Turner Fenton Link Crew LEADER Application 2016-2017
“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”
Important Dates:
The success of the TURNER FENTON LINK CREW depends on the quality of our student leaders as well as the quality of the training they receive. As a result, ALL LINK CREW Leaders MUST be available for the following:
· COMPLETED Applications DUE: MAY 27, 2016 – can hand them in sooner
***IB STUDENTS – Please focus on your current EXAMS & worry about this application AFTER you finish your exams***
Ø Complete Written Application submitted by MAY 27, 2016
Ø LOTTERY SYSTEM - Due to the HIGH volume of applicants, a lottery system will be used to select the FINAL applicants. This is non-negotiable. If your written application passes to the second round, you will be chosen by a lottery system.
· LINK CREW Leader Training – Dates TBA: Possible 1 day at the end of June or August.
· Orientation Day – Tuesday, September 6, 2016 - The BIG DAY!!!!!
Link Crew Leaders will lead grade 9’s through an opening assembly, orientation activities, a school tour and team building discussions. 7am-?
· Events and Activities Days - Throughout the year all or some Link Crew Leaders will be expected to attend and assist at events such as Grade 9 assemblies, Parent-Teacher interview night, Pink Day, attendance at school sports events and production, monthly meetings and grade 9 homeroom visits.
LINK CREW LEADERS need to set positive examples as they are a member of the school community and looked upon in high standard. Although it is not necessary to score 90% in your courses, attendance and maintaining good marks are important.
· There will be no use of illegal substances, including alcohol, drugs, or tobacco
· LINK CREW LEADERS will not be disruptive or disrespectful in class or in the hallways
· LINK CREW LEADERS will be a positive influence through their behavior, clothing, words & actions.
· LINK CREW LEADERS will be accepting of all students, regardless of their differences, their program, or their grade.
Still Interested? WHAT TO DO NOW!
1. Read this package.
2. If you are 100% sure you can commit and agree to the above expectations/dates, sign page 3 and 4, have your parent or guardian sign as well.
3. Return the application and signed papers to:
Mr. O. Rhoden (North Business Office)
Ms. L. Utting (South in Contact Room)
By: MAY 27, 2016
LINK CREW leader’s names will be posted outside the Contact Room and Business Office. Check the announcements for that date.
Thank you!
As a LINK LEADER at Turner Fenton S.S. for the 2016-2017 school year, I understand that I will be given a leadership position and will be expected to act as a role model for Grade 9’s and new students. My actions - both positive and negative – will be watched by the students and staff.
As a result, I will commit to act as a responsible leader for the ENTIRE school year, not just during LINK CREW activities, but in class and at home as well. I will represent LINK CREW in a positive way. I will be responsible and reliable. I will commit to all the dates, academic and behavioral expectations presented in this contract.
• I am available on all the dates listed on the following page for LINK CREW training and activities.
• I will participate in LINK Crew activities throughout the ENTIRE school year. I understand if I do not participate in these activities I will be removed from the LINK CREW Program and I will not receive any volunteer hours.
• I commit to the high academic and behavior expectations.
• I will do the "right thing, right" even when adults are not watching.
• I agree that if I do not follow these expectations or choose to act responsibly I may be removed from the LINK CREW program. In this situation, my Grade 9 group will be assigned to another LINK leader.
• I am excited to become a LINK CREW Leader at Turner Fenton S.S. I commit to being a positive role model and mentor for students at TFSS.
As a parent, I understand the LINK CREW expectations, including dates, academics and behavior.
***Complete this form in CLEAR printing using black or blue pen ONLY***
Name: ______Student No: ______
Grade in 2016-2017:______Gender: ______
School program (circle one): Academic Applied French Ext IB Vocational
Email: ______(print clearly)
1. Why do you want to be a LINK leader? ______
2. Describe the best experience you have had working with people and how this will be reflected with being a LINK CREW leader? ______
3. How can you motivate Grade 9’s and new students to be involved in the school and all the activities we offer at TFSS? ______
4. List three (3) ways your teachers would describe you. ______
5. Situation: You are a Link Leader. You are eating lunch with your friends and you see someone sitting alone. What do you do? ______
6. What extra-curricular activities (clubs/teams, etc) are you involved in? ______
7. What is one interesting fact about you?