Registered Charity No: 1011780

Chief Officer’s Report for March – April 2014

The priorities afforded to the management of the organisation and support for clients/users has enabled us to better balance the work of the organisation and created an opportunity for us to plan for the future.

1.  The Organisation

a.  I have, in consultation with the chair, appointed Lindsey Svensson as centre manager for a trial period of three months to provide management services to the organisation.

b.  She will offer two days a week [15 – 20hrs] as appropriate.

c.  It is my aim to pass over as many everyday duties as possible to Lindsey so that I can concentrate on fund raising for the next year.

d.  Part of Lindsey’s responsibility will be providing IT training and support and I will be looking to fund a new project similar to that which we previously had in 2012.

2.  IT Services

a.  I hope to offer an IT project which could cover Home Visits as well as support in the Okehampton centre

b.  We will also explore the opportunity to help in such settings as Castle Ham Lodge should the opportunity arise.

c.  Please note that laptops and especially tablet computers are demanding the greatest need for help.

3.  Information and Advice

a.  Lindsey Svensson will initially cover day to day enquiries supported by myself.

b.  North Devon CAB – in Okehampton have stopped their Home Visiting project after five years.

c.  We can no longer refer form filling and benefit assessment requests for older people to the CAB.

d.  A need for updating training has been identified for JN, BMD, LS and BD.

4.  Home Support

a.  The reports to the Devon Community Fund and the Comic Relief fund were submitted in March.

b.  Janeene Nicholas has taken full responsibility for supporting Barbara Dalton and the Home Support project whilst I look for funding in the next three months. They will meet on a regular basis.

c.  Due to a gross misrepresentation by Devon County Council to West Devon Borough Council it transpired that our application for Health funding along with Tass in Tavistock was not acceptable.

d.  DCC wished to involve one organisation for the county and manage the project themselves. A proposal that saves the council money but duplicates management costs if projects with small charities are then combined by a larger one.

5.  Footcare.

a.  There is a steady increase in requests for nail cutting at both centres.

6.  Charity Shop and Centre

a.  Shop. The rent has been paid for 2014/15

7.  TCM 4000 – business management software.

a.  I have requested that the software company provide training sessions for all users of the system.

b.  The managing director has offered to come to Devon and provide the training free of charge.

8.  Complex Care Team.

a.  A new but final contract has been signed with West Devon CVS for one year to 31st March 2015 for £5,800

9.  Advertising and Marketing

a.  Our magazine editor is visiting the centre on Mon 14th April to discuss the production of the magazine.

10. Training for the Online Disclosure and Barring Service has begun.

11. Future funding.

a.  Bids will be made by the end of May to:

i.  Okehampton Town Council

ii. Okehampton United Charities

iii.  Devon Community Foundation

iv.  Awards for All

12. Devon Senior Voice.

a.  DSV proposes to become a charity so that ‘it can be active rather than passive’.

b.  Do we have a response?

Barrie Duke

Chief Officer

10 April 2014