1.Your Details
Title:First Name(s):
Last Name:
Job Title /
Position Held:
Division/Business Unit
Business Address:
NB including Post Code
Preferred Location of Voluntary Organisation
Contact Details (Business): Tel No:
2.Your Expertise and Experience
Please provide a brief description of your area of business expertise.Please tick the following business areas that you feel comfortable to advise on?
Strategic/business Planning / Fundraising / Income generation / trading
Accounting and Finance Support / Communications/Marketing
HR policy and processes / Risk Management
IT including Social Media / Property Management
Governance / Tender Procedure and Process
Legal advice (specify below): / Other (please state below):
Employment Experience
From / To / Job Title / Division / Business Unit
Do you have any specific qualifications that you feel would add value to a VCS Board of Trustee?
3.Your Journey
What are you looking to achieve either personally or professionally by being involved in Business on Board?Which of the following beneficiary needs would you be willing to consider being a Trustee for?
Black and Minority Ethnic Communities / Disabled people
Children / Young people
Faith groups / Lesbian/gay/bisexual people
Men / Older People
Transgender people / Women
People living in areas of deprivation / People experiencing domestic abuse
Ex- offenders / Homeless people
Drug or alcohol misuse / Single or lone parents
Teenage parents / Unemployed people
Other (please state
When would you be available for Board Meeting? (am, pm, evenings etc) and how much time are you able to commit? For example: 2 hours per month
I confirm that the information supplied may be used by any of the supporting organisations for the purpose of effecting an introduction to a VCS organisation and may be disclosed by them for that purpose.
I understand that once I have been introduced to a VCS Organisation the sponsoring organisation have no further obligation to me and that any relationship I may form with that VCS Organisation including serving as a Trustee or Director is my own responsibility.
Signed / Name / Date
Formal Undertakings
Please email it to Sarah Goldsmith and post the signed copy to:
Sarah Goldsmith, Business in the Community, Bush House, 72-74 Prince Street, BristolBS1 4QD
Your point of contact throughout the application process is Sarah Goldsmith 07423450798