts solids
(Comic Company, 2008)
Building blocks for a better start in life
(DOH, 2010)
Encouraging better behaviour: a practical guide to positive parenting (max 10)
(NSPCC, 2010)
Free milk, fruit and vitamins for you and your family: healthy start application form
(DOH, 2012)
Help pregnant women, new mothers & children get their free Healthy Start vitamins: a guide for health professionals
(DOH, 2010)
Introducing solid foods
(DOH, 2014)
Off to the best start: important information about feeding your baby
(DOH, 2010)
Safer sleep for babies: a guide for parents
(The Lullaby Trust, 2013)
Sudden death infant syndrome: a guide for professionals
(The Lullaby Trust, 2013)
1 in 3 women who get breast cancer are over 70, so don’t assume you’re past it
(DOH, 2013)
Be a non-smoker: cut your cancer risk
(Cancer Research UK, 2010)
Be breast aware
(DOH, 2008)
Be sunsmart: cut your cancer risk
(Cancer Research UK, 2013)
Bowel cancer screening: the facts
(DOH, 2013)
Bowel cancer: how to spot the symptoms and reduce your risk
(Cancer Research UK, 2015)
Bowel cancer signs & symptoms
(DOH, 2012)
Bowel screening could save your life (postcard)
(NHS, 2013)
Breast cancer
(Cancer Research UK, 2013)
Breast cancer risk: what it means to you
(Breast Cancer Care, 2007))
Cervical cancer: how to spot the symptoms and reduce your risk
(Cancer Research UK, 2013)
Cervical screening: what your abnormal result means (no longer in print – few copies available)
(DOH, 2006)
Drink less alcohol: cut your cancer risk
(Cancer Research UK, 2013)
Eat healthily: cut your cancer risk
(Cancer Research UK, 2013)
Live a healthy life: cut your cancer risk
(Cancer Research UK, 2013)
Lung cancer
(DOH, 2012)
Lung cancer: how to spot the symptoms and reduce your risk
(Cancer Research UK, 2013)
Know 4 sure: key signs of cancer
(DOH, 2015)
Mouth cancer: how to spot the symptoms and reduce your risk
(Cancer Research UK, 2011)
NHS breast screening: helping you decide
(DOH, 2013)
NHS cervical screening: helping you decide
(DOH, 2013)
Ovarian cancer
(DOH, 2013)
Prostate cancer : how to spot the symptoms
(Cancer Research UK, 2013)
Reducing cancer risk: what men can do
(Cancer Research UK, 2014)
Reducing cancer risk: what women can do
(Cancer Research UK, 2015)
Skin cancer
(DOH, 2014)
Skin cancer: how to spot the symptoms
(Cancer Research UK, 2013)
Speak up against cancer
(Brighton & Hove CCG, 2016)
Spotting the signs of cancer for men
(Cancer Research UK, 2012)
Spotting the signs of cancer for women
(Cancer Research UK, 2012)
Sun damage: also available in the UK postcard
(Cancer Research UK, 2016)
Taking care of your breasts
(Breast Cancer Care, 2012)
Testicular cancer: how to spot the symptoms
(Cancer Research UK, 2015)
Watch your weight: cut your cancer risk
(Cancer Research UK, 2015)
Your breasts, your health: a quick guide to being breast aware
(Breast Cancer Care, 2009)
10 minutes to change your life: high blood pressure
(BHF, 2015)
10 minutes to change your life: lowering cholesterol
(BHF, 2014)
I’ve got my blood pressure under control
(BHF, 2015)
Keep your heart healthy
(BHF, 2009)
Reducing your blood cholesterol
(BHF, 2014)
When a stroke strikes act FAST
(DOH, 2010)
Stroke: your quick guide
(BHF, 2014)
Women and heart disease: reducing your risk
(British Heart Foundation, 2011)
BodyWorks: your guide to understanding reproduction (out of stock until 2016)
(FPA, 2016)
Combined pill
(FPA, 2015)
Contraceptive choices after you’ve had your baby
(FPA, 2014)
Contraceptive injections
(FPA, 2014)
Contraceptive implant
(FPA, 2014)
Contraceptive patch
(FPA, 2012)
Contraceptive vaginal ring
(FPA, 2014)
Diaphragms and caps
(FPA, 2014)
Emergency contraception
(FPA, 2014)
(FPA, 2015)
(FPA, 2015)
Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC)
(FPA, 2014)
Male and female condoms
(FPA. 2014)
Male and female sterilisation
(FPA, 2015)
Natural family planning
(FPA, 2012)
Progestogen only pill (out of stock)
(FPA, 2015)
Your guide to contraception
(FPA, 2014)
10 minutes to change your life: managing diabetes
(BHF, 2014)
(British Lung Foundation, 2014)
COPD: chronic obstuctive pulmonary disease
(British Lung Foundation, 2014)
Dementia: helping your brain to stay healthy
(DOH, 2015)
Diabetes and your heart
(BHF, 2013)
Diabetes everyday eating
(Insulin Dependent Diabetes Trust, 2011)
Get well soon without antibiotics
(DOH, 2008)
Hepatitis: causes,consequences & advice
(HIT, 2009)
Hepatitis B: Transmission; Pregnancy; Tests; Your liver
(Putting Patients 1st, 2010)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
(Core, 2011)
Living with early-stage dementia: living well in the present and planning for the future
(Age UK, 2015)
(Arthritis Research UK, 2012)
Tuberculosis – the disease, its treatment and prevention
(DOH, 2016)
This is the face of M.E.
(Action for M.E., 2009)
(British Lung Foundation, 2013)
Understanding your diabetes
(Insulin Dependent Diabetes Trust, 2014)
10 minutes to change your life: time to eat well
(British Heart Foundation, 2014)
10 top tips for a healthy weight
(Cancer Research UK, 2015)
99 ways to cut 100 calories a day
(Comic Company, 2013)
Baby starts solids
(Comic Company, 2008)
Bottle feeding
(DOH, 2012)
Check the labels (salt, sugar, fat)
(Comic Company, 2010)
Cut down on salt
(BHF, 2014)
Diabetes everyday eating
(Insulin Dependent Diabetes Trust, 2011)
Eat 5 booklet
(Comic Company, 2010)
Eat 5 postcard
(Comic Company, 2010)
Eat 5 bookmarks
(Comic Company, 2009)
Eat fit: Top ten healthy eating tips
(Comic Company, 2013)
Eat healthily: cut your cancer risk
(Cancer Research UK, 2013)
Eatwell 8 tips for healthy eating postcard
(Comic Company, 2013)
Eatwell guide postcard
(Comic Company, 2011)
Guide to between meal snacks
(ESBH Health Promotion, 2010)
Healthy bones: facts about food
(National Osteoporosis Society, 2011)
Healthy lunchbox
(Comic Company, 2014)
Introducing solid foods
(DOH, 2014)
Just eat more fruit & veg Z-card
(DOH. 2009)
Off to the best start: important information about feeding your baby
(DOH, 2010)
Packing a healthy lunch
(ESBH Health Promotion, 2007)
Salt: shake the habit
(Comic Company, 2012)
Small changes big benefits
(Comic Company, 2014)
Sugar: not so sweet
(Comic Company, 2012)
Taster recipes: easy swap ideas for tasty, healthier meals
(DOH, 2013)
This label could change your life: how food labels can protect your heart
(BHF, 2014)
Time for sugar swaps
(DOH, 2015)
Watch your weight: cut your cancer risk
(Cancer Research UK, 2015)
Why your child’s weight matters
(DOH, 2014)
Your simple guide to healthy weight loss: facts not fads
(British Heart Foundation, 2014)
Food safety and your baby
Food safety and your barbeque
How to store foods safely
Keep me cool, keep me clean postcard
(Comic Company, 2003)
Preventing food poisoning
(FSA, 2002)
Back pain
(Arthritis Research UK, 2011)
Change for life sign up form
(DOH, 2012)
Live a healthy life: cut your cancer risk
(Cancer Research UK, 2013)
Free NHS Health Check
(DOH, 2015)
Top tips for top kids (change 4 life)
(DOH, 2010)
Did you wash your hands?
(Comic Company, 2012)
Some of your bits ain’t nice: your guide to personal hygiene (very low stock)
(Milton Keynes PCT, 2005)
Wet, soap, wash, rinse, dry
(DOH, 2008)
Aged 70, 78 or 79? There’s now a vaccine to help protect you against shingles
(DOH, 2014)
Are you starting university in 2015 in England? Protect yourself against meningitis and septicaemia
(DOH, 2015)
Arm against cervical cancer: your guide to the HPV vaccination from Sept 2014
(DOH, 2014)
Childhood immunisations for parents of premature babies – quick guide
(DOH), 2015
Guide to immunisations for up to one year of age
(DOH, 2016)
Immunisations for young people: your questions answered
(DOH, 2015)
If you could get pregnant: act now to protect against German measles
(DOH, 2013)
Measles: don’t let your child catch it
(DOH, 2010)
Measles: protect yourself, protect others
(DOH, 2009)
MMR vaccination
(DOH, 2016)
Pre-school immunisations: a guide to vaccinations (from two to five years)
(DOH, 2015)
Pregnant? There are many ways to help protect you and your baby
(DOH, 2016)
Protecting your baby against rotavirus
(DOH, 2013)
Protecting your child against flu: information for parents
(DOH, 2015)
TB, BCG vaccine and your baby
(DOH, 2015)
The flu vaccination winter 2015/16: who should have it and why
(DOH, 2015)
Using paracetamol to prevent and treat fever after MenB vaccination
(DOH, 2015)
Whooping cough and pregnancy: what you need to know and do to help protect your baby
(DOH, 2014)
Are you starting university in 2015 in England? Protect yourself against meningitis and septicaemia
(DOH, 2015)
Common signs & symptoms of meningitis and septicaemia card
(Meningitis Now, 2015)
Don’t ignore the signs meningitis
(DOH, 2007)
In school years 9-13? Protect yourself against meningitis and septicaemia
(DOH, 2015)
Protecting your baby against meningitis and septicaemia
(DOH, 2015)
Protecting your baby against meningitis and septicaemia: quick guide
(DOH, 2015)
Meningitis can affect anyone
(Meningitis Now, 2015)
Men mind your health booklet
(Comic Company, 2014)
Men mind your health postcard
(Comic Company, 2009)
Size matters
(Comic Company, 2009)
5 ways to wellbeing
(Brighton & Hove City Council, 2015)
10 minutes to change your life: take time out
(BHF, 2014)
Anorexia & bulimia
(Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2009)
(Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2008)
(Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2011)
Help and support: to escape violence and abuse and to keep safe
(Brighton & Hove Community Safety Partnership, 2014)
How to be mentally healthy at work
(Mind, 2013)
How to cope with suicidal feelings
(Mind, 2013)
How to deal with anger
(Mind, 2012)
How to increase your self esteem
(Mind, 2013)
How to look after your mental health
(Mental Health Foundation, 2016)
How to look after your mental health in later life
(Mental Health Foundation, 2013)
How to manage stress
(Mind, 2015)
How to overcome fear and anxiety
(Mental Health Foundation, 2016)
Postnatal depression
(Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2011)
Sleeping well
(Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2014)
Coping with stress: how to manage stress and help your heart
(BHF, 2011)
A practical guide to healthy ageing
(Age UK, 2014)
Aged 70, 78 or 79? There’s now a new vaccine to protect you against shingles
(DOH, 2014)
Bladder and bowel problems: common problems and how to manage them
(Age UK, 2015)
Caring for someone with dementia: a practical guide to help you
(Age UK, 2015)
Caring for your bones
(HTA, 2009)
Healthy living: maintaining a healthy body and mind
(Age UK, 2014)
Living with early-stage dementia: living well in the present and planning for the future
(Age UK, 2015)
Staying steady: keep active and reduce your risk of falling
(Age UK, 2016)
Give your teeth a makeover postcard
(Comic Company, 2013)
Oral health programme: toothbrushing for babies and young children
(AMS International)
Tell me about diet
(BDHF, 2010)
An introduction to osteoporosis
(National Osteoporosis Society, 2014)
Healthy living for strong bones